Looking for some advice here.

I made a thread a few months back talking about some video lag problems. Well I changed a few settings (500hz usb overlock and cl_maxpackets 60) that helped mask some things but the overall problem is still there. Right now the biggest thing is that something is preventing me from moving properly within the game. My moment is slow and lacks momentum; it feels almost like I'm running on ice. I slide around the map, I can't strafe jump properly, I can't dodge properly, and my rocket jumps have no height.

The low fps feeling I was experiencing while trying to aim was minimized by using 500 hz on my usb port for my mouse.

Recently, I played late at night at 3-4:30 a.m. All of my problems with aiming and movement, video lag, etc were gone. The game felt totally different..like it used to feel.

This problem is hard to solve because I don't have much to go on besides the feeling of lag and that something is not right. Note that it is not lag in terms of a bad ping or bad fps. It's something else. My fps are 125. I'm using a crt with 120hz. And my ping appears to stay constant. This problem started when I moved cities and started using Comcast internet. Had the exact same set up hardware wise in a different city before with no issues.

Since the move, the game has felt like complete shit. And since these problems go away at 3 am ,I'm thinking it has something to do with comcast internet. Especially since that is the only factor that changed. But how can I fix it or figure out what is happening?

Also, there is a definite problem. Not just some imaginary thing.

Thanks for any help.