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airfix (26 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 11:29 CDT, 16 August 2011 - iMsg
anyone ever put together a real mean model with tweezers that dont
have big bubbles of glue on most of the parts, and transfers that are complete and not torn and parts missing

sundays with ya dad, and some stupid ass model, might buy 1 looking back on how fucking crap they all were
Edited by p0rt at 11:33 CDT, 16 August 2011 - 4352 Hits
MORE Q43A : #19.8 PATCH 3 DEV RELEASED (8 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 10:20 CDT, 16 August 2011 - iMsg
patch 2 can be now downloaded on moddb : probaly the last until next year, unless you all make a list if you find any...........

patch to fix, tweak and clean up dodge jumping and bunny hopping code and allow for more control with higher player run speeds, and make water physics abit more realisitic hide detail -

changelog #19.8 PATCH 2
fixes fire effect not playing centered on entity when "onFire" or "onFireChance" are set in def file

renames cvar g_strafeScale -> g_dodgeScale
renames cvar g_strafeAirLimit -> g_dodgeAirLimit

changes default sp/mp map gravity from 1066->966
changes player physics while in water with a few tweak and movement speed linked to water density
changes air dodge jump being scaled down too much
changes g_dodgeScale default value -> 2.86
changes g_hopScale default value -> 1.218

cleans up bunnyhop/dodge jumping code to be more controlable with higher player run speeds

changelog #19.8 PATCH 1
fixes game crash when restoring from saved games
fixes no hud in MP games


g_dodgeScale - size of dodge jumps
g_dodgeAirLimit - jumps in a row while in the air, before you drop to the ground
g_hopScale - size of bunnyhops

cvars can be added to server config, bunny hops and dodge jumps are done server side, they dont need to be in server info cvars

new bunny hop code makes it easier to maintain speed going around bends and 90 degree corners

download patch 2 for Q43A #19.8 :
Edited by p0rt at 20:06 CDT, 17 August 2011 - 4209 Hits
Posted by p0rt @ 15:01 CDT, 9 August 2011 - iMsg
nothing much else happening with anything

put together a pk4 with all the files that need to be edited to make custom player model for use in Q43A

put the pk4 in the Q43A folder and it will add a pro marine red model to the game

straight forward

>make model mesh
>make model head mesh
>make skin
>change the entity /def file and rename to your model name
>tweak models/weapons/ meshes to match what the arms on the full model look like, and make a skin to match, rename meshes and set in the entity /def file and the same for the skin

you will probaly need anosoft tool to make lipsync vismes for custom voice taunts and pain sounds set in the entity /def file
Edited by p0rt at 21:31 CDT, 10 August 2011 - 5884 Hits
14 free landline phone ring ringtones (5 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 05:52 CDT, 1 August 2011 - iMsg
uploaded my phone ringing ring tones made in fruity, make your phone a phone with, will work in all phones that allow for mp3 ringtones

download and bluetooth to phone and set as ringtone or msg beep

or if you sitting in a posh little office, you can download them
Edited by p0rt at 15:51 CDT, 8 August 2011 - 5759 Hits
the whole world on summer holiday (13 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 18:48 CDT, 30 July 2011 - iMsg
everything is dead except for south of france
3267 Hits
SE W995 CELL (1 comment)
Posted by p0rt @ 20:21 CDT, 29 July 2011 - iMsg
anyone else have w995, the drivers are crapped on XP and makes windows get stuck in an eternal loop scanning for new hardware, even when your phone is connected and fully working

makes you drive sound like your running defrag

the only way pc suite 5 works is if you boot your pc with the phone plugged in, but windows will still always can for new hardware

£220 for nothing, get 1 off ebay for £45-55
Edited by p0rt at 05:49 CDT, 1 August 2011 - 1538 Hits
nvidia duel view (10 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 21:48 CDT, 7 July 2011 - iMsg
whats up this and newish drivers, was using 170s and upgraded them to 270

set duel view to clone your desktop, and desktop is 1600x1200, and cant set a independent hdmi resolution for the tv of 1920x1080 that will fit the whole desktop on the screen, the tv desktop ends up having to be scrolled around
3423 Hits
the dark spaceship on google earth (18 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 17:07 CDT, 7 July 2011 - iMsg
things been rattling around the skies alnight again

better sound track
Edited by p0rt at 17:08 CDT, 7 July 2011 - 4112 Hits
another f2p MMO whatever (9 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 17:02 CDT, 7 July 2011 - iMsg
kind of like star trek
2984 Hits
Q43A BUILD #19.8 DOWNLOAD LINKS (7 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 09:23 CDT, 6 July 2011 - iMsg
download full releases and any patches on moddb ->

you can download #19.8 +patch 1 as a single pack ->;119672

you can download #19.8 +patch 1 as a single pack ->

you can play it at quakecon and run you own servers on windows or linux, or just play single player/multiplayer or act as a listen server with the download of Q43A, the mod is all in 1, both windows and linux drivers will do them all
Edited by p0rt at 19:10 CDT, 15 August 2011 - 3334 Hits
DUBSTEP (92 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 13:29 CDT, 4 July 2011 - iMsg
post up some grimey tuneage mans be smoking weed too and seeing puma/pantha/madkatz shadows stalking the city streetz

Edited by p0rt at 13:30 CDT, 4 July 2011 - 16291 Hits
crisis 2 DX 11 (36 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 19:14 CDT, 1 July 2011 - iMsg
is it a crock of shit, or just the same as bump mapping on all textures in idtech 8 years ago
2994 Hits
Q43A WIN/LINUX #19.7 RELEASE (47 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 12:45 CDT, 12 June 2011 - iMsg
- Q43A BUILD #19.7 win32/linux - p0rt

description :

requires quake 4 with point release 1.4.2 installed.

Q43A mod fixes many if not all glitches and bugs known in quake`s 4 gameplay and existing mods, adds all the missing features that were in quake 3 arena and replaces entity netcode to improove performance and reduce the bandwidth only running the code thats needed on the server or client. for both SP and MP

installation :

for windows : put the q43a folder in the main quake4 folder : drivepath/quake4/q43a/
for linux : download the linux 1.3 -> 1.4.2 update patch and install it, then copy all 1.4.2 q4base/*.pk4 files from your windows install, put the q43a folder in the main quake4 folder : drivepath/quake4/q43a/ | if you only have the quake 4 dvd, reinstall the patch after you have copied all the pk4 files into the q4base folder and will need the 1.0->1.4.2 linux patch

configuration :

1>load quake4 and load Q43A using the mod menu in the bottom left corner of the main menu of Quake 4

for windows : make a new shortcut to quake4.exe and use cmd : quake4.exe +set fs_game q43a
for linux : open a terminal in the quake 4 folder and cmd : ./quake4 +set fs_game q43a : if quake 4 is installed in /usr/local/games/ add sudo before ./ | if quake 4 is installed in /home/*/games/ chown -hR quake4/

starting single player :

load Q43A and click on "new game" button on the main menu

starting listen servers :

delete addon.conf out of the q4base/q4cmp_pak001.pk4, all map info has been added to the q43a_txt.pk4/def/maps.def file

load Q43A and configure a server in the main menu, and make sure it is`nt dedicated, and click on "create server" button

starting dedicated server :

delete addon.conf out of the q4base/q4cmp_pak001.pk4, all map info has been added to the q43a_txt.pk4/def/maps.def file

1>load Q43A and configure a server in the main menu, and make sure it is dedicated, and click on "create server" button

or rename the quake4/q43a/server_autoexec.cfg to autoexec.cfg
for windows : make a new shortcut to quake4ded.exe and cmd : quake4ded.exe +set fs_game q43a
for linux : open a terminal in the quake 4 folder and cmd : ./quake4-dedicated +set fs_game q43a : if quake 4 is installed in /usr/local/games/ add sudo before ./ | if quake 4 is installed in /home/*/games/ chown -hR quake4/

- gameTypes

normal : dm, tdm, tourney, ctf, arena ctf, deadzone ganetypes

and new MP gametypes :

gameType Reactor : like UT onslaught. kill a reactor. with team health regen in proximity to own reactor. with reactor health regen too. 2 team points everytime reactor health reactors <=25% of maxHealth.

gameType Last Man Standing : set amount of respawns/lives alowed, when all used up. player is forced as a spectator with or without server allowing them. until the next game starts. which is whenever only 1 player has respawns remaining, need to use si_useready

gameType Invisibility : standard deathmatch. with infinate invisibility, bind impulse_50 to flick on/off

gameType Duel :

>if si_maxplayers is set to 2, bing impulse_26 to conced a match
>more air move allowed
>timelimit games only

- single/multiplayer game modes :

Adds : manual weapon zoom. use forward/back buttons to zoom in and out
Adds : projectile flares, default : charged blaster
Adds : projectile tripbombs, default : grenade launcher
Adds : flamethrowers, default : gev
Adds : guide projectiles from projectile point of view with own hud, default : nalpalm gun
Adds : playerview bloodsplashes/sprays
Adds : weapons can have a pre muzzle flash effect that plays when weapon is idle
Adds : vehicle positions can be set to thirdperson view within def file
Adds : 3rd person death when player is dead
Adds : full headshots : mp announcer will play sound announce_headshot
Adds : bind _impulse23 to toggle invisibility in sp and mp gametype invisibility
Adds : new machinegun fire sound
Adds : material specific footstep sounds, for most materialTypes : concrete, hollowmetal, snow etc
Adds : full usuable water with func_liquid, with colorization of projectiles going into and exiting liquid pools
Adds : projectile charge before weapon discharge to all weapons, add key "chargetime" to the projectiles entitydef /n seconds, default weapon charged projectiles :

alternative blaster = flare 1.6 seconds
alternative grenade launcher = tripbomb 2.6 seconds
alternative nalpalm = guide projectile from POV 1.4 seconds

Changes : all weapons can use class idGuidedProjectile as a projectile spawnclass
Changes : each vehicle position uses its own hud setting in def file for multiple driver postitions
Changes : all weapon damage, ai and effects for a better looking and interesting game
Changes : new physics for moveables and vehicles, and player tweaks
Changes : vehicles kick players out when flipped and no longer eject players into the sky
Changes : better muzzle kicks on all weapons
Changes : press jump to enter/exit vehicles
Changes : hitscans no longer exist. MG/RG/LG/[bullet] weapons now use class idHitscanProjectile
Changes : all sound volumeDB, min/maxDistance on most of the sound files, for a balanced game
Changes : all menu default crosshair colors to be 0.7 alpha/transparent
Changes : SP and MP gravity, both gametypes uses the same default world gravity setting of 1066 [normal SP gravity]

Fixes : gibs use burn away effect instead of just being removed
Fixes : mapdef file worldspawn "gravity" key, to allow map to have and use a custom gravity level
Fixes : 1000s of small things

- singleplayer game mode :

Adds : team ai will stay a set distance from you when in attack mode
Adds : ai deaths will be random animations. or burst into fire if cvar g_burnholysin = 1
Adds : random voice taunts from self to strogg
Adds : view from ai killer with pm_aideathview, with each model having its own hud/gui to view from when player is dead
Adds : operating system clock to the top right corner of the ingame hud
Adds : full usable game pause binding _impulse25
Adds : map list to main menu/single player

- multiplayer game mode :

Adds : 100% new netcode thats specific to dedicated/listen servers, and clients, which gives you lower cpu usage on both servers and clients
Adds : 3 new gametypes : reactor, last man standing, invisibility
Adds : server side : full respawnable free for all and team vehicles , should allow multiple passenger positions, with each position using its own seperate hud
Adds : server side : all players view frag leader when game ends
Adds : server side : all players view winning team base when game ends in team games
Adds : multiple new ways of starting games, standard warm up/ready up, force ready up with countdown, use a timed warmup cowntdown
Adds : instaGib enabled using cvar si_instaGib
Adds : new god powerup : max health/armour, run faster, jump higher, and immortality
Adds : extra player models
Adds : server side : sfx groundshake/nightemare etc effects
Adds : server side : full flashlights for weapons/vehicles using models and on/off button and weapon animation
Adds : server side : guided/projectile point of view guideded projectiles
Adds : client side : model specific lipsynced voice taunts for each player model

key bind _impulse_60-64 to play mp voice taunts 1->5

Adds : hud ammo clipsizes for all weapons that use them
Adds : 25secs warning beep to mp game time limit hit
Adds : custom damage sets for mp games, all damagedef are read from 1 file, and set in server config using si_damageset
Adds : si_rmapCycle to randomize server map list, without having to setup a si_mapCycle .scriptcfg file
Adds : player in/out teleport sounds
Adds : player model specific arm skins and model set in the models entitydef
Adds : end of games will now show "next match begins in [si_gameReviewPause]" on the game review pause summary/score screen
Adds : dodge jumping :

bind _impulse41 to strafe jump left
bind _impulse42 to strafe jump right

Adds : strafe jumping/bunny hopping
Adds : new custom hud template, to use ingame drop the console on the mainmenu and type : g_customhud guis/custom_hud.gui
Adds : projectile teleporting for rockets/grenades/blaster/dmg
Adds : all new ingame MP menu [press ESC]
Adds : domination time to non team games [ when in lead, times in seconds is added to domination time ]
Adds : team domination time to MP team games [ when in lead, times in seconds is added to domination time ]
Adds : MP game pause, only on listenservers, dedicated server uses its own game time and frame number and is in the engine : cmd : bind p _impulse25, and press p to pause game

