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Longest Yard Duel Tournament (6 comments)
Posted by Fi @ 17:00 CDT, 1 November 2012 - iMsg
Longest Yard
Title: Best Longest Yard Player in EU
Prizes: Glory, Honor and Fun
Date and Time: November 25th, 13:00 CET
Number of Entrants: 8 actual, 4 reserve
Sign-up: Post it with your own account in this thread
IRC Channel: #FiDestiny
Structure: Cup Stage
Server Hosts: 1

Top, high, mid and low seeds will be determined by Elo alone. The seeds are then randomly distributed into the cup stage brackets.

Cup Stage
Single elimination. Best of three in quarter, semi and final.

Server Locations (All EU)
DEU, Frankfurt
NLD, Amsterdam
GBR, Maidenhead
FRA, Paris
POL, Warsaw

All participants must sign up in this QL forum thread using their actual playing account.

Server Settings
The game type is Duel, map is Longest Yard. Players start with Gauntlet and Machine Gun. The Rocket Launcher the only weapon on the map.

Demo Recordings
Your POV demos must be recorded and submitted if organizers ask for them.

No Cheating
Cheaters will be banned from QL main site, not just the tournament.

Promotional Videos
The Longest Yard Playlist

The Longest Yard - Final maximzr vs noresz (Part 1)
The Longest Yard - Final maximzr vs noresz (Part 2)
The Longest Yard - Final maximzr vs noresz (Part 3)

Please submit match demos so further VODs can be made to get more people interested.

Practice Servers
EU, somewhere by Fi (22:00 CET, Today, November 01, 2012)
Ask in our IRC channel if you can't host yourself. You should also hang out in our channel if you are interested in practicing this ruleset yourself.

Available Hosts
1. Fi

Actual Players

Reserve Players

Honorable Mentions
Edited by Fi at 17:04 CDT, 1 November 2012 - 2107 Hits
The Blood Run (47 comments)
Posted by Fi @ 14:22 CDT, 6 July 2012 - iMsg
The Blood Run
Title: Best Blood Run Player in EU
Date and Time: July 18th-19th, starting 19:00 CEST
Number of Entrants: 16 actual, 8 reserve
Sign-up: Post it with your own account in this thread before July 17th, 19:00 CEST
IRC Channel: #FiDestiny
Structure: Group Stage, Cup Stage
Server Hosts: 1

Top, high, mid and low seeds will be determined by Elo rating alone. The seeds are then randomly distributed into the group stage.

Group Stage (July 18th, 19:00 CEST)
Four groups of four players each. All vs all in best of one. The two best of each group goes to the cup stage.

Cup Stage (July 19th, 19:00 CEST)
Single elimination. Best of three in quarter, semi and final.

Server Locations (All EU)
DEU, Frankfurt
NLD, Amsterdam
GBR, Maidenhead
FRA, Paris
ESP, Madrid
ITA, Milan
POL, Warsaw
UKR, Kiev
RUS, Moscow

All participants must sign up in this QL forum thread using their actual playing account.

Server Settings
The game type is Duel, the map is Blood Run. Standard setup without callvote.

Players that are more than 5 minutes late will forfeit on walk-over.

Demo Recordings
Your POV demos must be recorded and submitted if organizers ask for them.

No Cheating
Cheaters will be banned from QL main site, not just the tournament.

Promotional Videos
The Blood Run - Practice sk1f vs vendigo (Part 1)
The Blood Run - Practice sk1f vs vendigo (Part 2)
The Blood Run - Practice vendigo vs sk1f (Part 3)

The Blood Run - Practice alfaomega vs balkan
The Blood Run - Practice dhorne vs shoxz
The Blood Run - Practice instructorr vs Whisp
The Blood Run - Practice tyfoon vs THEK1NG
The Blood Run - Practice evil vs str4fe
Please submit match demos so further VODs can be made to get more people interested.

Practice Servers
EU, somewhere by Fi
Ask in our IRC channel if you need any help.

