I have followed Q3 events through the years on GTVs and have been happy about it.
This "new" Gamers tv like ESL and DerQuaker etc that follows QL events is a great initiative so we can follow them on the sofa with a big bag of potato crisps and maybe a couple of beers...
QL is NOT Warsow. Why lower the graphics on a Gamerstv so Quake looks like warsow??? That is something i donīt understand, in fact i hate it. A Gamertv should have the best view....i think you know what i mean...
picmip 0 (or 1), spiral rail with 2 colors, enemymodel "" , enemycolor "" etc etc, i can go on for ever...
...stop making QL look like warsow.
This "new" Gamers tv like ESL and DerQuaker etc that follows QL events is a great initiative so we can follow them on the sofa with a big bag of potato crisps and maybe a couple of beers...
QL is NOT Warsow. Why lower the graphics on a Gamerstv so Quake looks like warsow??? That is something i donīt understand, in fact i hate it. A Gamertv should have the best view....i think you know what i mean...
picmip 0 (or 1), spiral rail with 2 colors, enemymodel "" , enemycolor "" etc etc, i can go on for ever...
...stop making QL look like warsow.
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