Event: 125 FPS

Schedule: Passed
The 125 FPS QuakeLive Duel Duel Season#33 Final (Nov-Dec 2016), will take place this weekend. Season#33 includes 6 SundayCups and two final days - 17 and 18 December.
17 Dec 18:00MSK - Group Stage, 2 groups (8 players) BO3 (mappick rule ++-----+)
10:00 CDT Group A:

~11:30 CDT Group B:

18 Dec 18:00MSK - top4 final playoff


final <><> BO7
! Unfortunatly we have not enough money for our traditional 30K RUB season final prizepool this time (, and for this moment we can spend only 11K - all we have right now. If you guys can increase this sum a bit - pls do it, donate link you can find below. TY anyway.
Bracket for two stages
When: 17-18 Dec 2016, 10:00 CDT (18:00 MSK)
MapPool: Sinister, Furious Heights, Aerowalk, Cure, LostWorld,Dismemberment and Silence
Mapchoice - for groups stage BO3 + + - - - - + ; for playoff BO5 + + - - + + + ; for final BO7 (looser picks next map)
PrizePool: 23'000 RUB for season final (10K+5K+2K*2+1K*4)
Donate: 125FPS Donate link.

Links: Season#33 page, Event Rules, Web chat, 125FPS Balance 2015-2016
Edited by Nico_QD at 12:51 CST, 17 December 2016 - 38172 Hits