Available Hosts
1. Fi

Actual Players
1737 MaGGoTkil (3)
1679 mrkz (7)
1673 XronDS (9)
1671 T1E (2)
1618 void (4)
1464 r1ot (5)
1434 9237112 (1)
1314 Steetboy (6)
1180 dorax (8)
901 frogfoot (10)
Edited by Fi at 13:24 CDT, 18 July 2012 - 7388 Hits
Zombie Keel Invasion (117 comments)
Posted by Fi @ 11:39 CDT, 13 June 2012 - iMsg
Zombie Keel
seta cg_enemyColor "0x6600BBFF"
seta cg_enemyHeadColor "0x6600BBFF"
seta cg_enemyLowerColor "0x6600BBFF"
seta cg_enemyUpperColor "0x6600BBFF"
seta cg_deadBodyColor "0x220033FF"
Color your Keel zombie purple.

Standard Map Rotation

Reversed Map Rotation

You will figure it out. It's funny... and scary.
Edited by Fi at 13:47 CDT, 13 June 2012 - 40173 Hits
The Longest Yard (86 comments)
Posted by Fi @ 05:52 CDT, 6 June 2012 - iMsg
The Longest Yard
Title: Best Longest Yard Player in EU
Prizes: 1st eu20 by Tehown
Date and Time: June 9th, 13:00 CEST
Number of Entrants: 16 actual, 8 reserve
Sign-up: Post it with your own account in this thread
IRC Channel: #TheLongestYard
Structure: Group Stage, Cup Stage
Server Hosts: 4

Top, high, mid and low seeds will be determined by Elo alone. The seeds are then randomly distributed into the group stage groups.

Group Stage
Four groups of four players each. All vs all in best of one. The two best of each group goes to cup stage.

Cup Stage
Single elimination. Best of three in quarter, semi and final.

Server Locations (All EU)
DEU, Frankfurt
NLD, Amsterdam
GBR, Maidenhead
FRA, Paris
POL, Warsaw


All participants must sign up in this QL forum thread using their actual playing account.

Server Settings
The game type is Duel, map is Longest Yard. Players start with Gauntlet and Machine Gun. The Rocket Launcher the only weapon on the map.

Demo Recordings
Your POV demos must be recorded and submitted if organizers ask for them.

No Cheating
Cheaters will be banned from QL main site, not just the tournament.


Promotional Videos
The Longest Yard - Practice dummii vs JOOLIXOR
The Longest Yard - Practice grafo vs b00bies
The Longest Yard - Practice tehown vs seP
The Longest Yard - Practice PYTON vs sylt

Please submit match demos so further VODs can be made to get more people interested.

Practice Servers
EU, somewhere by Fi (17:00 CEST, Friday, June 08, 2012)
Ask in our IRC channel if you can't host yourself. You should also hang out in our channel if you are interested in practicing this ruleset yourself.


Available Hosts
1. Fi
2. Tehown
3. dem0n
4. Sylt
5. namad
6. Jylex

Actual Players
1. Owen (1)
2. nih1l (2)
3. noresz (3)
4. Jylex (4)
5. Sylt (5)
6. OldSchool (6)
7. namad (7)
8. Tehown (8)
9. dem0n (9)
10. taatoo (10)
11. PiotrC (11)
12. b00bies (12)
13. mazzarini_ (13)
14. Maximzr (14)

Reserve Players

Honorable Mentions
Edited by Fi at 16:48 CDT, 8 June 2012 - 16630 Hits
CQL Ruleset (25 comments)
Posted by Fi @ 11:00 CDT, 31 May 2012 - iMsg
Casual Quake Live Ruleset

Demonstration Videos
Lost World by lawly
Furious Heights by NuDjeflar
Vertical Vengeance by NuDjeflar