Changes : powerup pickups, player can now only pickup 1 powerup at a time

removes server config cvars si_useReady/si_warmup/si_useCountdown : replaces them with cvar si_preGame //0-start game,1-use ready,2-use warmup,3-use countdown

- new cmd list

Adds : screenshotmode //enable noclip and hide player hud and weapons to make level load sceenshots with ease

- cvar list

- sp/mp game :

Adds : pm_dropWeapons //replaces player def files "nodrop" for SP games, does`nt do nothing, just looks good in thirdperson death
Adds : pm_thirdpersonCrosshair //show crosshair in thirdperson view
Adds : pm_instaGib //insta for singleplayer
Adds : pm_dropPowerups //drop powerups when killed for SP games, powerups nothing fully usable yet
Adds : pm_thirdpersonCrosshair //show crosshair, def file overrides this
Adds : pm_thirdpersonVehicleRange //eye distance from driver position, def file overrides this
Adds : pm_thirdpersonVehicleHeight //eye height from driver position, def file overrides this
Adds : pm_aiDeathView //view from killer AI when dead
Adds : pm_aiDeathViewRandom //chance in %n, >= 2, to view from killer AI pov

- user info :

Adds : ui_zoomtype //0 = manual, 1 = auto. for multiplayer

- ai :

Adds : ai_fovDegrees //replaces ai def files "fov", use overrideFOV in def files

- sp/mp game :

Adds : g_brass //show weapon eject brass, restoring from saved games will have no FX if enabled
Adds : g_burnaway //remove ai ragdolls in SP
Adds : g_gibHealth //health below 0. for gibs if projectile allows gibs
Adds : g_respawnDelay //time player respawns after death. replaces respawn_delay in player def file
Adds : g_voiceTaunts //enable voice taunts in game. 1 in 24 chance of player/ai saying something after kill with "snd_taunt" in def file in SP
Adds : g_fadeDeath //fade screen to black when dead in SP
Adds : g_regidDead //keep actors solid when dead in SP
Adds : g_bloodSpray //bloodspray vision on hud
Adds : g_teamDamage //team damage mode in SP
Adds : g_voiceFriendlyFireChance //chance of friendly fire lipsync/sound in SP
Adds : g_zoomtype //0 = manual, 1 = auto. for SP
Adds : g_weaponHitbeep //to play g_weaponHitbeepSND when weapon shots hit enemies
Adds : g_spectateHudfx //0 = off, 1 = monitor fx, 2 = monitor fx + broken glass in MP
Adds : g_showPing //always show ping on the mp hud
Adds : g_customHud //overrides default hud 'guis/customhud.gui' in SP/NP/TEAM MP
Adds : g_timeLimitWarningMP //seconds to play time limit countdown warning, 0 to disable
Adds : g_noWeaponRecoil //stop weapon recoil view effect when firing weapons
Adds : g_showZoomHud //hide/show weapons hud when zooming
Adds : g_strafeScale //for dodge jump scale
Adds : g_strafeAirLimit //maximum air dodge jumps
Adds : g_hopScale //bunnyhop scale for strafe jumping

- server config :

Adds : si_allowPause //allow players to pause the game
Adds : si_alternativeFire //alternative weapon fire, not including zoom
Adds : si_voiceTaunts //enable voice taunts
Adds : si_vehicleRespawn //respawn vehicles
Adds : si_vehicleRespawnTime //time to vehicle respawn death
Adds : si_vehicleTimeToRespawn //actual time to vehicle respawn after death
Adds : si_vehicleSteal //allow enemy team to steal vehicle until vehicle death
Adds : si_playerViewEffects //enables player hud bloodsplashes, double/tunnel/shake vision
Adds : si_burnholysin //same as g_burnholysin, doesnt do much in MP but waste a few packets
Adds : si_dropWeapons //drop weapons when killed
Adds : si_dropPowerups //drop powerups when killed
Adds : si_gameReviewSpectate //force players to spectate when game ends
Adds : si_gameForceReady //force player ready when game ends
Adds : si_gameReviewPause //scores review time in seconds (at end game)
Adds : si_tournamentmode //to quickly disable. projectile impacts, hud bloodsplashes, flashlights, player view effects, voice taunts. enables instantrespawns, broadcasts all footstep/jump and item/weapon pictup sounds to all clients, disables weapon impact_fx/wall decals
Adds : si_playerAir //how long in seconds the player can go without air before he starts taking damage, when under water or in vacuums
Adds : si_preGame //Pre Game Mode : 0 stsrt game, 1 ready up, 2 warmup, 3 countdown
Adds : si_damageSet //name of damageset to use
Adds : si_instaGib //instaGib for all projectile impacts
Adds : si_instantRespawns //respawn instantly when killed
Adds : si_invisPowerups //allow powerups in invisibility gametype
Adds : si_KillReturnsCTF //return flag when carrier has been killed
Adds : si_lmsRespawns //player respawn limit in last man standing (LMS) gametype
Adds : si_message //custom MOTD for the chatbox, and shown every 'si_message_time' minutes
Adds : si_message_time //time in minutes for 'si_message' to be shown
Adds : si_flashlights //allow weapon and vehicle flashlights
Adds : si_PlayerRunSpeed //player run speed
Adds : si_PlayerRunSpeedCTF //player run speed for CTF games
Adds : si_PlayerRunSpeedDUEL //player run speed for DUEL games
Adds : si_PlayerWalkSpeed //player walk speed
Adds : si_PlayerCrouchSpeed //player crouch speed
Adds : si_ReactorPlayerRegenRate //time in seconds to fully regen same player health when in teams reactor 'radius'
Adds : si_ReactorRegenRate //time in seconds to full regen reactors health
Adds : si_ReactorRegenWait //time in seconds to wait after last damage, before starting to regen health
Adds : si_rmapcycle //enable random map cycle, server will auto select a working gametype map and start the next game/match
Adds : si_rocketjumpPower //rocket jump power
Adds : si_rocketjumps //allow rocket jumps
Adds : si_teamName0 //custom team name for marine team
Adds : si_teamName1 //custom team name for strogg team
Adds : si_useCountdown //use pre-game si_countdown to start games, [warmup/readyup]

- func_liquid

allows for full swimmable liquid using func_liquid to be added to both SP and MP maps, with full colorization of projectile and effects that pass through liquid

changelog #19.6 -> #19.7

fixes cvar g_playerlean
fixes game crash when stopping recoding of a net demo when acting as a listenserver, screen is black when playing back, the engine is bollox and doesnt set them up the same as demos recorded on a dedicated server
fixes double impact fall damage
fixes player legs not moving when pushing moveables
fixes health and armor not being updated when playing back netdemos
fixes CTF flag being removed from player at the end of game and in area view of team winning base
fixes CTF flag not being dropped when carrier goes into spectating mode
fixes ammo regen not giving player any ammo
fixes all of the buy item menu system when buying is enabled on a server in MP games
fixes MP player model settings being used in SP games
fixes AI all bursting into flames when killed in SP games
fixes napalm gun not having a view model when strogged in SP games
fixes players remaining in spectator mode after a sudden death restart
fixes pickup respawn sound being heard when player is anywhere in the map
fixes player respawn/teleport sound being heard when player is anywhere in the map
fixes linux driver shutting server or client down on startup, so you nolonger need to use wine :

for SP/MP/listen servers - open a terminal and do :
./quake4 +set fs_game q43a

to run a dedicated server, gointo the q43a folder and rename server_autoexec.cfg to autoexec.cfg - open a terminal and do :
./quake4-dedicated +set fs_game q43a

adds team domination time to MP team games
adds cvar g_autoRecordMpDemos //automatically start recoding a netdemo from game start to end of game review start
adds MP moveables now pushable
adds MP game pause, only on listenservers, dedicated server uses its own game time and frame number and is in the engine : cmd : bind p _impulse25, and press p to pause game
adds water splash when falling into liquid pools
adds projectile charge before weapon discharge to all weapons, add key chargetime to the projectiles entitydef /n seconds, default weapon charged projectiles :

alternative blaster = flare 1.6 seconds
alternative grenade launcher = tripbomb 2.6 seconds
alternative nalpalm = guide projectile from POV 1.4 seconds

adds single player map list to main menu/single player
adds pause game key bind control to main menu/settings/controls
adds mouse controls to main menu/settings/controls
adds dodge jump left/right key bind controls to main menu/settings/controls/movement
adds dodge jump left/right key bind controls to main menu/settings/controls/movement
adds say voice taunt 1 key bind controls to main menu/settings/controls/attack
adds say voice taunt 2 key bind controls to main menu/settings/controls/attack
adds say voice taunt 3 key bind controls to main menu/settings/controls/attack
adds say voice taunt 4 key bind controls to main menu/settings/controls/attack
adds say voice taunt 5 key bind controls to main menu/settings/controls/attack
adds conced duel match key bind controls to main menu/settings
adds drop CTF flag key bind controls to main menu/settings/controls/other
adds music/voice volume controls to main menu/settings/system options
adds third person death control to main menu/settings/game options
adds weapon recoil control to main menu/settings/game options
adds view death from attack [sp] control to main menu/settings/game options
adds zoom type [sp] control to main menu/settings/game options
adds show zoom hud control to main menu/settings/game options
adds show system clock control to main menu/settings/game options
adds net demo menu list to menu menu/muliplayer/
adds many cvars to menu menu/muliplayer/create server
adds auto record net demo`s control to main menu/multiplayer/control
adds simple items control to main menu/multiplayer/control
adds zoom type [mp] control to main menu/multiplayer/control
adds time limit warning beep control to main menu/multiplayer/control
adds weapon hit beep control to main menu/multiplayer/control
adds player shadows control to main menu/multiplayer/control
adds pickup shadows control to main menu/multiplayer/control
adds custom hud control to main menu/multiplayer/control
adds show ping control to main menu/multiplayer/control
adds spectator hud fx control to main menu/multiplayer/control
adds a whole new ingame MP main menu [press esc="yes"]

changes water splash effects
changes g_customhud cvar, custom hud now only set in MP games
changes si_message cvar, message is no longer shown in chatbox, now it is
shown on the ingame MP menu on the server info page
change all fall damage deltas for MP games, no you can drop from higher ledges without damage or being gibbed
changes projectiles, projectile path will nolonger be offset when shooting into liquid pools

removes cvars si_useReady/si_warmup/si_useCountdown : replaces them with cvar si_preGame //0-start game,1-use ready,2-use warmup,3-use countdown

dropped weapons will have current ammoclip set as pickup_ammo, and the player who picks up the weapon should have the clipsize the player who dropped the weapon had instead of the pickup_ammo default amount

cleans up all ammo system code and MP runs on identical code to SP games
cleans up other net code and misc stuff

new menu`s are looking like

player setup :
config server :
config server more options :
config server advanced options :
ingame MP menu [ press ESC ] :

Edited by p0rt at 05:58 CDT, 21 June 2011 - 7823 Hits
RL skin needs (3 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 18:29 CDT, 10 June 2011 - iMsg
anyone up to making a new rocketlauncher skin, kind of all black with all blue glow parts... like the dodgy pic.. all of the rough blue areas are the yellow part of the defaul RL skin defuse, the tidy gradient parts are the default _g.tga in the models/RL folder

i can then replace the crappy nalpalm with a black rocket launcer with alot of light blue glowing parts for Q43A #19,.7 full release
4463 Hits
Posted by p0rt @ 22:23 CDT, 4 May 2011 - iMsg
ET:QW v1.5

new mini mod, to put in the base folder or official compition mod folder...

cleans up and tweaks all map atmospheres and de-saturates them [ put up the gamma in the options, and brightness down a bit, and the game can almost look photorealistic ].

increases machine pistol magazine size to 30, and max ammo to 120

balances all damages/projectile ranges/spreads/projectile recoils/kickbacks on all handweapons
all main team hand weapons are using the same values for zoom/recoil/muzzlekick/projectile spread/projectile damage/fire rate etc...

