Elimination Gaming will be holding an eastern/central US 4v4 clan arena tournament in early 2015, with the winning 4 person team receiving $50 per person via paypal. There will be no entry fee.

The rules will be further developed and posted online in advance of the tournament, but the basics are: (i) each participant must supply their demo of the match, no demo = forfeit; and (ii) participating accounts will be subject to some minimum age/game play time, but it will be kept reasonable.

Currently evaluating whether enough teams will sign up. As long as we get a minimum of 4 we'll go live with a website and run the tournament, although would prefer 8 or more. If your clan is interested in participating, please email us at [email protected]. Fine if a clan wants to field more than 1 team, but if team is limited to 4 members, no subs.