Practice Mode Configuration
set timelimit "10"; set fraglimit "50"
set premium "0"
set g_allowSpecVote "1"; set g_voteLimit "1"
set sv_warmupReadyPercentage "0.49"; set g_timeoutCount "0"
set pmove_WeaponDropTime "100"; set g_weaponRespawn "7"
set g_quadDamageFactor "2"; set g_battleSuitDampen "0.5"
set weapon_reload_gauntlet "200"; set g_damage_g "40"
set g_damage_mg "4"; set g_startingAmmo_mg "50"
set g_damage_sg_outer "4"; set g_damage_sg "4"
set g_damage_gl "80"; set g_splashdamage_gl "70"
set g_damage_rl "80"; set g_splashdamage_rl "70"
set g_damage_lg "5"
set g_damage_rg "65"
set g_damage_pg "15"
set g_damage_bfg "65"; set g_splashdamage_bfg "50"
set g_damage_ng "10"
set g_splashdamage_pl "80"
set g_damage_cg" "6"

Start A Match Settings
Normal map rotation

Reversed map rotation

All weapons does 20% less damage. LG and BFG are weakened even further. G is twice as fast. MG starts with 50 bullets. Weapon respawn is slightly longer. Quad Damage and Battle Suit are significantly weaker.

Fights will last longer and precise aiming is important.
Edited by Fi at 16:09 CDT, 31 May 2012 - 3702 Hits
DreamHack Winter 2011 Duel Final VODs (9 comments)
Posted by Fi @ 09:45 CST, 8 December 2011 - iMsg
These are from the DreamHack Winter 2011 Quake Live Duel Tournament.

DHW 2011 Duel Final R1 Toxicity Cypher vs rapha 20111126 Cobalt 01a
DHW 2011 Duel Final R2 Aerowalk Cypher vs rapha 20111126 Cobalt 01a
DHW 2011 Duel Final R3 FuriousHeights Cypher vs rapha 20111126 Cobalt 01a

Cobalt Metal
720p 60fps (emu)
High Quality CFG
Default HUD +stats +vital colors -chat
2911 Hits
#Pro.QL Duel and FFA Tournaments (19 comments)
Posted by Fi @ 03:22 CDT, 20 August 2011 - iMsg

Use our IRC channel #Pro.QL to join our tournaments.

When a tournament starts at 20:00 CEST the !signup and !register ends at 19:30 CEST while !checkin ends at 19:45 CEST. Servers are started at 19:50 CEST and are kept running for the remainder of the tournament. Players start warming up on the servers 19:55 CEST and the actual matches start at 20:00 CEST.

Player to the left is player 1 aka white. Player to the right is player 2 aka black.
Hosting order: Player 1, player 2, public server.
Player 1 picks first map. Player 2 picks second/last map.
Each map won is worth 1/2 points.
Most points after 5 rounds wins the tournament.
Standard players always play Standard maps.

Trusted hosts start the required number of servers.
Players are divided into groups with players of adjacent total score calculated from rounds 1-5 dragging one map behind the latest to reduce waiting.
Highest total score after 7 rounds wins the tournament.

IRC Commands
Applies only to the #Pro.QL channel when Fi2011 is online.

!register USERNAME
Link your IRC nickname to an actual Quake Live player name.

Add your name to the preliminary list of players for a tournament of your choice.

!checkin USERNAME
Perform this before the tournaments starts to be listed as a participant.

!withdraw USERNAME
This can be used to withdraw from an ongoing tournament.

Indicate that you are willing to run a server for a particular event.

USERNAME is the exact actual Quake Live in-game name. Add a * at the end to indicate a Pro subscription or a + to indicate a Premium subscription.
PLAYDAY is the weekday for the tournament.

IRC: Post links to #Pro.QL in populated channels.
In-game: Use key bind to shout links to #Pro.QL on populated servers.
This works because there are at least 100 players out there that are able to play in tournaments at any given night.
Edited by Fi at 07:01 CDT, 29 August 2011 - 5002 Hits
Open FFA on Fridays (17 comments)
Posted by Fi @ 12:11 CDT, 14 August 2011 - iMsg
You remember the good old FFA Tournaments we had before?

