The cpma #uscpmpickup Discord Server will be hosting it's first duel cup on Sunday, 16:00 CDT, 18 September 2022, with players being able to check in one hour earlier, at 15:00 CDT. The cup is open to all would be participants, and will feature a blend of maps, old, new, and reskinned. The event will be streamed on twitch twitch.

To register, please join the cpma #uscpmpickup Discord Server, and give yourself the CPM Duel Cup Participant role but clicking the register button in the announcements channel or by requesting the role from an administrator.

With this tournament we will be able to crown the Number One on the server, and this player will be the undisputed best player. Only the winner of future tournaments will be able to challenge the Number One in special face off, the winner of which will either maintain or gain the Number One position.

Links: cpma uscpmpickup Discord Server, twitch Stream, challonge Bracket