A thread to post any tips on making money, killing players and whatever else maybe worth sharing.

I'll start...

You can sell cars at the various Los Santos Customs for cash, find out which are worth the most and find them if poss. 8k is the max i think, like the range rover and bmw lookalikes. You can sell a car once every game day which is 48 minutes.

Theres a survival mission up near Trevors house that is pretty easy to make alot of money on in a relatively short period of time. Make sure you have 3-4 players and you should easily get to wave 8-10 (20k if you finish wave 10!) Aditional tip for this mission is to stand on the blue bin behind the tall fence to kill the majority of the enemies without threat of being hit, can fit 2
players on it.

With these 2 tips alone you can earn about 50k in an hour