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xlo Z4muZ -vs- LLL draven (7 comments)
Posted by Z4muZ @ 14:45 CST, 27 January 2010 - iMsg

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Rating: 8 (2 votes)
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Viewpoint: xlo Z4muZ
How to play back QL demos

4365 Hits
xlo Z4muZ -vs- mouZ cooller (7 comments)
Posted by Z4muZ @ 14:44 CST, 27 January 2010 - iMsg

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Rating: 7.5 (1 vote)
Gametype: Duel
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Viewpoint: xlo Z4muZ
How to play back QL demos

5320 Hits
xlo Z4muZ -vs- strenx (1 comment)
Posted by Z4muZ @ 14:43 CST, 27 January 2010 - iMsg

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Rating: - (0 votes)
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Viewpoint: xlo Z4muZ
How to play back QL demos

4063 Hits
xlo Z4muZ -vs- strenx (No comments)
Posted by Z4muZ @ 03:02 CST, 26 January 2010 - iMsg

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Viewpoint: xlo Z4muZ
How to play back QL demos

1067 Hits
xlo Z4muZ -vs- mouZ cooller (No comments)
Posted by Z4muZ @ 03:00 CST, 26 January 2010 - iMsg

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Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
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Viewpoint: xlo Z4muZ
How to play back QL demos

1068 Hits
xlo Z4muZ -vs- LLL draven (No comments)
Posted by Z4muZ @ 02:59 CST, 26 January 2010 - iMsg

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Rating: - (0 votes)
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Viewpoint: xlo Z4muZ
How to play back QL demos

1083 Hits
xlo Z4muZ -vs- Various (7 comments)
Posted by Z4muZ @ 03:10 CST, 21 December 2009 - iMsg

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Rating: 8.8 (3 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: xlo Z4muZ
How to play back QL demos

alot of guys are asking for demos. So here are the demos from the IEM4 qualify.
Edited by Z4muZ at 03:10 CST, 21 December 2009 - 7934 Hits
How to get my money from Qcon 2003? (76 comments)
Posted by Z4muZ @ 11:33 CST, 2 February 2005 - iMsg
Can ANYONE help me to get my money from Quakecon 2003? I placed 2nd and won 12,500$ for over 1 year ago.
First of all I had alot of problems to get the Tax-ID from USA.

I tried to get that one over 1 year, I tried and tried...
(I need that Tax-ID so I dont have to pay 35% tax of my money)
And NOW! thanks, I got it. I was happy over that and I have sent the fax with my Tax-ID to ID-Software so they can send me the money.
I tried to e-mail them and ask if everything is ok and if they have recive the fax with the Tax-ID.
But no answer...I wait over 2 weeks, and tried to e-mail them again...Im still waiting for the answer, but I havent heard a shit from them.
Can anyone help me with this? Im frustrated to that I have been waiting so long for this money, its alot of money for me actually.
What I have heard is that everyone else has recive the money from Qcon, zero4,czm,fox and so on...

Why not me ? =(

I will be thankfull if I can get some help with this!

thanks alot!

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