where are the good webdesigners? i mean the ones you can reach somewhere, like online, on irc or something ... it happend to me that i tried to get one for different projects, and the first three denied cos it was too much work for them... then the others just disapeared, and the last two which were supposed to get well payed for it, were not able to finish it in 1 / 2 months. At the end promised to finish the website without getting money for it (cos of the delay), but not even like that... they just start fresh, create a couple of designs from where i choose one which i think is GREAT, and suddenly they tell me they are coding and coding for weeks, and one day they are almost about to finish the coding and then... pang! something happens. Personal stuff, school, university, anything...

Is there a way to get a fucking good webmaster to code a nice website AND finish it? I watch around the clan websites and most of them are damn ugly, is ther a designer out THERE??? a coder ??? HELLO ?? EARTH?

(Note. With all my respect to the good coders, cos i admire ur job and i wish i was able to do the same shit. puspus :x)