00:09 Intro
00:37 Is LoL far and away the biggest esports game? Does it have a firm grasp on that spot?
02:14 The impossibilty of predicting the lifespan of games and which the next big game will be.
03:18 Why did Blizzard not monetize Dota itself back in the day?
04:56 The issue of LCS/LoL region-locking and preventing more than one major international tournament per year.
07:48 The increasing amount of offline events for Dota2.
09:20 Since LCS does such great numbers, where does Dota2 fit in in terms of co-existing?
11:40 Was it a mistake to keep Dota2 in beta for so long?
12:59 Does riot think "we know best" in terms of developing esports?
14:42 The issue of pro players/teams outside of LCS in LoL.
19:11 Which of these directions is most likely: a tournament like IEM just switches to another game, to be the big tournament for that game, or they just become a sub-vehicle of riot's LoL plan?
22:51 Why tournaments that had LoL taken from then didn't just pick up Dota2.
26:44 The conspiracy theory of Riot stopping organisers hosting other MOBA/ARTS games if they will be hosting LoL tournaments.
29:04 Doesn't the game developers taking direct control of the esports side, like with Riot's LCS, mean when those games die off that the previously built up esports infrastructure will have withered away?
33:32 The much vaunted "narrative" aspect of leagues like LCS perhaps not being as good as a full circit of events.
41:57 The issue of games becoming esports games purely off viewing figures/playerbase.
49:18 Why Na`Vi and Alliance had never met offline until TI3.
52:05 The lack of Koreans in Dota2, will they be the best if they dedicate themselves?
56:56 The problem of Reborn not having emerged at all yet, after one year of talking about it.
1:05:37 A hypothetical where he has to pick esports players from non-MOBA/ARTS games who he thinks would be good in a MOBA/ARTS game.
1:09:44 Final words/Outro.
00:37 Is LoL far and away the biggest esports game? Does it have a firm grasp on that spot?
02:14 The impossibilty of predicting the lifespan of games and which the next big game will be.
03:18 Why did Blizzard not monetize Dota itself back in the day?
04:56 The issue of LCS/LoL region-locking and preventing more than one major international tournament per year.
07:48 The increasing amount of offline events for Dota2.
09:20 Since LCS does such great numbers, where does Dota2 fit in in terms of co-existing?
11:40 Was it a mistake to keep Dota2 in beta for so long?
12:59 Does riot think "we know best" in terms of developing esports?
14:42 The issue of pro players/teams outside of LCS in LoL.
19:11 Which of these directions is most likely: a tournament like IEM just switches to another game, to be the big tournament for that game, or they just become a sub-vehicle of riot's LoL plan?
22:51 Why tournaments that had LoL taken from then didn't just pick up Dota2.
26:44 The conspiracy theory of Riot stopping organisers hosting other MOBA/ARTS games if they will be hosting LoL tournaments.
29:04 Doesn't the game developers taking direct control of the esports side, like with Riot's LCS, mean when those games die off that the previously built up esports infrastructure will have withered away?
33:32 The much vaunted "narrative" aspect of leagues like LCS perhaps not being as good as a full circit of events.
41:57 The issue of games becoming esports games purely off viewing figures/playerbase.
49:18 Why Na`Vi and Alliance had never met offline until TI3.
52:05 The lack of Koreans in Dota2, will they be the best if they dedicate themselves?
56:56 The problem of Reborn not having emerged at all yet, after one year of talking about it.
1:05:37 A hypothetical where he has to pick esports players from non-MOBA/ARTS games who he thinks would be good in a MOBA/ARTS game.
1:09:44 Final words/Outro.
2GD talks about Reborn at 56m56s.
Edited by xou at 10:09 CDT, 10 September 2013 - 46862 Hits