gdf machinepistol -> strogg lightning pistol
gdf assault rifle -> strogg lacerator
gdf gpmg -> strogg hyperblaster
gdf shotgun -> strogg nailgun
gdf sniperrifle -> strogg railgun
gdf rocket launcher -> strogg obliterator
gdf knife -> strogg spikes

usage : just put the skilth_warzone.pk4 into the base folder of quake wars, or the official pro mod

download :

download pro mod v1.0c all other sites are dead
Edited by p0rt at 08:20 CDT, 9 May 2011 - 10946 Hits
seamless brick textures (12 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 07:43 CDT, 20 April 2011 - iMsg
some sweet n easy way to make seamless brickwalls

download hires texture pack or get some off

cut out individual bricks and put them in

free for non commercial use

if your good at making textures, all you have todo is touch up the mortar

put some 2048x2048 into q4 and see if the work, otherwise use 1024, not that they make much difference from 512, the render imagesize has to be put up in the sdk for more detail and calcfov recoded
Edited by p0rt at 08:06 CDT, 20 April 2011 - 5055 Hits
terragen 2 skyboxes (33 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 13:42 CDT, 13 April 2011 - iMsg
anyone played with it all

you need to layer 3 lower level clouds, and then a mid lawer volumetric ontop, and render not including the terrain

on the low level layers, edge sharpness needs to be 0.01 <=
the top layer edge sharpness around 0.3 <=

the first lower level needs to be below camera height, to hide the blackness when there is no terrain rendered
Edited by p0rt at 23:46 CDT, 14 April 2011 - 66439 Hits
rage is sponsering c5 walking dead (18 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 17:14 CDT, 10 April 2011 - iMsg
3seconds and random unseen footage for you nerds everytimet he adverts come on, program is nearly finished though
3783 Hits
commodore 64 bit (9 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 22:23 CDT, 4 April 2011 - iMsg
3145 Hits
Idiocracy (13 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 17:26 CDT, 2 April 2011 - iMsg

1 of teh greats
Edited by p0rt at 17:26 CDT, 2 April 2011 - 3672 Hits
HARDCORE (57 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 14:46 CDT, 13 March 2011 - iMsg
as drum n bass is a gay scene... do some hardcore

Edited by p0rt at 15:54 CDT, 13 March 2011 - 12232 Hits
Posted by p0rt @ 16:34 CST, 10 March 2011 - iMsg
in probaly over a year, youtube sucks and im not authorizing or opening a google account
5147 Hits
Cooler Master Storm Spawn Gaming Mouse (11 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 11:42 CST, 1 March 2011 - iMsg

heres another gaming mouse

Arctic M571-L Gaming Laser Mouse
Edited by p0rt at 11:44 CST, 1 March 2011 - 2764 Hits
Q43A OWNZ Q4MAX <> WORX ONLINE (211 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 14:06 CST, 9 February 2011 - iMsg
download :

- Q43A 1.1.15 BUILD #19 win32/linux - p0rt

description :

requires quake 4 with point release 1.4.2 installed.

Q43A mod fixes many if not all glitches and bugs known in quake`s 4 gameplay and existing mods, adds all the missing features that were in quake 3 arena and replaces the netcode all new netcode to improove gameplay which is more noticable with more players and action on a server. all possible by plenty of recoding of the SDK. just load the mod and play quake 4 like normal with no messing around or waiting for custom maps to be released, for both SP and MP

changelog :


find the folder quake4 is installed in.

installation :

put the q43a folder in the main quake4 folder :


running it :

to run SP as unofficial patch worx/listen servers/connect to servers :

run quake4.exe +set fs_game q43a

or simply load quake4 like normal and load the mod through the main menu link in the bottom left corner

to start a dedicated server :

delete addon.conf out of the q4base/q4cmp_pak001.pk4, all map info has been added to the q43a_txt.pk4/def/maps.def file, disabling the cmp maps that have no working lights or are rubbish to play on

run quake4ded +set fs_game q43a +exec serverconfig.cfg

- gameTypes

normal : dm, tdm, tourney, ctf, arena ctf, deadzone ganetypes

and new MP gametypes :

gameType Reactor : like UT onslaught. kill a reactor. with team health regen in proximity to own reactor. with reactor health regen too. 2 team points everytime reactor health reactors <=25% of maxHealth.

gameType Last Man Standing : set amount of respawns/lives alowed, when all used up. player is forced as a spectator with or without server allowing them. until the next game starts. which is whenever only 1 player has respawns remaining, need to use si_useready

gameType Invisibility : standard deathmatch. with infinate invisibility, bind impulse_50 to flick on/off

gameType Duel :

>if si_maxplayers is set to 2, bing impulse_26 to conced a match
>more air move allowed
>timelimit games only

- single/multiplayer game modes :

Adds : manual weapon zoom. use forward/back buttons to zoom in and out
Adds : projectile flares, default : charged blaster
Adds : projectile tripbombs, default : grenade launcher
Adds : flamethrowers, default : gev
Adds : guide projectiles from projectile point of view with own hud, default : nalpalm gun
Adds : playerview bloodsplashes/sprays
Adds : weapons can have a pre muzzle flash effect that plays when weapon is idle
Adds : vehicle positions can be set to thirdperson view within def file
Adds : 3rd person death when player is dead
Adds : full headshots : mp announcer will play sound announce_headshot
Adds : bind _impulse23 to toggle invisibility in sp and mp gametype invisibility
Adds : new machinegun fire sound
Adds : material specific footstep sounds, for most materialTypes : concrete, hollowmetal, snow etc
Adds : full usuable water with func_liquid, with colorization of projectiles going into and exiting liquid pools

Changes : all weapons can use class idGuidedProjectile as a projectile spawnclass
Changes : each vehicle position uses its own hud setting in def file for multiple driver postitions
Changes : all weapon damage, ai and effects for a better looking and interesting game
Changes : new physics for moveables and vehicles, and player tweaks
Changes : vehicles kick players out when flipped and no longer eject players into the sky
Changes : better muzzle kicks on all weapons
Changes : press jump to enter/exit vehicles
Changes : hitscans no longer exist. MG/RG/LG/[bullet] weapons now use class idHitscanProjectile
Changes : all sound volumeDB, min/maxDistance on most of the sound files, for a balanced game
Changes : all menu default crosshair colors to be 0.7 alpha/transparent
Changes : SP and MP gravity, both gametypes uses the same default world gravity setting of 1066 [normal SP gravity]

Fixes : gibs use burn away effect instead of just being removed
Fixes : mapdef file worldspawn "gravity" key, to allow map to have and use a custom gravity level
Fixes : 1000s of small things

- singleplayer game mode :

Adds : team ai will stay a set distance from you when in attack mode
Adds : ai deaths will be random animations. or burst into fire if cvar g_burnholysin = 1
Adds : random voice taunts from self to strogg
Adds : view from ai killer with pm_aideathview, with each model having its own hud/gui to view from when player is dead
Adds : operating system clock to the top right corner of the ingame hud
Adds : full usable game pause binding _impulse25

- multiplayer game mode :

Adds : 100% new netcode thats specific to dedicated/listen servers, and clients, which gives you lower cpu usage on both servers and clients
Adds : 3 new gametypes : reactor, last man standing, invisibility
Adds : server side : full respawnable free for all and team vehicles , should allow multiple passenger positions, with each position using its own seperate hud
Adds : server side : all players view frag leader when game ends
Adds : server side : all players view winning team base when game ends in team games
Adds : multiple new ways of starting games, standard warm up/ready up, force ready up with countdown, use a timed warmup cowntdown
Adds : instaGib enabled using cvar si_instaGib
Adds : new god powerup : max health/armour, run faster, jump higher, and immortality
Adds : extra player models
Adds : server side : sfx groundshake/nightemare etc effects
Adds : server side : full flashlights for weapons/vehicles using models and on/off button and weapon animation
Adds : server side : guided/projectile point of view guideded projectiles
Adds : client side : model specific lipsynced voice taunts for each player model

key bind _impulse_60-64 to play mp voice taunts 1->5

Adds : hud ammo clipsizes for all weapons that use them
Adds : 25secs warning beep to mp game time limit hit
Adds : custom damage sets for mp games, all damagedef are read from 1 file, and set in server config using si_damageset
Adds : si_rmapCycle to randomize server map list, without having to setup a si_mapCycle .scriptcfg file
Adds : player in/out teleport sounds
Adds : player model specific arm skins and model set in the models entitydef
Adds : end of games will now show "next match begins in [si_gameReviewPause]" on the game review pause summary/score screen

Changes : ctf flag is now invisible if carrier player has invisibility
Changes : ctf flag resets to base if player dies ontside of the arena
Changes : si_drop powerups/weapons now work
Changes : server side : railgun color/team hitscan tints, that always work
Changes : all the main si_settings will now show on othe ingame mpgame server info screen with enabled/disabled instead of 1 or 0
Changes : invisibility powerup model, now smaller and better looking
Changes : CTF flag, now has invisibility skin applied when carrier has invisibility powerup, and not made hidden
Changes : powerup pickups, player can now only pickup 1 powerup at a time
Changes : all projectile effects are now 100% clientside saving few more bytes of bandwidth

- new cmd list

Adds : screenshotmode //enable noclip and hide player hud and weapons

- cvar list

- sp/mp game :

Adds : pm_dropWeapons //replaces player def files "nodrop" for SP games, does`nt do nothing, just looks good in thirdperson death
Adds : pm_thirdpersonCrosshair //show crosshair in thirdperson view
Adds : pm_instaGib //insta for singleplayer
Adds : pm_dropPowerups //drop powerups when killed for SP games, powerups nothing fully usable yet
Adds : pm_thirdpersonCrosshair //show crosshair, def file overrides this
Adds : pm_thirdpersonVehicleRange //eye distance from driver position, def file overrides this
Adds : pm_thirdpersonVehicleHeight //eye height from driver position, def file overrides this
Adds : pm_aiDeathView //view from killer AI when dead
Adds : pm_aiDeathViewRandom //chance in %n, >= 2, to view from killer AI pov

- user info :

Adds : ui_zoomtype //0 = manual, 1 = auto. for multiplayer

- ai :

Adds : ai_fovDegrees //replaces ai def files "fov", use overrideFOV in def files

- sp/mp game :

Adds : g_brass //show weapon eject brass, restoring from saved games will have no FX if enabled
Adds : g_burnaway //remove ai ragdolls in SP
Adds : g_gibHealth //health below 0. for gibs if projectile allows gibs
Adds : g_respawnDelay //time player respawns after death. replaces respawn_delay in player def file
Adds : g_voiceTaunts //enable voice taunts in game. 1 in 24 chance of player/ai saying something after kill with "snd_taunt" in def file in SP
Adds : g_fadeDeath //fade screen to black when dead in SP
Adds : g_regidDead //keep actors solid when dead in SP
Adds : g_bloodSpray //bloodspray vision on hud
Adds : g_teamDamage //team damage mode in SP
Adds : g_voiceFriendlyFireChance //chance of friendly fire lipsync/sound in SP
Adds : g_zoomtype //0 = manual, 1 = auto. for SP
Adds : g_weaponHitbeep //to play g_weaponHitbeepSND when weapon shots hit enemies
Adds : g_spectateHudfx //0 = off, 1 = monitor fx, 2 = monitor fx + broken glass in MP
Adds : g_showPing //always show ping on the mp hud
Adds : g_customHud //overrides default hud 'guis/customhud.gui' in SP/NP/TEAM MP
Adds : g_timeLimitWarningMP //seconds to play time limit countdown warning, 0 to disable

- server config :

