The team over at have released an interview with Brian "dkt" Flander, with a variety of topics including his upcoming tournament in Germany for the IEM Championships, and joining up with Complexity.
So head on over to the fnatic website to read more!
Source: Interview
What is your goal for this event?
dkt: My goal is to win, always. I've said this before. Is it realistic? I don't see why not. At Qcon 08 I lost to ZeRo4/griffin (2nd/3rd), who was in the finals. At QCon 09 I lost to spart1e twice in 3 maps both sets, who went 3-2 with rapha in the finals. Then I lost to Z4muZ at DreamHack, who was also in the finals there. If you take away my horrible display at Edmonton, I've only lost to people who have been to the finals at all of my Quakelive events. So, if you beat me, chances are you're in the finals =p!
So head on over to the fnatic website to read more!
Source: Interview
Edited by xou at 10:31 CST, 26 February 2010 - 16411 Hits