Isn't all this Israel shit just about religion? Is no nation willing to sell Israel a plot of land equal to what it currently has? Montana is huge and no one lives there. There's only one resident and he's the governor. What about a nice piece of land in Montana, bordering Idaho? Or how about Australia? It is massive and has a tiny population. I could go there and visit New Israel and eat Matzo thins and it would be good. And if you're next to Idaho, I could just drive over. Would only take a few hours.

It is incredible how no one (not even the U.S., Israel's greatest ally), is willing to sell such a small piece of land, knowing that by doing so, all of this middle-east war/conflict stuff would end. Religion is the only possible way of explaining this nonsense. Jerusalem and all that crap in the Bible is why the land is contested and why politicians use such ridiculous, coercive tactics to validate Israel's 'right to exist'. It's a bunch of bullshit... fuck religion, move to Montana.