Adds : si_alternativeFire //alternative weapon fire, not including zoom
Adds : si_voiceTaunts //enable voice taunts
Adds : si_vehicleRespawn //respawn vehicles
Adds : si_vehicleRespawnTime //time to vehicle respawn death
Adds : si_vehicleTimeToRespawn //actual time to vehicle respawn after death
Adds : si_vehicleSteal //allow enemy team to steal vehicle until vehicle death
Adds : si_playerViewEffects //enables player hud bloodsplashes, double/tunnel/shake vision
Adds : si_burnholysin //same as g_burnholysin, doesnt do much in MP but waste a few packets
Adds : si_dropWeapons //drop weapons when killed
Adds : si_dropPowerups //drop powerups when killed
Adds : si_gameReviewSpectate //force players to spectate when game ends
Adds : si_gameForceReady //force player ready when game ends
Adds : si_gameReviewPause //scores review time in seconds (at end game)
Adds : si_tournamentmode //to quickly disable. projectile impacts, hud bloodsplashes, flashlights, player view effects, voice taunts. enables instantrespawns, broadcasts all footstep/jump and item/weapon pictup sounds to all clients, disables weapon impact_fx/wall decals
Adds : si_playerAir //how long in seconds the player can go without air before he starts taking damage, when under water or in vacuums
Adds : si_damageSet //name of damageset to use
Adds : si_instaGib //instaGib for all projectile impacts
Adds : si_instantRespawns //respawn instantly when killed
Adds : si_invisPowerups //allow powerups in invisibility gametype
Adds : si_KillReturnsCTF //return flag when carrier has been killed
Adds : si_lmsRespawns //player respawn limit in last man standing (LMS) gametype
Adds : si_message //custom MOTD for the chatbox, and shown every 'si_message_time' minutes
Adds : si_message_time //time in minutes for 'si_message' to be shown
Adds : si_flashlights //allow weapon and vehicle flashlights
Adds : si_PlayerRunSpeed //player run speed
Adds : si_PlayerRunSpeedCTF //player run speed for CTF games
Adds : si_PlayerRunSpeedDUEL //player run speed for DUEL games
Adds : si_PlayerWalkSpeed //player walk speed
Adds : si_PlayerCrouchSpeed //player crouch speed
Adds : si_ReactorPlayerRegenRate //time in seconds to fully regen same player health when in teams reactor 'radius'
Adds : si_ReactorRegenRate //time in seconds to full regen reactors health
Adds : si_ReactorRegenWait //time in seconds to wait after last damage, before starting to regen health
Adds : si_rmapcycle //enable random map cycle, server will auto select a working gametype map and start the next game/match
Adds : si_rocketjumpPower //rocket jump power
Adds : si_rocketjumps //allow rocket jumps
Adds : si_teamName0 //custom team name for marine team
Adds : si_teamName1 //custom team name for strogg team
Adds : si_useCountdown //use pre-game si_countdown to start games, [warmup/readyup]

- func_liquid

allows for full swimmable liquid using func_liquid to be added to both SP and MP maps, with full colorization of projectile and effects that pass through liquid

includes a basic demo map. /map test in the console to run

- weapons

set all weapon respawn times :

Free For All 14sec
Team DM 12sec
Tourney 23sec
CTF 17sec
Arena CTF 15sec
Arena 1 Flag CTF 15sec
DeadZone 14sec
Reactor 22sec
Last Man Standing 14sec
Invisibility 22sec

default pickup respawn time to : 48sec

- starting MP games in server config

si_warmup 1 + si_useReady 1 : normal warmup waiting for si_minplayers to readyup to start match
si_warmup 1 + si_useReady 0 : normal warmup using si_countdown to start match, move to next map when countdown is reached
si_warmup 0 + si_useReady 1 : spectator waiting for si_minplayers to readyup to start match
si_warmup 0 + si_useReady 0 + si_useCountdown 1 : spectator readyup using si_countdown to start match, move to next map when countdown is reached
si_warmup 0 + si_useReady 0 : just start game

- new cmd list

Adds : screenshotmode //enable noclip and hide player hud and weapons

- cvar list

- sp/mp game :

Adds : pm_dropWeapons //replaces player def files "nodrop" for SP games, does`nt do nothing, just looks good in thirdperson death
Adds : pm_thirdpersonCrosshair //show crosshair in thirdperson view
Adds : pm_instaGib //insta for singleplayer
Adds : pm_dropPowerups //drop powerups when killed for SP games, powerups nothing fully usable yet
Adds : pm_thirdpersonCrosshair //show crosshair, def file overrides this
Adds : pm_thirdpersonVehicleRange //eye distance from driver position, def file overrides this
Adds : pm_thirdpersonVehicleHeight //eye height from driver position, def file overrides this
Adds : pm_aiDeathView //view from killer AI when dead
Adds : pm_aiDeathViewRandom //chance in %n, >= 2, to view from killer AI pov

- user info :

Adds : ui_zoomtype //0 = manual, 1 = auto. for multiplayer

- ai :

Adds : ai_fovDegrees //replaces ai def files "fov", use overrideFOV in def files

- sp/mp game :

Adds : g_brass //show weapon eject brass, restoring from saved games will have no FX if enabled
Adds : g_burnaway //remove ai ragdolls in SP
Adds : g_gibHealth //health below 0. for gibs if projectile allows gibs
Adds : g_respawnDelay //time player respawns after death. replaces respawn_delay in player def file
Adds : g_voiceTaunts //enable voice taunts in game. 1 in 24 chance of player/ai saying something after kill with "snd_taunt" in def file in SP
Adds : g_fadeDeath //fade screen to black when dead in SP
Adds : g_regidDead //keep actors solid when dead in SP
Adds : g_bloodSpray //bloodspray vision on hud
Adds : g_teamDamage //team damage mode in SP
Adds : g_voiceFriendlyFireChance //chance of friendly fire lipsync/sound in SP
Adds : g_zoomtype //0 = manual, 1 = auto. for SP
Adds : g_weaponHitbeep //to play g_weaponHitbeepSND when weapon shots hit enemies
Adds : g_spectateHudfx //0 = off, 1 = monitor fx, 2 = monitor fx + broken glass in MP
Adds : g_showPing //always show ping on the mp hud
Adds : g_customHud //overrides default hud 'guis/customhud.gui' in SP/NP/TEAM MP
Adds : g_timeLimitWarningMP //seconds to play time limit countdown warning, 0 to disable

- server config :

Adds : si_alternativeFire //alternative weapon fire, not including zoom
Adds : si_voiceTaunts //enable voice taunts
Adds : si_vehicleRespawn //respawn vehicles
Adds : si_vehicleRespawnTime //time to vehicle respawn death
Adds : si_vehicleTimeToRespawn //actual time to vehicle respawn after death
Adds : si_vehicleSteal //allow enemy team to steal vehicle until vehicle death
Adds : si_playerViewEffects //enables player hud bloodsplashes, double/tunnel/shake vision
Adds : si_burnholysin //same as g_burnholysin, doesnt do much in MP but waste a few packets
Adds : si_dropWeapons //drop weapons when killed
Adds : si_dropPowerups //drop powerups when killed
Adds : si_gameReviewSpectate //force players to spectate when game ends
Adds : si_gameForceReady //force player ready when game ends
Adds : si_gameReviewPause //scores review time in seconds (at end game)
Adds : si_tournamentmode //to quickly disable. projectile impacts, hud bloodsplashes, flashlights, player view effects, voice taunts. enables instantrespawns, broadcasts all footstep/jump and item/weapon pictup sounds to all clients, disables weapon impact_fx/wall decals
Adds : si_playerAir //how long in seconds the player can go without air before he starts taking damage, when under water or in vacuums
Adds : si_damageSet //name of damageset to use
Adds : si_instaGib //instaGib for all projectile impacts
Adds : si_instantRespawns //respawn instantly when killed
Adds : si_invisPowerups //allow powerups in invisibility gametype
Adds : si_KillReturnsCTF //return flag when carrier has been killed
Adds : si_lmsRespawns //player respawn limit in last man standing (LMS) gametype
Adds : si_message //custom MOTD for the chatbox, and shown every 'si_message_time' minutes
Adds : si_message_time //time in minutes for 'si_message' to be shown
Adds : si_flashlights //allow weapon and vehicle flashlights
Adds : si_PlayerRunSpeed //player run speed
Adds : si_PlayerRunSpeedCTF //player run speed for CTF games
Adds : si_PlayerRunSpeedDUEL //player run speed for DUEL games
Adds : si_PlayerWalkSpeed //player walk speed
Adds : si_PlayerCrouchSpeed //player crouch speed
Adds : si_ReactorPlayerRegenRate //time in seconds to fully regen same player health when in teams reactor 'radius'
Adds : si_ReactorRegenRate //time in seconds to full regen reactors health
Adds : si_ReactorRegenWait //time in seconds to wait after last damage, before starting to regen health
Adds : si_rmapcycle //enable random map cycle, server will auto select a working gametype map and start the next game/match
Adds : si_rocketjumpPower //rocket jump power
Adds : si_rocketjumps //allow rocket jumps
Adds : si_teamName0 //custom team name for marine team
Adds : si_teamName1 //custom team name for strogg team
Adds : si_useCountdown //use pre-game si_countdown to start games, [warmup/readyup]

changelog #19

fixes :

fixes votesystem
fixes admin rCon menu
fixes random game crash when ragdoll is blocking a door in SP, should be fixed this time
fixes game crash when cycling player models at the end of MP games
fixes [should] random game crash with crash logs that end with \dict.cpp (461): idDict::FindKey
fixes game crash when loading a map in TDM with no team spawnspots
fixes LG registering weapon fires when out of ammo
fixes game crash when killed in a vehicle
fixes gib FX not start from player model center origin
fixes [gev tank] hover pads not having enough force to lift vehicle
fixes game pause message when SP game is paused, drop ingame console and type "bind p _impulse25" and press p to pause SP game
fixes SP weapon ammo guis not always being updated
fixes TDM scoreboards
fixes god powerup pickup sound
fixes god powerup MP announcer [if audio is set]
fixes headshot frags MP announcer [if audio is set]
fixes all voice taunts/pain/death are now 100% clientside and fully work and get played in MP, as long as there is a visme in the lipsync file, and player model head as a lipsync anim, morris/kane/standard models will show, custom MP players in Q43A that use the heads below will not

need some anim emotion_ and anim lipsync for the following heads :


adds smoke trail to RL rockets
adds player domination time to TDM
adds gev and walker damagedef to [Q43A template] custom MP damagesets :

changes many values on physics, none that change gameplay feel, just cosmetic and more realistic
some proper liquid physics on moveables
changes SP/MP gibs, now more interesting and wont just drop to the floor
changes restoring from saved games, saved games should now work all the way through SP mode
changes SP and MP gravity, both gametypes uses the same default world gravity setting of 1066 [normal SP gravity]
changes LG inview FX, now cleaner and always looks like effect is coming from the barrel
changes all projectile effects are now 100% clientside saving few more bytes of bandwidth
changes hyberblaster projectile, now has a smaller effect
changes nail projectile, removes nail model and just has a particle effect
changes water splash ripple effects, new visible effects with most idliquid _color tints
changes powerup pickups, player can now only pickup 1 powerup at a time
changes CTF flag, now has invisibility skin applied when carrier has invisibility powerup, and not made hidden
changes god power, no longer uses haste effect
changes invisibility powerup model, now smaller and better looking

removes cvar si_duelMaps, only FFA and Invisibility uses all gametype maps

changelog #18
fixes mainmenu/create server/more options Kill Returns Flag button
fixes mainmenu/create server/more options Voice Taunts/Flashlight button
fixes gametype [ tournament mode ] text on end of game scoreboard, if si_tournamentmode on/off
fixes server shutdown with "unknown ammo type" message
fixes all weapons with full overhaul and new netcode
fixes RL muzzle fx still playing when out of ammo and holding fire
fixes clientside "firerate" on all weapons set in weapons entitydef
fixes cvar si_suddenDeathRestart, force map restart in MP games
fixes clientside domination time not displaying correct time format.. seconds
fixes end of game team summary scoreboard
fixes all connection and sync errors for servers with more then 16 clients
fixes cvar g_spectateHudfx
fixes tripbombs in SP not triggering on enemy AI
fixes weapon eject brass in SP

fixes server sometimes selecting another with is si_rmapcycle 0 and no mapcycle script is set in si_mapCycle
fixes map restarts for team games
fixes firing single shot when weapon alternative fire is pressed [zoom] in for the first time
fixes game crash when loading maps with team reactors in
fixes MP gametype reactor
fixes reactor end of game winning ent.

