Hello there,

So basically, I'm a fingertip gripper.

I more or less love the shape of the kinzu v2 pro.

It's not exactly comfortable, but it is naturalish and I rarely ever get pinky finger cramp.

The trouble with this mouse, is mainly the low malfunction speed, and the meh switches.

I bought a zowie fk to try, and it's a very good mouse overall - the sensor is excellent, the mouse wheel is tactile and manageable (not a main consideration of mine though), the feet are excellent but there's one thing that I cannot get comfortable with after having it for four months or so.

It's the shape, it's simply not as comfortable and useable as the kinzu.
I think it's mainly due to the reduced weight of the kinzu and the smaller size (allowing for greater movement with just my wrist and hand). Also, another main problem of the FK is that I'm never really sure where to put my little finger (pinky). I feel as if sometimes I have to consciously have my hand gripping the mouse above the bottom of it, so that my hand doesn't touch the mouse pad.

I don't exactly notice the weight on the FK being a problem, but I the little finger thing really annoys me.

I'm considering doing something like this: http://www.overclock.net/t/1421596/kinzufied-my-zowie-fk

But, are there any mouse that you'd recommend?
One that is, comfortable for fingertip grippers, has a good sensor, no acceleration, tracks on a QCK, and possibly has a little finger rest.

What about the SteelSeries Rival?

Thanks all!