Dear ESR,

My boss only comes into the office once or twice a year.. and hes coming in tomorrow. I made a pretty big cock up at work today and he yelled at me on the phone, I nearly hung up on him mid yell but didn't, man I was close? I haven't been yelled at since primary school.

Do I :

a) Call in sick tomorrow (very obvious, I kinda have to be at work tomorrow..)
b) Come to work, get yelled at in face this time and either:

b.1) not take his shit and walk out
b.2) take his shit and keep my job

Suggestions welcome!

disclaimer: not going to work is not an option


Only joking..

Moaned at me for about 5mins about why he was pissed off, still got my job.. and he's gone to visit more customers... I hope to god (cooller) all the addresses are ok :)