kill a reactor or

time limit hit :

if a team scores a health below 25% point, team scores are used
if no scores are made, health is used

fixes clientside airtics not counting back up, when waist deep or out of func_liquid [pools]
fixes cvar g_skipplayershadowsMP, shadows nolonger show in thirdperson death or at the end of game if shadows are disabled
fixes game crash when loading medlabs map
fixes game crash when entering vehicles in SP
fixes MP world weapon reload anim playing when clip is full and reload is pressed
fixes MP world weapon auto reload anims not playing
fixes CTF flag not being removed from player when dropped with impulse_24
fixes MP si_teamdamage, now only applies to team games
fixes death push
fixes MP ingame scoreboard, impulse_19
fixes cvar pm_aiDeathView //view death from ai Killer

adds cvar g_brass "0" //show weapon eject brass, restoring from saved games will have no FX if enabled
adds cvar si_alternativeFire "1" //alternative weapon fire, not including zoom
adds cvar si_PlayerRunSpeedDUEL "342" //player run speed for DUEL games < to server config
adds tournament mode/instant respawns to mainmenu/create server/more options menu
adds suddendeath to gametype duel when timelimit is hit, and frags are tied
adds current distance for guided projectile to projectiles guide hud, when guiding projectile from POV
adds players current domination time to MP hud
adds new RG rail effect

changes cvar g_doubleVision //no longer synced over network
changes cvar g_fov //no longer synced over network
changes MP scoreboard, will show every player thats on the server and not limited to 16
changes lights, all lights spawned are not synced over network, add entity key "net_syncPhysics" to lights in the map editor to sync color changes and physics
changes foglights not being synced with server [forced]
changes air move control in gametype duel. reduces amount of movement you have
changes cvars g_muzzleFlash, g_projectileLights : no longer network synced
changes IMPULSE_26, gametype Duel conced now only works if server max players is 2
changes MP domination time, now just a glory statistic, and not added to game ranking
changes the max_game_message_size, dont know how many bits a vehicle or player state uses, so the new size is probaly OTT, and can exceed the si_maxplayers 128 limit, so you will have to say when your server get a realiable message overflow message if the new size is not big enough
changes zoom hud, SP/MP huds are now shown when zoomed in with a weapon

cleans up more impact math, nearly all impact impulses now go through the same bit of work around math, if you want projectile impact knockbacks g_knockbackdivision will probaly have to be set to beflow 1, the default is 9 which will have no knockback, old default is 180, with projectile applyimpulse are applied 3 times in different functions

g_dv..... [doubtevision] cvars have new defaults, to save some bandwidth,, on a server disable si_playerviewEffects, clientside use g_doubtevision etc, all disabled if si_tournamentMode is enabled

server config, net_clientPredictGUI is nolonger used, weapon_combat code is all clean, and weapon will be lowered on dedicated server anyway if player focus is a usable gui

serverconfig, g_predictedProjectiles is nolonger used

removes cvars g_forceModel, g_forceStroggModel, g_forceMarineModel : enable run server with si_tournamentmode 1 to force pro models

clientside sound when guiding projectile from POV will work, but only the first time a player is spawned, set net_predictionErrorDecay 0, and it will work more times, if not always, or just random

changelog #17

fixes airtics tick up when 0 and become waist deep in func_liquid
fixes func_liquid damagedef, not working, damagedef always being no_air
fixes func_liquid _color hud overlay not showing, if thirdperson cam enters func_liquid
fixes/adds impulse_24 to drop CTF flag
fixes tripbombs being removed when projectile "fuse" is reached
fixes timelimitwarning playing constantly when map is looped
fixes timelimitwarning beep playing multiple times at the end of a game
fixes MP tripbombs exploding on self when in non team games
fixes MP rocket launcher not being able to fire after picking up ammo when clip is empty
fixes client gibs not burning away
fixes func_liquid in editor. select a brush, right click and make it a func_liquid and setup the size of the liquid pool

changes duel gametype, si_maxplayers now used, instead of kicking off clients when they connection forced using numclients >=2
changes func_liquid damagedef time, now uses random seconds between 1->6 instead of "delay" set in damagedef
changes tracing func_liquid is now 100% from physicObj/classes
changes MP maxhealth, now 100 from 145
changes MP player spawn armor, now 100 from 43
changes si_maxplayers, now a max of 128

changes ammo totals

"max_ammo_railgun" "35"
"max_ammo_machinegun" "115"
"max_ammo_nailgun" "134"
"max_ammo_shotgun" "35"
"max_ammo_hyperblaster" "108"
"max_ammo_rocketlauncher" "14"
"max_ammo_grenadelauncher" "24"
"max_ammo_lightninggun" "145"
"max_ammo_dmg" "3"
"max_ammo_napalmgun" "1"

adds func_liquid/under water weapon muzzleflashes
adds/replaces pro orange marine skin, with non pinkish camo areas

- changelog #16 :

adds new clean mp end of game scoreboard
adds domination time to duel/ffa, if timelimit is hit and players are tied, winner will be taken from frags + domination time

fixes/cleans up mp scoreboard
fixes last man standing games not ending when all player respawns are gone
fixes last man standing games not end when only 1 player is remains in game with respawns left
fixes last man standing respawns not counting down in game on player hud
fixes last man standing scoreboard not showing players in order of respawns left/knocked out
fixes frag/team winner end of game text remaining on spectator screen/hud after game restarts/player respawns

changes si_minplayers is more then 1 and si_warmup or si_useready are not enabled, si_useready will be set as default when loading each new map

- changelog #15

fixes bpglass material projectile impact effect showing "not found" default material
fixes random client game freeze when loading next map
fixes weapon crosshair always flickering into target mode on some maps
fixes walker MP respawn glitch, not having correct axis
fixes editor crashing on startup
fixes projectile fly effect being tinted to the color of func_liquid, when fly effect isnt in func_liquid
fixes dead MP vehicles burning effects not playing on clients who connect midgame
fixes walker MP respawn glitch, not having correct axis
fixes editor crashing on startup
fixes projectile fly effect being tinted to the color of func_liquid, when fly effect isnt in func_liquid
fixes crosshair glitch, will being in target/hit mode on some maps, or when a client connects to server
adds cvar g_timeLimitWarningMP //seconds to play time limit countdown warning, 0 to disable
fixes/adds player inview weapon switch anims, and now abit faster then the default speed
fixes all glitches with binded weapon switch impluse keys
should fix not being able to fire when weapon selected and out of ammo, and pickup ammo/weapon to refill, when autoswitch isnt enabled
cleans up scoreboard/summery gui teamnames/score font, and been reset to default
fixes controllable guided projectiles form POV. still no sound when guiding as a client, sound if choppy if any
fixes normal guided projectiles not working.. both types are seperate, use "guidefromPOV" in projectile entitydef
fixes random game crash when ragdoll is blocking a door
fixes choppy player anim states, when switch to dead state,idle etc, and switching to spectating winner view

- o09 p0r+
Edited by p0rt at 06:26 CDT, 13 April 2011 - 69155 Hits
60slot CTF 4 MAP (15 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 00:55 CST, 5 February 2011 - iMsg
another q43a thread where everyone can read the same old stuff..

or have a blast on this....

extract to q43a folder
replaces q4ctf4 speedtrap map with q43a better looking and more atmospheric version

FFA 60

Team DM/CTF/Arena CTF
marine/team0 spawnpoints 30
strogg/team1 spawnpoints 30

if the map is full, you would all be running out of ammo, i have`nt set no custom item/pickup respawn times on anything

you have to run it on a dedicated server, if you want to max the 16 players the gui will let you have, or set the si_maxplayers in the console

and you probaly have to edit the q43a_txt.pk4/def/mp.def..

// The lowest number of players is 4 and assumed if less than the first entry.
// The first column is GHz and the second column is max players. Note that the
// code driving this system compares against the max players in the server.
entityDef MPCPUIntelPlayerLimit {
"1.8" "8"
"2.4" "32"
"2.8" "64"

entityDef MPCPUAMDPlayerLimit {
"1.4" "8"
"1.8" "32"
"2.0" "64"

if it all fails, i will have to upload a patch, that allows si_maxplayers to 64
Edited by p0rt at 01:30 CST, 5 February 2011 - 5913 Hits
Posted by p0rt @ 01:18 CST, 2 February 2011 - iMsg
replacement pro orange marine MP player model skin that wont burn away a fragged player with pink camo areas
14005 Hits
mirc themes (15 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 19:26 CST, 30 January 2011 - iMsg
yall like messing with quake configs. any of you have or made any good mirc themes..

both of mine...

best addon to apply themes with
20526 Hits
rage (4 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 16:52 CST, 29 January 2011 - iMsg
rage has a site. and the game in stores september 16 2011
6945 Hits
13.2 billion light-years (36 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 20:04 CST, 27 January 2011 - iMsg
i can imagine alot of thing and multiple dimensional angles at once, but 13.2 billion light-years is a another story
5460 Hits
tanks (24 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 18:07 CST, 25 January 2011 - iMsg
any1 kickass on tanks when sitting on irc using mirc

pretty much the only interesting thing that happens on irc
Edited by p0rt at 18:08 CST, 25 January 2011 - 7842 Hits
Posted by p0rt @ 16:01 CST, 24 January 2011 - iMsg
so,.. world domination begins, you can now download the worlds finest php nuke/portal/CMS under GPL

powerfull and secure complete nuke/CMS/portal using php 5, full integreated directory/file manager with extension control for uploads, auto site shutdown when config file is corrupt with email/pm sent to admin, easy to use and full user function

it is what the dev site is running on

the sourceforge release has no speedtest module

if you dont have a ful dev enviroment on windows, just use for apache/php/mysql

and heres the exiting readme :

// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | NULL-8X3-NUKE Version 1.0 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | License: GNU/GPL - |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Base: myphpnuke 188_8 RC1 : |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Author: p0rt |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright: © 2011 p0rt |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+


create a new database and import the sql/dump.sql, edit the html/dbconfig/dbconfig.php, and all should be good with safe mode on or off

admin login : sadmin | pass : sadmin

chmod 777 dir :


edit path defines in mainfile.php :


custom paths set in admin file type manager :

./uploads/ +sub dirs
Edited by p0rt at 19:08 CST, 27 January 2011 - 14539 Hits
Nakilon on #quakelive (12 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 10:18 CST, 24 January 2011 - iMsg
Nakilon is for sure the king or queen of all sissy mofo`s, always calling for a votekick
3380 Hits
irc sucks (25 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 01:30 CST, 20 January 2011 - iMsg
every chan on quakenet is pure dead
4732 Hits
sql dictionary if you need 1 (4 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 01:25 CST, 14 January 2011 - iMsg
download dict ->

make php index.php with code, put the en-GB-wlist.txt in the same folder as the index.php and hit the page :

if ($fb = fopen($path, "rb")) {

$contents = fread($fb, filesize("en-GB-wlist.txt"));



$word = explode( "\n", $contents );

foreach( $word as $v ) {

if ( !empty( $v ) ) {

$v = str_replace( "'", "",$v);
$v = str_replace( " ", "",$v);

mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$xttables['dictionary']." VALUES ( '', '$v')");


1850 Hits
download the internet (4 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 14:32 CST, 11 January 2011 - iMsg
if you got some spare time, its here and a 3.2 gigabyte file
1913 Hits
custom q43a damage sets/hud download (4 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 11:54 CST, 7 January 2011 - iMsg
Edited by p0rt at 06:43 CDT, 24 August 2011 - 2733 Hits
php - linux - start/stop services (4 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 07:09 CST, 6 January 2011 - iMsg
anyone know how todo it, like in gameserver control panels, windows has its own php functions to start/stop serverside apps

want to add a button to my shoutcast adminCP, shoutcast DNAS 2.0 runs as a service
Edited by p0rt at 07:15 CST, 6 January 2011 - 2787 Hits
win a xbox 360 (No comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 06:54 CST, 6 January 2011 - iMsg
5732 Hits
better contest for athlon users, ->6th (2 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 09:10 CST, 4 January 2011 - iMsg
1st prize PowerColor HD5770 1GB GDDR5
2nd prize PowerColor HD6850 1GB GDDR5
3rd prize PowerColor HD5770 1GB GDDR5

win it for just entering AMD Phenom II X6 1090T
Edited by xou at 10:12 CST, 4 January 2011 - 2167 Hits
Q43A - HOW TO MAKE IT WORK (53 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 17:06 CST, 2 January 2011 - iMsg


find the folder quake4 is installed in.

installation :

put the q43a folder in the main quake4 folder :


running it :

to run SP as unofficial patch worx/listen servers/connect to servers :

run quake4.exe +set fs_game q43a

or simply load quake4 like normal and load the mod through the main menu link in the bottom left corner

to start a dedicated server :

open the drivepath/quake4/q43a/q43a_txt.pk4 in any zip progran and extract the Docs/serverconfig.cfg file into drivepath/quake4/q43a/

run quake4ded +set fs_game q43a +exec serverconfig.cfg

when the mod is loaded, the main menu should be red, then drop the console and type gm_version to see if the driver is loaded correctly, if the cmd doesnt exist then the driver isnt loaded, and you will have to extract it manually, both windows and linux drivers are in the game666.pk4


extract q43a_damageset_q43a.pk4, edit the def file change _q43a to you damage set name

entityDef damage_blaster_q43a

entityDef damage_blaster_damagesetname

upload new pk4 with your damge set in to your server. set seta si_damageSet "damagesetname", and start server


add a func_liquid to a map, and set the mins/max in the entity editor to the box size to want to be liquid

make a normal brush and size it over the func_liquid box, and put the nodraw texture on all side except for the surface, you have to fake a bind, messing about the map file in a text editor, enitity kids and sizes wont work, you have to set it up manually which can take some time for the surface, the hud overlay will look rubbish if the surface is to high or to low from the func_liquid surface


enable si_rmapcycle 1 in server config, and the server will choose the next map for you and all clients for listen and dedicated servers.


