Alright so i get Connection interrupted pretty often. I can still write "Say text" and others on the server can see what i write but im still 999d for 30sec orso. Still have inet so nothing wrong with my isp.
I do know others having the same problem and it seems always happening on the same time for those who have the issue.
Thing is im starting to think it could be us missing some windows update orso causing it?
I mean it dosent appear to happen to everyone but 50% of those it does.
Bug has been there since last ql update for me :|
I do know others having the same problem and it seems always happening on the same time for those who have the issue.
Thing is im starting to think it could be us missing some windows update orso causing it?
I mean it dosent appear to happen to everyone but 50% of those it does.
Bug has been there since last ql update for me :|
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