Silent Night:
Not breaking with a five year tradition, the terrain-based CTF arena Silent Night is back. Otherwise known as Distant Screams, Silent Night is a fast-paced map taking place in a nameless tundra. Bases are peppered with jetpack style Flight powerup, along with the self-damage reducing Scout rune. Combine the two, and a bit of skill, and you're able to achieve breakneck speed.
Winter's Edge:
Making a return appearance as our annual Holiday Arena in a new and shiny state, Winter's Edge. A port of Quake II's The Edge. Winter's Edge will be to available for a limited time in the standard map pool, and in on our Holiday Servers in both FreezeTag and InstaFreeze variations.
- Restored Attack & Defend flag drops when carriers are fragged.
- Fixed Self Splash Damage applying an incorrect amount of damage.
- Fixed some ruleset issues that were overriding Start a Match settings.
- Fixed missing Sudden Death VO in Round Based games about to end due to timelimit.
- Raised com_maxfps max from 125 to 250, default remains at 125.
- New link to Friends List overlay in the in-game menu, to access friends, chats, invites, and Join Match URL.
- Disallow callvote clientkicking bots from Infected matches, to protect the Mastermind.
- Fixed hit registration on the cg_weaponConfig clear button in in-game Options menu.
- Updated UI to have options for r_lodBias -2, and -1.
- Made r_lodBias CVAR_LIMITED with a range of -2 to 2, keeping the default at 0.
- Remove atmospheric effects option from the Ingame Menu.
- Deprecated screenshotSocial
- Added cvarAdd and cvarMulti to allow modifying cvars by a specific value (eg cvarAdd cg_fov 5 to add 5 to your FOV on every keypress)
Windsong Keep
- Fixed the texturing on three archways.
- Fixed clipping above two archways that were being abused.
- Added an intermission camera.
A FAQ about the transition from browser based to client support provided by id Software was released and is listed below.
Will I have to re-download the game?
For players who already have QUAKE LIVE installed, the transition will be quick. You will download and install a small launcher, and it will update your existing installation files.
Will this affect the subscription service?
No changes to the subscription model are being made at this time.
What will happen to player profiles and match stats?
Player profiles, match stats, clan rosters, and other commonly accessed pages have all been integrated into the standalone client and can be accessed directly in-game without the need of a web-browser. Only the official forum and external links will open in your default web-browser.
Will I keep my player stats?
Yes, player stats will transition along with the standalone version of the game.
Will it still be possible to play through the website?
No, while many of the website functions will remain, the standalone client will replace browser-based play.
What will happen to the website? (www.quakelive.com)
Certain functions will remain available on the website even after the update is released. Players will be able to manage certain account settings, view profiles, manage clans, and even launch Pro matches from any web browser. NOTE: Managing and chatting with friends, viewing the match browser, and joining games will require the game to be open.
When playing in windowed mode, how do I see my friends list?
While in-game, whether you are playing fullscreen or in windowed mode, if you press 'Esc' to access the in-game menu you will find a new 'Friends List' option located on the lower nav, located between 'Leave Match' and "Return to Match'. The new Friends List overlay will allow you to access your friends list, QL Chat, view and issue match invites, as well as obtain a Join Match URL to share with friends so that they may join you in the arena.
Where can I find a list of known issues, or report issues I may experience?
We are currently posting known issues for the QUAKE LIVE installer, launcher, and standalone client in the Standalone Known Issues thread.
Will third-party standalone clients remain compatible?
No, unsupported third-party standalone clients, such as prism-based portal web-browsers, are still dependent on the old plug-in format and will no longer be compatible.
Will there be Mac/Linux support?
We will be unable to support Mac and Linux clients with this transition. While we have reports from our testers that the game works through emulation or virtualization software, we are unable to support native Mac and Linux versions. If you’re using Mac and Linux and have a paid subscription, you will only be able to access the game using emulation or virtualization software.
What if I am a current subscriber and I do not meet the operating system requirements?
Please contact Customer Support, via the Support Link or email [email protected].
Links: Official News post
Edited by wn at 17:49 CST, 17 December 2013 - 223008 Hits