use vehicles in editor context menu [ right click ] under team/vehicles, they are set up to respawn, and will be open for all, in non team games, to have vehicles without the team skins. copy either marine or strogg entity and just //"skin" and the skin will be back to the singleplayer skin


weapons without zoom enable will allow for projectile launches like normal fire, and pressing zoom if a weapon has a alternative fire set will fire it, like nalpalm to fire a guided projectile from POV and tripbombs with grenade launch, a flare with the blaster, to can set alternative weapon fire on all weapons


open its entitydef and add keys

"onFire" "0" // on fire
"onFireChance" "21" // 1 in this chance if its set, better off with low numbers 1->3


the main info is the same as standard quake 4

playerModel model_player_dorkif { //Dorkif
"model" "model_player_strogg"
"def_head" "char_marinehead_kanestrg"
"def_head_ui" "char_marinehead_kanestrg"
"skin" "skins/characters/kane_strogg/tactical_elite"
"description" "#str_108017"
"team" "Strogg"

the rest is easy to work out

entityDef model_player_dorkif {

//taunts are used for binded impulse keys
"lipsync_taunt_1" "tactical_elite_sounds_taunt_1"
"lipsync_taunt_2" "tactical_elite_sounds_taunt_2"
"lipsync_taunt_3" "tactical_elite_sounds_taunt_3"
"lipsync_taunt_4" "tactical_elite_sounds_taunt_4"
"lipsync_taunt_5" "tactical_elite_sounds_taunt_5"

//normal death sounds
"lipsync_death_1" "tactical_elite_sounds_death_1"
"lipsync_death_2" "tactical_elite_sounds_death_2"
"lipsync_death_3" "tactical_elite_sounds_death_3"

//normal pain sounds
"lipsync_pain_small" "tactical_elite_sounds_pain_small"
"lipsync_pain_medium" "tactical_elite_sounds_pain_medium"
"lipsync_pain_large" "tactical_elite_sounds_pain_large"
"lipsync_pain_huge" "tactical_elite_sounds_pain_huge"
"lipsync_pain_low_health" ""

"snd_water_wade" "player_sounds_water_wade"
"snd_footstep" "player_sounds_footstep"
"snd_footstep_sand" "player_steps_dirt"
"snd_footstep_dirt" "player_steps_dirt"
"snd_footstep_hollowmetal" "player_steps_hollow_metal"
"snd_footstep_rock" "player_sounds_footstep"
"snd_footstep_flesh" "player_steps_liquid"
"snd_footstep_water" "player_sounds_water"
"snd_gear2" "player_gear_movement2"
"snd_jump" "player_gear_movement"
"snd_stepladder" "player_steps_ladder"
"snd_land_hard" "player_jump_land_hard"
"snd_land_soft" "player_jump_land"
"snd_guienter" "player_sounds_guienter"
"snd_guiexit" "player_sounds_guiexit"

//in view weapon models and skins/ each weapon has a inview model in its models/weapons/inview.md5mesh
"weapon0_viewModel" "weapon_gauntlet_view_strogg"
"weapon1_viewModel" "weapon_machinegun_view_strogg"
"weapon2_viewModel" "weapon_shotgun_view_strogg"
"weapon3_viewModel" "weapon_hyperblaster_view_strogg"
"weapon4_viewModel" "weapon_grenadelauncher_view_strogg"
"weapon5_viewModel" "weapon_nailgun_view_strogg"
"weapon6_viewModel" "weapon_rocketlauncher_view_strogg"
"weapon7_viewModel" "weapon_railgun_view_strogg"
"weapon8_viewModel" "weapon_lightninggun_view_strogg"
"weapon9_viewModel" "weapon_dmg_view_strogg"
"weapon10_viewModel" "weapon_napalmgun_view"

"weapon0_viewSkin" "skins/multiplayer/weapon_view_GT_default"
"weapon1_viewSkin" "skins/multiplayer/weapon_view_MG_default"
"weapon2_viewSkin" "skins/multiplayer/weapon_view_SG_default"
"weapon3_viewSkin" "skins/multiplayer/weapon_view_HB_default"
"weapon4_viewSkin" "skins/multiplayer/weapon_view_GL_default"
"weapon5_viewSkin" "skins/multiplayer/weapon_view_NG_default"
"weapon6_viewSkin" "skins/multiplayer/weapon_view_RL_default"
"weapon7_viewSkin" "skins/multiplayer/weapon_view_RG_default"
"weapon8_viewSkin" "skins/multiplayer/weapon_view_LG_default"
"weapon9_viewSkin" ""
"weapon10_viewSkin" ""



99% of mp maps that exist will work in Q43A, you will probaly have to copy the info out of the addon conf and put it in the def/map.def file and then delete the addon.conf out of the maps pk4 for it to work

if running a server you are better off deleting the addon.conf out of the cmp map pack pk4, map info is already in the maps.def, and leaving the addon.conf in the pk4, will make the game shutdown to load the map everytime

custom single player maps will not work, Q43A has no hitscan, and all custom Ai will have hitscans setup to use, they wll have to be fixed for the map to work and not error out with the missing hitscan message.. hitscans have been replaced with regular projectiles

the whole of the original SP game will work, just start a new game on the menu to play it


new in Q43A : snow. lava. grass. foley. metalgrate_small. metalgrate_large. wood. tile. sandstone. redrock. darkconcrete. lightconcrete. wetmud

you can add your own materialTypes, in folder materials/types/ and they will be used for textures/fx/sounds
Edited by p0rt at 05:56 CST, 19 January 2011 - 9050 Hits
theres a big brightass orange triangle (3 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 18:38 CST, 31 December 2010 - iMsg
in the sky bath city in england, moving real slow, lil men wanting to know what the god is doing

you can even see 3 lights on all points, invade to core of MOD and sailsbury training ground/ been there for 30mins and now its gone, unless i move my head a foot to the left

good job, fucking retards around my way board all forms of intelligence, and needing bullets to theyr erain, and retired from being a god forever

its back again 2 miles high
Edited by Badb0y at 08:15 CST, 13 November 2012 - 6813 Hits
bandwidth speedtest (15 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 00:01 CST, 31 December 2010 - iMsg
heres some ghetto, world most accurate bandwdith speed test around
5225 Hits
firefox (No comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 00:32 CST, 25 December 2010 - iMsg
roboform actually works in it, it could kill IE yet

not the addon, the proper download of roboform you need for full glory, and make the net alot less shit
Edited by p0rt at 00:36 CST, 25 December 2010 - 870 Hits
snow (14 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 05:24 CST, 20 December 2010 - iMsg
its too cold for windows and linux to cold boot, you dont need the fan switched on the heatsink either, out to the -700 users not online for the past 3 days

geforce cards cant handle it, once chips has warmed up, with bios activate, gotta turn off back case fans, geforce cards will make your pc reset if they are <-10c
Edited by p0rt at 05:27 CST, 20 December 2010 - 3960 Hits
lightspeed (24 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 09:52 CST, 11 December 2010 - iMsg
10232 Hits
another q43a thread (7 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 23:54 CST, 4 December 2010 - iMsg
yes, theres nothing going on, im overhauling my nuke. if any of you get bored and make a map or whatever, you can now add it to the q43a download bit on moddb
2587 Hits
good at math ppl (16 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 13:06 CST, 3 December 2010 - iMsg
anyone good at math.. => ... y-managed/

are they for game servers only, or can you run other things like shoutcast?

answer : the unamanged dedicated servers you can use how every you wish

so it wouldnt matter if you setup a "radio" station and end up having 1000 listeners, running a mp3 128bit stream ?

answer : You would be billed per mbit to 95th percentile over the month.

cheers, im no good at math, so how much extra would someone be paying if they had a normal station with 30 people connected and left the server running 24/7 with a 96kbs stream ?

answer : If you had 30 listeners solid for 28 days would be 1120Gb approximately or around 4mbit
Edited by p0rt at 17:33 CST, 4 December 2010 - 3831 Hits
vote q43a mod of the year 2010 (47 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 07:04 CST, 16 November 2010 - iMsg
yes, i want to win some unknown prizes for no actual reason

Best Original Art for a Mod
Most Innovative Gameplay for a Mod
Best Upcoming Mod
Best Multiplayer Mod
Best Singleplayer Mod

theres no greatest bit of code
Edited by p0rt at 07:05 CST, 16 November 2010 - 6254 Hits
fruity loops 9 pro studio XXL edition (23 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 08:32 CST, 7 November 2010 - iMsg
1>producer edition with none of the junk you dont need or will never use
2>clean install with everything in 1 folder, except for fruity vst dll`s when you install fruity to be used as a VSTi 29.1 MB (30,558,535 bytes)

you need 7zip to unpack it, and it will install as the demo, so you still need to register it or whatever
Edited by p0rt at 19:21 CST, 7 November 2010 - 3599 Hits
windows blinds (6 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 12:55 CDT, 3 November 2010 - iMsg
might release my k0d3r skin soon, all skins are gurlie and pathetic to do anything in, change teh color of startmenu and main desktop buttons

damn right
1994 Hits
dubstep (31 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 08:10 CDT, 30 October 2010 - iMsg
some proper tunes for you sissies to buy.

buy um at juno... get the names in the tags, and do some proper sets, no faggoty clubland stuff
Edited by p0rt at 08:11 CDT, 30 October 2010 - 6312 Hits
9943 Hits
msi [motherboards] (15 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 22:19 CDT, 26 October 2010 - iMsg
msi are the only boards you really needs...

1>good looking even if they are pink
2>stable for overclocking
3>d-led diagnotics
4>etc etc

now there is nothing left.. the world needs a service area in the bios.. which consists of a menu to launch from a onboard flashdrive :

1>openSuse live cd. for when all your IT warfare skills fail. and need to salvage some files before restoring a drive image or fully reinstalling windows, its the best all round linux, and the only live distro that can read/write to NTFS and has all teh tools you need except writing to DVD, and if you have linux installed you will need the linux partitioner and drive backup apps

2>powerquest partition magic
3>pwerquest drive image

4>d-led should be onboard display too, anyone doing maintenance on a system will have the case open
Edited by p0rt at 22:23 CDT, 26 October 2010 - 5656 Hits
britney murphy (13 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 10:58 CDT, 24 October 2010 - iMsg
must be like fucking a corpse. and always looks like the crack heads next door that sucks your cock to borrow a potato peeler
3001 Hits
acrobat reader/pdf`s (14 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 06:57 CDT, 12 October 2010 - iMsg
they suck ass, anyone know of a way to print off a pdf without the included document images...
3061 Hits
try q43a 16 slot FFA server #2 (87 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 21:29 CDT, 30 September 2010 - iMsg
you need obvious full quake 4 with point release 1.4.2 to connect....
just connect and it will all be downloaded [ delete any other q43a folder first ] :
connect :
and will download the cmp mappack.pk4 with the addon.conf deleted out ot it, it causes conflict and a "data out of sync" error message, all the map def info is in the maps.def instead of the addon.conf

win32/linux drivers are in the gamex666.pk4, a serverconfig.cfg to spawn a dedicated server is in the q43a_txt.pk4 /docs, so after you connect and q43a mod has been downloaded, extract the serverconfig.cfg in quake4/q43a folder and do command :

for windows :
quake4Ded.exe +set fs_game q43a +exec serverconfig.cfg

for linux :
q4ded.x86 or quake4-dedicated +set fs_game q43a +exec serverconfig.cfg

edit serverconfig.cfg si_cvars tor the server game rules. etc etc

server running on unreleased beta, pure server working, connect and the mod will be downloaded and setup for you... yes, easy

and easy to start servers, all repacked so all you wont get "singleplayer only mod" error when starting servers etc, you will have win32/linux drivers for fully working SP/MP/dedicated server

or for screens/info/vids

and the random SP/MP movie [ game/test map ]

uploaded new drivers with this 1 :

fixes dead MP vehicles burning effects not playing on clients who connect midgame
fixes walker MP respawn glitch, not having correct axis
fixes editor crashing on startup
fixes projectile fly effect being tinted to the color of func_liquid, when fly effect isnt in func_liquid
fixes crosshair glitch, will being in target/hit mode on some maps, or when a client connects to server

adds cvar g_timeLimitWarningMP //seconds to play time limit countdown warning, 0 to disable

no CTF announcer for flag pickup/scored, have to find and fix it, tedius and boring thing to do, everything else works smooth

