Edited by »bst at 21:32 CDT, 4 October 2013 - 1283662 Hits
if people let me know what the main mouse mats are to test
"Around end of February / early March I reckon, this is my first mouse though so its hard to be really precise at this stage. But as soon as I can give a proper release date I will."
65g too heavy for you?
Weight is really only a factor of how your body tolerates eccentric and concentric stretches.
I know what friction is, obviously this can't be changed
but what you're after really is ease of movement, hence the overcoming of an opposing force with another
Strength or recruitment of neurological components to contract muscles helps by way of isometric and plyometric exercises.
It will give you a larger threshold of force to apply as well as help twitch muscles.
Yes it is more difficult to lighten a mouse, but it's easier to gain strength.
light mouse matters for nimbleness, it increases speed, not about friction.