The site is down for maintenance during the summer, so we will do this manually.

Join #ffa-clan to register. Just type !register and your exact Quake Live account name in the channel when I am there. Mark your name with an ending * if you are Pro or + if you are Premium. Type !checkin and your exact Quake Live account name right before the tournament and you will be grouped together with the rest of the players in the tournament.

Location: DEU, Frankfurt
Time: 20:00 CEST
Maps: Campgrounds, AlmostLost, HiddenFortress, Retribution, GrimDungeons, Trinity, FuriousHeights

The structure is new this time around, there won't be any eliminations. Everyone plays every round. The further it goes, the more skill balanced the games will become. Basically you play the players that have the closest score to yours. The highest total score over the seven rounds wins the tournament. All the groups and results will be posted on this forum.

Pro players, leave your servers running so the new groups can join them. PM me links and passwords so I can put them in the topics of the channels. Join #Pro.QL so I can reach enough hosts for all the necessary servers.

Upon winning a game in the tournament you have to PM me a link to the match stats so I can hand out points to all the players before the next round starts.
6760 Hits
Tired of being eliminated? (69 comments)
Posted by Fi @ 05:57 CDT, 14 August 2011 - iMsg
There is a tournament structure called Swiss-system that allows everyone to play the same number of rounds against equally performing players.

We play on Mondays at 20:00 CEST at DEU Frankfurt.

The players in the tournament are split into two groups.

Pro Tournament
Requires a Premium or Pro Quake Live subscription.
Maps: Aerowalk, BloodRun, FuriousHeights, Hektik, Toxicity
IRC: #Pro.QL

Open Tournament
Requires a Standard Quake Live account.
Maps: BloodRun, FuriousHeights, HouseOfDecay, LostWorld, VerticalVengeance
IRC: #Open.QL

General Information
Each round consists of two maps. The player to the left, aka player 1 or white picks map first. The player to the right, aka player 2 or black picks the second map. Maps are played in the same order as they are picked. A round can end as a win (1 point) if both maps are won, as a draw (1/2 point) if only one map was won or as a loss (0 points) if no map was won. The player with most points after 5 rounds wins the tournament.

Pro subscribers are asked to host for the top games in the Pro Tournament, while the rest play on public servers. All standard games in the Open Tournament are played on public servers.

Registered Players
Pro Tournament
baker* (baker)
ondus* (ondus)
sharpe* (sharpe)
marty_* (marty__)
r1ot* (s7ickup|r1ot)
ins* (defs|ins)
qwiznip* (qwiznip)
P0PS_+ (PopS)
rehepapp+ (rehepapp)
kinko+ (kinko)

Open Tournament
verro (verro)
CraShiqCZ (CraShiq)
geomatics (qlee`romas)
Skeit34 (Skeit)
verizon (VerizonQL)

Go to either #Pro.QL or #Open.QL channel. Type !register and your exact Quake Live account name. I will manually add you to the corresponding group. The first players to register receive a rating bonus.

QL Forum:
Edited by Fi at 14:19 CDT, 15 August 2011 - 7483 Hits
Pro Duel Tournament (8 comments)
Posted by Fi @ 12:56 CDT, 12 August 2011 - iMsg
Open Duel Tournament

Player Base: Public, open for everyone.
Skill Range: For everyone, from beginner to pro.

Server Location: DEU, Frankfurt.
Account Requirements: Quake Live Pro Subscription.

Structure: Swiss-system tournament, no eliminations. All players plays every round at the same time. Every player plays against a player with the same number of points. Every round consist of a single map chosen from the map pool by the host. Every map won counts as a point. Most points after a predetermined number of rounds wins the tournament. All players are ranked by their total number of points in the tournament.
Map Pool: Aerowalk, Bloodrun, Hektik, FuriousHeights and Toxicity.

