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Mouse suggestions? (28 comments)
Posted by dcy @ 06:30 CDT, 18 May 2011 - iMsg
Alright, so i've been playing with Logitech M205 for 2 years now, since my IME 3.0 broke (accidentaly scroll wheel, also left mouse button). I feel like i want to be able to actually shoot and hit where i'm "seemingly" aiming again. Intelli Mouse Explorer 3.0 was by far the most enjoyable mouse i've had (aside from that CABLE and terrible quality). I'd like to get something similar, which wouldn't be hard to acquire/ would have sensible price range and wouldn't fall appart during gaming.

My brother has a Razer Lachesis, stats aside, in my honest opinion it's a terrible mouse.

What about those SteelSeries and Roccat mice?
How are they, and which would you suggest?


Feel free to throw in a mousepad combo which works great with <insert the name of the mouse here>
8344 Hits
Banana split anyone? (2 comments)
Posted by dcy @ 20:04 CDT, 5 May 2011 - iMsg
Mmm, i knew US CPM scene was kinda forsaken, but damn...
Edited by dcy at 20:12 CDT, 5 May 2011 - 3169 Hits
Baby baby baby AAH! (16 comments)
Posted by dcy @ 09:44 CST, 20 February 2011 - iMsg

lol, also, plot? 12 year boy stepping out of a van?
6262 Hits
Back to the stone age! (38 comments)
Posted by dcy @ 21:18 CST, 27 January 2011 - iMsg
11251 Hits
lmao@france (78 comments)
Posted by dcy @ 14:53 CDT, 17 June 2010 - iMsg
Edited by Nukm at 16:33 CDT, 17 June 2010 - 19749 Hits
Origin of your in-game name (163 comments)
Posted by dcy @ 08:30 CDT, 14 June 2010 - iMsg
So where did you get your in-game name youre currently using?
A small story, ill start:

When i moved into a new community a year and a half ago, i needed
a IGN change and since i tend(ed) to suck and get in the way i chose the name "decoy" - A decoy is usually a person, device or event meant as a distraction to conceal what an individual or a group might be looking for. Later i CPMAd it, made it 3 digit.

now contribute.
30967 Hits
Dunno abt u guise... (5 comments)
Posted by dcy @ 03:51 CDT, 1 June 2010 - iMsg
but id hit it

3493 Hits
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