The announcement of the games selection for the
ESWC 2011 a few weeks ago and for the

IEM 6th season today on
ESL-World both had something sad in common: they don't feature Quake.
In both case there is no explanation given, and another game is more or less taking over the Quake slot:
Counter-Strike: Source in ESWC, and
Leagues of Legends in IEM.
I tried to contact ESWC to get a statement, but I didn't receive any reply so far. On
Carmac's twitter, IEM's manager, it's also hard to see any explanation on this choice.
Quakelive is now left with 3 major LAN organizations: DreamHack, QuakeCon and ASUS.
Update: I finally got a reply from the new Head of Competition of Games Solutions,
Camille Versteeg, mostly known for his work as a CS admin during several tournaments.
"Sorry for replying late, but I'm the new head of competitions at Games Solutions and wanted to clarify the situation of dropping Quakelive as one of our games at the ESWC 2011 event.
ESWC picks it games based on different factors. One of these factors are numbers(mostly generated by the community itself). For example numbers of people subscribing to our website for a certain game, numbers of attendees at previous events, numbers of players/spectators and this year none of our partners showed interest to host a Quakelive qualification. All these numbers and many other factors are taken into account when picking a game. This year we gotten to a point that Quake wasn't viable anymore. The numbers couldn't back up us picking Quakelive. Whether we love the game or not. Dropping Quakelive also has nothing to do with picking up Counter-Strike:Source.
We do understand the disappointment in the community but I think Carmac explained the situation surrounding Quakelive perfectly in his interview
I hope in the future we'll see a new spark in the FPS duel community which will enable us to pick it up again. Remember to register at the website next season to make sure your game gets a chance of getting picked. It does matters.
If there are any other questions. Please let me know.
With kind regards,
~Camille Versteeg"