Time Frame: Approx 2 hours for 6 rounds.
Player Number: 12-40 preferably, 10-80 possibly.

Site: Full server access has been established.
Chat: #Pro.QL

Registration: Find me in IRC as Fi2011 and report that you would like to participate. Also, you have to state your account name so I can verify that you are a Pro subscriber and thereby include you on the player list.


Further Information

Pairings are generated before every round. Tie-breaks are applied to make the pairing as fair as possible. Everyone should get to host an equal number of times. After a couple of tournaments, it will also be possible to have individual rating for all players. With a rating list in play, the most skill matched games will take place towards the end of the tournament.

The point of the tournament is that you can have more reasonable goals other than winning or being eliminate, compared to other tournaments. You can decide to try to finish in the top half of the player list or at least not at the bottom.

Let's try to start at 20:00 CEST. This could be played tonight, every day or whenever there are enough players for it.

Pro subscription is a must because anyone can and will be asked to host a server in the tournament in any round. An option would be to have someone else host for you, but that privilege must be exclusive to you for the entire tournament and you will still require a Premium subscription because no spectators are allowed except arbiters and casters.
2733 Hits
QuakeCon 2011 Duel Final VODs (31 comments)
Posted by Fi @ 03:14 CDT, 9 August 2011 - iMsg
These are from the QuakeCon 2011 Duel Tournament.

Round 1: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Final R1 Aerowalk strenx vs rapha 20110807 Cobalt 01a
Round 2: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Final R2 FuriousHeights rapha vs strenx 20110807 Cobalt 01a
Round 3: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Final R3 LostWorld rapha vs strenx 20110807 Cobalt 01a
Round 4: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Final R4 Toxicity rapha vs strenx 20110807 Cobalt 01a

Round 1: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Semi R1 LostWorld coolleR vs strenx 20110805 Cobalt 01a
Round 2: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Semi R2 Toxicity strenx vs coolleR 20110805 Cobalt 01a
Round 3: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Semi R3 Aerowalk strenx vs coolleR 20110805 Cobalt 01a

Round 1: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Semi R1 Aerowalk rapha vs czm 20110805 Cobalt 01a
Round 2: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Semi R2 FuriousHeights rapha vs czm 20110805 Cobalt 01a

Round 1: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Bronze R1 LostWorld czm vs coolleR 20110807 Cobalt 01a
Round 2: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Bronze R2 Hektik czm vs coolleR 20110807 Cobalt 01a
Round 3: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Bronze R3 FuriousHeights coolleR vs czm 20110807 Cobalt 01a
Round 4: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Bronze R4 Aerowalk coolleR vs czm 20110807 Cobalt 01a
Round 5: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Bronze R5 Toxicity coolleR vs czm 20110807 Cobalt 01a

Round 1: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Quarter R1 FuriousHeights strenx vs noctis 20110805 Cobalt 01a
Round 2: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Quarter R2 Toxicity strenx vs noctis 20110805 Cobalt 01a

Round 1: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Quarter R1 LostWorld rapha vs Avekkk 20110805 Cobalt 01a
Round 2: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Quarter R2 Toxicity rapha vs Avekkk 20110805 Cobalt 01a

Round 1: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Quarter R1 LostWorld coolleR vs tox 20110805 Cobalt 01a
Round 2: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Quarter R2 FuriousHeights coolleR vs tox 20110805 Cobalt 01a

Round 1: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Quarter R1 Aerowalk czm vs DaHanG 20110805 Cobalt 01a
Round 2: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Quarter R2 FuriousHeights DaHanG vs czm 20110805 Cobalt 01a
Round 3: QuakeCon 2011 Duel Quarter R3 LostWorld czm vs DaHanG 20110805 Cobalt 01a

Cobalt Metal
720p 60fps (emu)
High Quality CFG
Default HUD +stats +vital colors -chat
Edited by Fi at 10:04 CDT, 15 August 2011 - 8769 Hits
5898 Hits
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