The government does not need to be in every aspect of your lives. In fact, the government needs to be in almost none of your lives. When you use a system like socialism or communism, and the government fails, you are fucked. If the government becomes tyrannical, you are fucked. Id software says the CPL can't use Quake anymore, the Quake community is fucked. Unfortunately, most Quake players are European socialists. With their total lack of personal control, personal liberty and personal initiative, Quake has all but died, with its only chance of resurrection coming from.... the government, as id software re-releases Quake 3 in the form of Quake Live.

So tell me, honestly, socialists and communists... how do you manage, every day of your lives, to lie down and take it up the ass? I'm only asking because if the United States completely loses its mind, which doesn't seem far off, I might have to learn.

I am not a conservative or a liberal. I am an American - a person of liberty. You don't force anything on me, I won't force anything on you. But I will defend myself in the case you attempt to force something on me, whether it be taxes, unjustifiable punishment, or anything else.