I have a few issues with an out-of-the-fucking-box IE 3.0 here goes;

There's no possible way to overclock the damn thing.
I've managed to oc my wmo to 500hz without any problems, even a few 3.0s at someone else house - I'm doing the same method as always to no avail

I could possibly live with 125hz, but horrible jitter/lag is unacceptable, I have a hard time hitting my desktop icons. Not even sure how to explain it - just feels like moving up and down (y-axis) works fine, while x-axis is causing me huge problems.

it almost seems like the mouse "stops" tracking for a split second.

I tried to make a picture in paint which could possibly represent both my emotions towards this pile of crap.

I tried to replicate the pattern in the red rectangle.


I tried using another mousepad (Roccat Taito) and got the same shitty results.

At first I thought that either my pad or the sensor lens collected some dust; if I blow the fucker hard enough it works for a few seconds than starts jittering again.

So what gives, anyone has experience with faulty korean ie mice?