- changelog

gameTypes :

includes unmodified : dm, tdm, tourney, ctf, arena ctf, deadzone ganetypes

and new MP gametypes :

gameType Reactor : kind of UT onslaught. kill a reactor. with team health regen in promity to own reactor. with reactor health regen too. 2 team points everytime reactor health reactors <=25% of maxHealth.

gameType Last Man Standing : set amount of respawns/lives alowed, when all used up. player is forced as a spectator with or without server allowing them. until the next game starts. which is whenever only 1 player has respawns remaining, need to use si_useready

gameType Invisibility : standard deathmatch. with infinate invisibility, bind impulse_50 to flick on/off in SP

single/multiplayer game modes :

Adds : manual weapon zoom. use forward/back buttons to zoom in and out
Adds : projectile flares, default : charged blaster
Adds : projectile tripbombs, default : grenade launcher
Adds : flamethrowers, default : gev
Adds : guide projectiles from projectile point of view with own hud, default : nalpalm gun
Adds : playerview bloodsplashes/sprays
Adds : weapons can have a pre muzzle flash effect that plays when weapon is idle
Adds : vehicle positions can be set to thirdperson view within def file
Adds : 3rd person death when player is dead
Adds : full headshots : mp announcer will play sound announce_headshot
Adds : bind _impulse23 to toggle invisibility in sp and mp gametype invisibility
Adds : new machinegun fire sound
Adds : material specific footstep sounds, for most materialTypes : concrete, hollowmetal, snow etc
Adds : full usuable water with func_liquid, with colorization of projectiles going into and exiting liquid pools

Changes : all weapons can use class idGuidedProjectile as a projectile spawnclass
Changes : each vehicle position uses its own hud setting in def file for multiple driver postitions
Changes : all weapon damage, ai and effects for a better looking and interesting game
Changes : new physics for moveables and vehicles, and player tweaks
Changes : vehicles kick players out when flipped and no longer eject players into the sky
Changes : better muzzle kicks on all weapons
Changes : press jump to enter/exit vehicles
Changes : hitscans no longer exist. MG/RG/LG/[bullet] weapons now use class idHitscanProjectile
Changes : all sound volumeDB, min/maxDistance on most of the sound files, for a balanced game
Changes : all menu default crosshair colors to be 0.7 alpha/transparent

Fixes : gibs use burn away effect instead of just being removed
Fixes : mapdef file worldspawn "gravity" key, to allow map to have and use a custom gravity level

singleplayer game mode :

Adds : team ai will stay a set distance from you when in attack mode
Adds : ai deaths will be random animations. or burst into fire if cvar g_burnholysin = 1
Adds : random voice taunts from self to strogg
Adds : view from ai killer with pm_aideathview, with each model having its own hud/gui to view from when player is dead
Adds : operating system clock to the top right corner of the ingame hud
Adds : full usable game pause binding _impulse25

multiplayer game mode :

Adds : 100% new netcode thats specific to dedicated/listen servers, and clients, which gives you lower cpu usage on both servers and clients
Adds : 3 new gametypes : reactor, last man standing, invisibility
Adds : server side : full respawnable free for all and team vehicles , should allow multiple passenger positions, with each position using its own seperate hud
Adds : server side : all players view frag leader when game ends
Adds : server side : all players view winning team base when game ends in team games
Adds : multiple new ways of starting games, standard warm up/ready up, force ready up with countdown, use a timed warmup cowntdown
Adds : instaGib enabled using cvar si_instaGib
Adds : new god powerup : max health/armour, run faster, jump higher, and immortality
Adds : extra player models
Adds : server side : sfx groundshake/nightemare etc effects
Adds : server side : full flashlights for weapons/vehicles using models and on/off button and weapon animation
Adds : server side : guided/projectile point of view guideded projectiles
Adds : server side : model specific lipsynced voice taunts for each player model

key bind _impulse_60 to play mp voice taunt 1
key bind _impulse_61 to play mp voice taunt 2
key bind _impulse_62 to play mp voice taunt 3
key bind _impulse_63 to play mp voice taunt 4
key bind _impulse_64 to play mp voice taunt 5

Adds : hud ammo clipsizes for all weapons that use them
Adds : 25secs warning beep to mp game time limit hit
Adds : custom damage sets for mp games, all damagedef are read from 1 file, and set in server config using si_damageset
Adds : si_rmapCycle to randomize server map list, without having to setup a si_mapCycle .scriptcfg file
Adds : player in/out teleport sounds
Adds : player model specific arm skins and model set in the models entitydef
Adds : end of games will now show "next match begins in [si_gameReviewPause]" on the game review pause summary/score screen

Changes : ctf flag is now invisible if carrier player has invisibility
Changes : ctf flag resets to base if player dies ontside of the arena
Changes : si_drop powerups/weapons now work
Changes : server side : railgun color/team hitscan tints, that always work
Changes : all the main si_settings will now show on othe ingame mpgame server info screen with enabled/disabled instead of 1 or 0


adds swimmable liquid using func_liquid using editor vars :

"editor_var density" "water density when swimming"
"editor_var buoyancy" "buoyancy of player only"
"editor_var _color" "color to overlay on player hud when submerged"
"editor_var damageDef" "damage def to use every second"

after you have set the mins/maxs for the func_liquid, add a slim brush for the surface material

includes a basic demo map. /map test in the console to run


set all weapon respawn times :

Free For All 14sec
Team DM 12sec
Tourney 23sec
CTF 17sec
Arena CTF 15sec
Arena 1 Flag CTF 15sec
DeadZone 14sec
Reactor 22sec
Last Man Standing 14sec
Invisibility 22sec

default pickup respawn time to : 48sec

starting MP games in server config

si_warmup 1 + si_useReady 1 : normal warmup waiting for si_minplayers to readyup to start match
si_warmup 1 + si_useReady 0 : normal warmup using si_countdown to start match, move to next map when countdown is reached
si_warmup 0 + si_useReady 1 : spectator waiting for si_minplayers to readyup to start match
si_warmup 0 + si_useReady 0 + si_useCountdown 1 : spectator readyup using si_countdown to start match, move to next map when countdown is reached
si_warmup 0 + si_useReady 0 : just start game

- cvar list

- sp/mp game :

Adds : pm_dropWeapons //replaces player def files "nodrop" for SP games, does`nt do nothing, just looks good in thirdperson death
Adds : pm_thirdpersonCrosshair //show crosshair in thirdperson view
Adds : pm_instaGib //insta for singleplayer
Adds : pm_dropPowerups //drop powerups when killed for SP games, powerups nothing fully usable yet
Adds : pm_thirdpersonCrosshair //show crosshair, def file overrides this
Adds : pm_thirdpersonVehicleRange //eye distance from driver position, def file overrides this
Adds : pm_thirdpersonVehicleHeight //eye height from driver position, def file overrides this
Adds : pm_aiDeathView //view from killer AI when dead
Adds : pm_aiDeathViewRandom //chance in %n, >= 2, to view from killer AI pov

- user info :

Adds : ui_zoomtype //0 = manual, 1 = auto. for multiplayer

- ai :

Adds : ai_fovDegrees //replaces ai def files "fov", use overrideFOV in def files

- sp/mp game :

Adds : g_burnaway //remove ai ragdolls in SP
Adds : g_gibHealth //health below 0. for gibs if projectile allows gibs
Adds : g_respawnDelay //time player respawns after death. replaces respawn_delay in player def file
Adds : g_voiceTaunts //enable voice taunts in game. 1 in 24 chance of player/ai saying something after kill with "snd_taunt" in def file in SP
Adds : g_fadeDeath //fade screen to black when dead in SP
Adds : g_regidDead //keep actors solid when dead in SP
Adds : g_bloodSpray //bloodspray vision on hud
Adds : g_teamDamage //team damage mode in SP
Adds : g_voiceFriendlyFireChance //chance of friendly fire lipsync/sound in SP
Adds : g_zoomtype //0 = manual, 1 = auto. for SP
Adds : g_weaponHitbeep //to play g_weaponHitbeepSND when weapon shots hit enemies
Adds : g_spectateHudfx //0 = off, 1 = monitor fx, 2 = monitor fx + broken glass in MP
Adds : g_showPing //always show ping on the mp hud
Adds : g_customHud //overrides default hud 'guis/customhud.gui' in SP/NP/TEAM MP

- server config :

Adds : si_voiceTaunts //enable voice taunts
Adds : si_vehicleRespawn //respawn vehicles
Adds : si_vehicleRespawnTime //time to vehicle respawn death
Adds : si_vehicleTimeToRespawn //actual time to vehicle respawn after death
Adds : si_vehicleSteal //allow enemy team to steal vehicle until vehicle death
Adds : si_ctfKillReturns //return flag when carrier has been killed
Adds : si_playerViewEffects //enables player hud bloodsplashes, double/tunnel/shake vision
Adds : si_burnholysin //same as g_burnholysin, doesnt do much in MP but waste a few packets
Adds : si_dropWeapons //drop weapons when killed
Adds : si_dropPowerups //drop powerups when killed
Adds : si_gameReviewSpectate //force players to spectate when game ends
Adds : si_gameForceReady //force player ready when game ends
Adds : si_gameReviewPause //scores review time in seconds (at end game)
Adds : si_tournamentmode //to quickly disable. projectile impacts, hud bloodsplashes, flashlights, player view effects, voice taunts. enables instantrespawns, broadcasts all footstep/jump and item/weapon pictup sounds to all clients, disables weapon impact_fx/wall decals
Adds : si_rocketjumps //0 = disallow, 1 = allow, and si_rocketjumppower to have a custom height
Adds : si_rocketjumppower //power multiplier of rocket jumps, stops the need for splash damage changes that effect SP games
Adds : si_teamname0/si_teamname1 //for customizable team names, which show on all menu.guis, and chat
Adds : si_playerAir //how long in seconds the player can go without air before he starts taking damage, when under water or in vacuums
Edited by p0rt at 05:29 CDT, 16 October 2010 - 16859 Hits
try militia/q43a 16 slot FFA server (42 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 17:20 CDT, 16 September 2010 - iMsg
you need obvious full quake 4 with point release 1.4.2 to connect....
just connect and it will all be downloaded [ delete any other q43a folder first ] :
connect :
and will download the cmp mappack.pk4 with the addon.conf deleted out ot it, it causes conflict and a "data out of sync" error message, all the map def info is in the maps.def instead of the addon.conf

win32/linux drivers are in the gamex666.pk4, a serverconfig.cfg to spawn a dedicated server is in the q43a_txt.pk4 /docs, so after you connect and q43a mod has been downloaded, extract the serverconfig.cfg in quake4/q43a folder and do command :

for windows :
quake4Ded.exe +set fs_game q43a +exec serverconfig.cfg

for linux :
q4ded.x86 or quake4-dedicated +set fs_game q43a +exec serverconfig.cfg

edit serverconfig.cfg si_cvars tor the server game rules. etc etc

server running on unreleased beta, pure server working, connect and the mod will be downloaded and setup for you... yes, easy

and easy to start servers, all repacked so all you wont get "singleplayer only mod" error when starting servers etc, you will have win32/linux drivers for fully working SP/MP/dedicated server

or for screens/info/vids

and the random SP/MP movie [ game/test map ]
Edited by p0rt at 05:34 CDT, 16 October 2010 - 15241 Hits
world creates new afro making machine (No comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 06:02 CDT, 14 September 2010 - iMsg
851 Hits
ironman barbells (2 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 04:20 CDT, 4 September 2010 - iMsg
ever think people are sissies when they only have a few weights, if they ironman, then the barbell is 10kg on its own...
1790 Hits
1556 Hits
public q43a server<-CTF|16 slot (40 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 02:35 CDT, 28 August 2010 - iMsg
info :

just connect and it will all be downloaded [ delete any other q43a folder first ] :
connect :
and will download the cmp mappack.pk4 with the addon.conf deleted out ot it, it causes conflict and a "data out of sync" error message, all the map def info is in the maps.def instead of the addon.conf

win32/linux drivers are in the gamex666.pk4, a serverconfig.cfg to spawn a dedicated server is in the q43a_txt.pk4 /docs

quake4ded.exe +set fs_game q43a +exec serverconfig.cfg

nothing else is needed to be done, and on linux q4-ded or whatever
Edited by p0rt at 08:54 CDT, 16 September 2010 - 9247 Hits
* N U K E D * (19 comments)
Posted by Nuked User @ 06:36 CDT, 19 August 2010 - iMsg
* N U K E D *

