Hello all My name is Richard and I am currently a PhD student at the University of Salford. My research focuses on eSport, its players, the metagame and its wider community.

The following criteria is preferable but not essential for this survey. • You must be either currently active within eSports or have played in competitions within the last year • To have an association with eSport players, teams or casters • To have an in-depth knowledge of the wider Metagame culture • Will be accessible, and open to an array of eSport and culture questions, these themes will relate solely to eSports and video game culture nothing personal or confidently will be asked. • Teams, solely, mobile, console and PC players are welcome

Please note you must be over the age of 18 to take part and your participation is voluntary; with no incentive for participating. (However there is a prize draw for three $50 gift cards for XBL or PSN or Steam, entry requires an email)

The online questionnaire will ensure privacy by not requesting any private information, although, at the end of the questionnaire an email address can be left for follow-up interviews.

The online questionnaire will give a unique reference number and this is the only way each entry can be recognized; however, it is hoped participates will wish to participate in the associated interviews, in which case name and contact details will be recorded on a secure computer.

All information will be considered confidential and will only be used for this project. All information will be destroyed once this project is completed.

All information provided will be kept confidential, and will solely be used by the researcher, for the purpose of this project. The final written project will not include any names; it will only feature data analysis on a broad scale. All of the above ensures that personal details remain anonymous in the finished work.

Contact for further information Email: [email protected]

Thank you for your time and forthcoming participation (I hope) in this research project!

link to survey - https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/DTCDHHV