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D3.VQ3 International - CYPHER WINS! (94 comments)
Posted by SombrA @ 07:00 CDT, 5 September 2008 - iMsg
Scheduled: 14:00 CDT, 29 August 2008 to 16:00 CDT, 6 September 2008
Schedule: Passed

d3porte D3porte International Tournament is reaching its Grand Final on Saturday the 6th of September at 14:00 CST:

Grand Final: Belarus serious/Cypher [2:0] [2:1] Russia LaMz|question (fixture)

Update: The match is to be rescheduled!

GTV: United States of America & scorebot in mIRC #d3porte

Final Standings

1st.- cup_gold - Belarus srs'cypher 200€
2nd.- cup_silver - Russia LaMz|question 100€
3rd.- cup_bronze - Spain D&M/SombrA - 50 €
4th.- Russia magic/Nike
5-8: Russia LaMz/K1llmas,Poland Fx.Rutt,Ukraine Stalq3r, Netherlandsfnatic/Vo0

DEMOS: You can download the demos from D3porte VQ3 Tournament & Demos.
Edited by SombrA at 00:56 CDT, 11 September 2008 - 32940 Hits
D3.VQ3 International - Finals- UPDATED! (60 comments)
Posted by SombrA @ 07:45 CDT, 19 August 2008 - iMsg
d3porte D3porte International Tournament is reaching the finals. There you can follow the final games of this tournament during the next days.

DEMOS: You can download the demos from D3porte VQ3 Tournament & Demos.

The GTV ip for ALL games is:
You can follow the tournament by IRCBot on channel #D3porte on the Quakenet network.
Edited by SombrA at 06:39 CDT, 26 August 2008 - 15969 Hits
D3-VQ3: Results&Dates-Day 19th UPDATED! (58 comments)
Posted by SombrA @ 04:28 CDT, 13 August 2008 - iMsg
Scheduled: 12:00 CDT, 13 August 2008 to 15:00 CDT, 22 August 2008
Schedule: Passed

The guys from d3porte D3porte are giving us a very nice coverage with daily demos and GTV for all games you can download the demos from D3porte VQ3 Tournament & Demos.

You can follow the dates and results on the bracket link D3porte VQ3 Brackets.

Here are the results so far and dates for next matches:

The GTV ip for ALL games is: (&
You can follow the tournament by IRCBot on channel #D3porte on the Quakenet network.
This post will be updated daily with new results and dates.
Edited by SombrA at 05:24 CDT, 19 August 2008 - 19053 Hits
D3porte Tournament - Seed & Brackets!! (97 comments)
Posted by SombrA @ 21:56 CDT, 9 August 2008 - iMsg
We are pleased to announce that the d3porte D3porte VQ3 Tournament sign up reached almost 70 participants, more than we expected, so we can close the players list before the expected time. Thanks to geow, ApAje who helped us to do this.

We are going to publish the seed and the brackets and changing the start date of the tournament to Monday 11th. This will give all more time to play the games.

From D3porte: "we want to tell to all the participants that you should be proactive playing your games, don’t wait for and admin to arrange your match you can find your opponent on the irc channel #D3porte. If your opponent doesn't appear please contact us."

During the next days we will publish the GTV address, the timetables for the games and dates, also the games covered by GTV.

We are so sorry that we cannot accept almost all the petitions to play, also pay attention for the next days because if some player is no showing we will contact our waiting list people to get the slot.

Have fun all !
You can check Times and scheduled date of games on the brackets!
D3porte VQ3 Tournament: Updated !!
Edited by SombrA at 08:08 CDT, 11 August 2008 - 39763 Hits
D3porte VQ3 Tournament: Updated !! (83 comments)
Posted by SombrA @ 04:10 CDT, 5 August 2008 - iMsg
d3porte D3porte is pleased to announce their second online tournament, this time after the experience that we had from the first tournament we are bringing some good news, for example the tournament this time will be international and with the prize purse of 350€!

The tournament will be all online, the players will meet on the irc 30 minutes before the accorded time to choose the server, also the tournament will have 32 slots BO3 with loser bracket from first round.

UPDATED to list the current signups. There are only 12 places left so signup fast!!

If you want to take part of this tournament you will need to send a mail to [email protected] with subject “Torneo”, including a fast form to contact you directly (MSN or e-mail) and the nickname that you will use on this tourney. Remember that some slots are reserved for high seeded people.

The tournament will be managed from the channel #D3porte on the IRC Quakenet Network. You will need to arrange an exact date and time with your opponent and report this to the administrators, then if one player is not showing after 30 minutes will be a default win for the one that is on time.

This tournament will be covered by GTV, demos and from in Spanish and English.

The rules:

Is mandatory to record demo and take a screenshot of the final result of the game from each player. You will need to send your cfg to the administrators too.
Edited by SombrA at 17:28 CDT, 9 August 2008 - 27151 Hits
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