quakec0n (33 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 09:23 CDT, 12 August 2010 - iMsg
anyone playing q43a/militia, use some1s b0x for a win32 quake4Ded
7409 Hits
Posted by p0rt @ 11:38 CDT, 7 August 2010 - iMsg
Edited by p0rt at 01:15 CST, 2 February 2011 - 13681 Hits
something for the crackheads (No comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 23:22 CDT, 6 August 2010 - iMsg
952 Hits
Giveaway of the Day - Nexus Ultimate (No comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 00:47 CDT, 5 August 2010 - iMsg
1hr left, and some other apps
1320 Hits
bash linux here (102 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 12:05 CDT, 3 August 2010 - iMsg
after a few days of it after 7 odd years of calling it crap :

bash linux here :

add the nvidia repository :

protocol : http
server :
directory : /opensuse/11.3

and install the det drivers for your card, and still have some firework screensaver slowdown

use windows, unless q4 uses driver devel, ati dump somewhere

sysconf=opengl:[ whatever the nerds do ]

coders need to be able to call the lib used, if all driver dev are based on mesa thats used for software rendering, all function etc inside remain the same for a few years, then the rest will follow

and whats the point in user and group management if it does`nt actually work, when linux think its all network, add yourself to the root/root group and you still have to use sudo

steal windows profile setup and fetch chmod from group, added to the folders etc

all window borders in gnome are 7px big, instead of 2 or 3, and all of the 30 downloadable themes are rubbish

few plugins for xchat to make it like mirc but none have gui`s,

theres no way to add a "start menu" panel if you delete them all without messing around or a install if you cant be bothered

icons on panels are all random size, making your desktop look shit

most of the apps you can download are crap and theres only a few
12328 Hits
1337 bands (50 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 09:46 CDT, 31 July 2010 - iMsg
list them for a 1000 pages

you can walk in a pub and shoot a few with these,
6464 Hits
.NET framework 4 (17 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 05:31 CDT, 30 July 2010 - iMsg
anyone have it installed and wanna convert q4sdk.sln to makefile using

and upload it, i dont have 4.5gb installed for a 6kb dos app to run, and dont have the space to install .NEt framework

scons is rubbish and the q4sdk sconstruct is all out of date, and win to linux, need all the includes to be case sensitive through out the whole sdk
Edited by p0rt at 05:34 CDT, 30 July 2010 - 3020 Hits
openSUSE (10 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 04:34 CDT, 25 July 2010 - iMsg
it sucks bad on the hairy ass, before installing buy a new HDD and remove all others, it will spead to every partition and drive like a disease so it can pretend linux rules
3992 Hits
Posted by p0rt @ 20:47 CDT, 15 July 2010 - iMsg
Edited by p0rt at 01:17 CST, 2 February 2011 - 15508 Hits
LMAO@CHINA (42 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 01:08 CDT, 13 July 2010 - iMsg
they had to shut down they`re airport because a UFO flew over it
6292 Hits
LMAO@ INDIA (73 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 21:47 CDT, 12 July 2010 - iMsg
condoms are too big for indian men
9028 Hits
raoul moat (32 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 02:38 CDT, 10 July 2010 - iMsg
gotta big the Mr AGGRO police man with the taser <> probaly why he only has a taser, damn,. they call him RAMBO

then popped his head like a melon with his shotgun
Edited by p0rt at 02:57 CDT, 10 July 2010 - 10478 Hits
how to make q4 militia work (76 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 07:34 CDT, 8 July 2010 - iMsg
1>first download both files at

2>place the into the main quake 4 directory and rightclick it and choose extract here from your archive app plugin

3> then place the in the new militia_1.7_1.1.13 directory that is in you main quake 4 directory, rightclick it and choose extract here from your archive app plugin, and click yes to overwrite all existing files

4>go back into the main quake 4 directory and run the run_militia_1.7_1.1.13.bat to automatically load q4 militia with no startup videos, or run quake 4 normally and goto the mod menu in the bottom left corner of the main menu and load the mod from there
Edited by p0rt at 07:39 CDT, 8 July 2010 - 16063 Hits
setup a server (16 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 19:07 CDT, 4 July 2010 - iMsg
yes, to setup a q4 militia server if you have the 1.1.15 beta 7 update/patch along with the full version of 1.1.13/1.1.14

copy and paste and save in extracted_militia_folder_name under the name serverconfig.cfg :

seta si_allowHitscanTint "1"
seta si_allowVoting "0"
seta si_autobalance "1"
seta si_burnholysin "0"
seta si_buyModeMaxCredits "25000"
seta si_buyModeMinCredits "0"
seta si_buyModeStartingCredits "1000"
seta si_captureLimit "1"
seta si_controlTime "120"
seta si_countDown "135"
seta si_damageSet "militia"
seta si_deadZonePowerupTime "45"
seta si_dropPowerups "1"
seta si_dropWeapons "1"
seta si_dropWeaponsInBuyingModes "0"
seta si_entityFilter ""
seta si_flashlights "0"
seta si_fps "60"
seta si_fragLimit "44"
seta si_gameForceReady "0"
seta si_gamereviewpause "75"
seta si_gameReviewSpectate "0"
seta si_gameType "Free For All"
seta si_instaGib "0"
seta si_instantRespawns "1"
seta si_invisPowerups "0"
seta si_isBuyingEnabled "0"
seta si_KillReturnsCTF "1"
seta si_lmsImmortal "8"
seta si_lmsRespawns "3"
seta si_map "mp/q4dm5"
seta si_mapCycle ""
seta si_maxPlayers "8"
seta si_message ""
seta si_message_time "2"
seta si_minPlayers "1"
seta si_name "q4 militia server"
seta si_nextTournamentTime "315"
seta si_numPlayers "32"
seta si_numPrivatePlayers "0"
seta si_playerViewEffects "1"
seta si_privatePlayers "0"
seta si_pure "0"
seta si_ReactorPlayerRegenRate "436"
seta si_ReactorRegenRate "380"
seta si_ReactorRegenWait "25"
seta si_rmapcycle "1"
seta si_rocketjumpPower "34"
seta si_rocketjumps "1"
seta si_serverURL ""
seta si_shuffle "0"
seta si_spectators "1"
seta si_suddenDeathRestart "1"
seta si_teamDamage "0"
seta si_teamName0 "[skN]MILITIA"
seta si_teamName1 "[FZI]XIAN"
seta si_timeLimit "35"
seta si_tournamentmode "0"
seta si_tourneyLimit "3"
seta si_useCountdown "1"
seta si_usePass "0"
seta si_useReady "0"
seta si_vehicleRespawn "1"
seta si_vehicleRespawnTime "10"
seta si_vehicleSteal "1"
seta si_vehicleTimeToRespawn "10"
seta si_voiceChat "0"
seta si_voicetaunts "1"
seta si_voteFlags "0"
seta si_warmup "1"
seta si_weaponStay "0"

run quake4Ded.exe using a bat file [ copy following line into notepad and save as q4militiaDed.bat ] :

Quake4Ded.exe +set fs_game extracted_militia_folder_name +exec serverconfig.cfg +spawnserver

or just load the quake4Ded.exe and paste the following into the textbox in the app :

+set fs_game extracted_militia_folder_name +exec serverconfig.cfg +spawnserver

and hit enter

when the server window starts saying hitch, just connect to the server ip in your game server browser
Edited by p0rt at 19:47 CDT, 4 July 2010 - 3145 Hits
photoshop helmetguy (2 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 22:17 CDT, 26 June 2010 - iMsg
most of you used to post of dnb sites, so its time for helmetguy
200 pages in, he was blowing up planets like patrick duffy
Edited by p0rt at 22:34 CDT, 26 June 2010 - 1339 Hits
moddb vids (8 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 11:22 CDT, 19 June 2010 - iMsg
should be something like [youtube= post codes for moddb vids :

<object width="560" height="420"><param name="movie" value=""...;<param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="560" height="420"></embed></object><br /><a href=">Videos & Audio - p0rt - Mod DB</a>
Edited by p0rt at 11:23 CDT, 19 June 2010 - 2218 Hits
goddamn (12 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 21:06 CDT, 12 June 2010 - iMsg
the nets shit, 40mins nonstop without uploading or downloading and im brain dead
Edited by p0rt at 21:14 CDT, 12 June 2010 - 24027 Hits
smallville (18 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 16:44 CDT, 8 June 2010 - iMsg
what happened to this chick

blond wih a dutch name and not in the intro credits
Edited by p0rt at 16:51 CDT, 8 June 2010 - 3966 Hits
dl grass and plant models for maps (26 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 06:16 CDT, 7 June 2010 - iMsg
hundreds to download here
and some other low poly models
4769 Hits
google toolbar (16 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 07:45 CDT, 6 June 2010 - iMsg
you can disable the auto download of the same version exe or updates every time you open your browser by disabling the google update service it installs
Edited by p0rt at 07:46 CDT, 6 June 2010 - 4581 Hits
the COD franchise is dead (23 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 11:39 CDT, 30 May 2010 - iMsg
raven might be working on black Ops
4003 Hits
kickass CTF map (14 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 21:21 CDT, 27 May 2010 - iMsg;63489
has some of the best trees you`ll ever see, laughs at crysis
5805 Hits
british freeview channel (No comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 12:35 CDT, 26 May 2010 - iMsg
yesterday is 24/7 from tuesday. you can drink your last can, to some world war 2 and SAS docs, wake up and watch them all day
870 Hits
new version of dosbox 0.74 (5 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 12:14 CDT, 14 May 2010 - iMsg
released 12 may
2636 Hits
mp load screen text (6 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 03:23 CDT, 12 May 2010 - iMsg
anyone have a way to set the text, networkSystem->setloadingtext() is only for the bottom loading text. and not the main server_info text.

any new gametype added is forced to used fraglimit even if the game doesnt use frag limit.

theres this to set ded.exe console color :

setting the loading text you cant do. probaly

last man standing uses si_lmsrespawns : load screen should be "respawns si_lmsrespawns" and not frag limit
Edited by p0rt at 03:26 CDT, 12 May 2010 - 4215 Hits
q3 textures, specular (17 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 03:15 CDT, 7 May 2010 - iMsg
anyone have good way to make specular maps, or is just greyscale. i shall use some q3 goth textures in q4.

they`re not that bad after some sharpening/softening/toughing up with opacity brush
7930 Hits
mp model specific arm skins REQ (56 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 19:06 CDT, 23 April 2010 - iMsg
mp model specific arm skins. menu not shown in vid

anyone up for doing some for next militia release... need

failed transfer
slimey transfer
struss/blue marine tech
tactical elite

find the 2 textures for all models :


just need the diffuse for most models. except failed/slimey/corpse transfer
10526 Hits
server browser (4 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 17:04 CDT, 3 April 2010 - iMsg
free good ones are hard to find that remain free and good. so heres one with decent source to just change future master servers and rebuild it
1996 Hits
better then QL (10 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 12:35 CDT, 27 March 2010 - iMsg
spend hours trying to get in her panties. or a blower
3855 Hits
tomato ketchup uk (13 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 13:39 CST, 13 March 2010 - iMsg
recommendations for a good sauce, as long as its not hienz, its 98% artificial and tastes like it and why this topic exists
2685 Hits
why is agp dead (23 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 02:53 CST, 6 March 2010 - iMsg
some say adding a 4pin molex to cards just made its death slower and was only a temporary solution, they still destroy pcie cards in benchmarks making sli and crossfire a tempory solution
4088 Hits
paypal (2 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 03:41 CST, 5 March 2010 - iMsg
anyone use like a bank and a savings account, and not a money jar hidden somewhere in your house

its like having a tax free off shore account, unless they stpart charging 1p pcm for every £50 you have added to your account funds
Edited by p0rt at 04:06 CST, 5 March 2010 - 1404 Hits
Posted by p0rt @ 18:01 CST, 2 March 2010 - iMsg
Edited by p0rt at 01:16 CST, 2 February 2011 - 26708 Hits
athlon xp's (9 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 08:28 CST, 23 February 2010 - iMsg
was looking at the fsbs etc, i used to run my tbred with 254*8.5 with a ancient hedgehog heatsink with 2 standard 60mm fans [not deltas]

so there it goes if you have 1 to stream stuff around the house
2247 Hits
pc case buttons (4 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 05:51 CST, 18 February 2010 - iMsg
anyone know the type of potentiometer used for power and reset buttons
1473 Hits
ufos sw britain (23 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 18:22 CST, 16 February 2010 - iMsg
ufo's sound wack, but anyone see them bath 2 bristol, 3 massive orange fucks quickly followed by a small pathetic jet
Edited by p0rt at 18:23 CST, 16 February 2010 - 4503 Hits
bargins (4 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 23:55 CST, 14 February 2010 - iMsg
so i got bord, got a winfart mobo and amd 64 3000 on ebay for £1.58
1474 Hits
RAGE (20 comments)
Posted by p0rt @ 20:17 CST, 12 February 2010 - iMsg
a worth it game with a tv advert or not, from EA
3879 Hits
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