Suggested features found in CPMA but not in QLive

Hi Devs,
Please consider introducing these features. All were available in CPMA for years and worked well. I played CPMA for 10 years before QLive and can testify to their utility.
Only the final suggestion was absent although it was suggested at in the CPMA documentation.

1) On the scoreboard damage given/taken in green/red instead of total dmg only.
much more informative than total dmg only. especially when new players join team.

2) In stats, total shots fired not just accuracy which is useless on its own. That way you can tell if that 60% LG is pro aim / bot! or a statistical flash in the pan.

3) Introduce the remove command (kick should be used for disruptive / abusive players only). Remove forces players to spec. Especially useful when you want players to join in teams. Kick just alienates players needlessly. Callvote remove (Player ID)

5) Maplist command which is a list of votable maps (set by admin)

6) Mapsize - maximum number of players allowed on that map (set by admin)

7) Establish a relationship between the teamsize variable and the map selected. For example if we have teamsize 5 (10 players potentially) then they are unable to select a map that is too small to accomodate them.
For example If teamsize > mapsize then map cannot be voted for and is removed from rotation and cant be voted.
Feedback appreciated.
CaTfOoD aka BarryBumCheeks