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Campgrounds Intel demo? (24 comments)
Posted by derok @ 20:31 CDT, 14 May 2014 - iMsg
Hi, do you guys know of a Campgrounds Intel demo game played by the pros?

9378 Hits
Lightning gun demo from quakecon 2013 (24 comments)
Posted by derok @ 15:31 CDT, 8 September 2013 - iMsg
Hi, I believe there is a demo from a match from quakecon 2013 between rapha and dahang, in which dahang does a big lightning gun on rapha. I think the game was played on bloodrun.

Does anybody has the demo?

6899 Hits
Watching demo: couldn't load maps (5 comments)
Posted by derok @ 13:51 CDT, 17 August 2013 - iMsg
Hi, im trying to watch a demo from quakecon 2013, it's one from the finals, on the map lostworld. I'm trying to watch the demo by going to practice mode on quakelive and then launching the demo from console, but I got the error: "couldn't load maps/lostworld.bsp". This is something that also had happened to me before and not only on this map.

How can I solve this?

6625 Hits
Quakecon 2012 grand final masters demos? (14 comments)
Posted by derok @ 18:31 CDT, 29 September 2012 - iMsg
Hi, Im looking for the Quakecon 2012 grand final masters demos, but I cant find them. There was a zip to download but it seems unavailable.

Where can I get them?

4623 Hits
The origins of duel? (23 comments)
Posted by derok @ 21:40 CDT, 30 July 2011 - iMsg
just curious about how the duel game was born.

quakelive duel consists in trying to kill your oponent in an arena,
but theres also the map control: you need to control items in the map in order to
have more power over you opponent, so that killing your opponent will be easier, and you have to know the timings of the items in order to pick them up.

i would like to know which was the first game to incorporate this type of game for two gamers/players(it could be pc or console or whatever) ?

and would like to know which one was the first for player vs cpu.

so my question is basically: when was the duel, first seen as we know it today?

5251 Hits
Campgrounds must be back in the map pool (148 comments)
Posted by derok @ 11:40 CDT, 21 March 2011 - iMsg
for duel tournaments.

A great map,
very entertaining.

brings a lots of emotions to the game.

People still plays it a lot.

Tournaments lack a map like this.
Even pro players have said they miss the map.

It would be good to the game if its back again.
Edited by derok at 14:05 CDT, 23 March 2011 - 23079 Hits
Newest Rapha config? (17 comments)
Posted by derok @ 23:23 CST, 5 January 2011 - iMsg
Anyone knows where i can download the newest rapha config from the newest quakelive tournament.

15501 Hits
Phrantic demo?? (6 comments)
Posted by derok @ 03:06 CST, 27 December 2010 - iMsg
anyone know where i can download a pro demo of this map?

Edited by derok at 03:06 CST, 27 December 2010 - 6401 Hits
Watch demos offline? (10 comments)
Posted by derok @ 21:13 CDT, 5 August 2010 - iMsg
i was looking for a way to watch demos offline,
there was a google link, but it seems dead now,

is there another alternative out there?

8169 Hits
Is Cypher level right now... (38 comments)
Posted by derok @ 22:14 CDT, 19 June 2010 - iMsg
...better than when he won everything in 2008?
12554 Hits
single core / dual core (3 comments)
Posted by derok @ 23:31 CDT, 15 March 2010 - iMsg
wanna know the comparison of the intel single core vs the dual core procesors, like a chart comparing the speeds of each one

1781 Hits
crt or lcd? (155 comments)
Posted by derok @ 20:58 CDT, 15 March 2010 - iMsg
some say that with CRT your aim is better.

some say LCD is better.

which monitor is the best for playing quakelive?
Edited by derok at 20:58 CDT, 15 March 2010 - 40756 Hits
Quake Live crashes (13 comments)
Posted by derok @ 20:33 CST, 11 March 2010 - iMsg
i'm having this crash with quake live that happens when playing.

The game freezes and freezes the computer as well, so control+alt+supr dont work, keyboard dont work, nothing responds, so finally i have to restart the computer.

how can i solve this?

Edited by derok at 20:34 CST, 11 March 2010 - 8382 Hits
Not download all files (1 comment)
Posted by derok @ 16:41 CST, 5 March 2010 - iMsg
i'm trying to connect to a cpma server

i have cpma 1.47,
but the server is making me download all the files the server has, such as cpma 1.46, zz-144, some other pk3 and such.

is there a way to connect to the server without the need of downloading all those files?

2089 Hits
Name of quake video showed in esl radio? (7 comments)
Posted by derok @ 11:35 CST, 3 March 2010 - iMsg
in the stream of quakelive games showed today(wednesday) by esl radio

the guy was streaming some quake videos,
one of those, was one that was like a funny quake tutorial where the player started to fall into the pit on purpose.

what's the name of that video?

3787 Hits
Gamegune 2008 demos? (3 comments)
Posted by derok @ 13:47 CDT, 24 October 2009 - iMsg
where can i find some?

the final would be nice

2068 Hits
Fatal1ty, you have to comeback now! (39 comments)
Posted by derok @ 22:48 CDT, 13 September 2009 - iMsg
You recently said that you are waiting for the ideal opportunity and good media attention in order to come back to gaming, but, the return of one of the best players in the history of gaming, and by this i mean you, will in fact help the gaming community and give all the attention that it needs.

dont wait for the perfect opportunities, cause they'll never be perfect.

just go to the next quakelive tournament, and do it.
8828 Hits
Spartie demos for Quakecon grand final?? (10 comments)
Posted by derok @ 12:07 CDT, 9 September 2009 - iMsg
Hi, i was looking for spartie pov demos from the grand final at quakecon vs rapha, all the 5 games.

where can i find them?

Edited by derok at 15:09 CDT, 9 September 2009 - 2663 Hits
Quakecon 2002 brackets (2 comments)
Posted by derok @ 12:02 CDT, 9 September 2009 - iMsg
i was looking for the quakecon 2002 winners & loser brackets quake 3 1v1 tournament,

anyone have a link where to find it?

Edited by derok at 12:03 CDT, 9 September 2009 - 1894 Hits
Quakecon 2009 demos? (10 comments)
Posted by derok @ 14:24 CDT, 15 August 2009 - iMsg
where are the demos for the 1v1 masters tournament in quakecon 2009?

are they being uploaded here or in another site?

4593 Hits
ESL-TV QL inv demos?? (2 comments)
Posted by derok @ 11:41 CDT, 11 August 2009 - iMsg
in the link for the tourney:

it says: Demos released on 10th August!,
but i dont see the demos

where are they?

998 Hits
disable mvd for demos (8 comments)
Posted by derok @ 07:58 CDT, 3 June 2009 - iMsg
i'm using cpma 1.47
i want to disable the multiview when i'm watching demos,
so, intead of getting getting one pov and the other one in the top corner, i just get the one pov..
what can i do ?

Edited by derok at 07:59 CDT, 3 June 2009 - 3348 Hits
No shells and no blood (1 comment)
Posted by derok @ 21:55 CDT, 26 April 2009 - iMsg
wanna remove the shells that comes out of the gun when you are shooting with shotgun and with the machinegun.
And also wanna remove the blood that appers on the screen when the opponent hits you.

what commands should i use?

3594 Hits
Download size?? (2 comments)
Posted by derok @ 07:19 CDT, 8 April 2009 - iMsg
i know that you run this in the browser, and you don't actually do a "save as" to your

but what is the download size of the game?
1420 Hits
record message size (4 comments)
Posted by derok @ 06:10 CDT, 7 April 2009 - iMsg
hi, im using cpma version 1.46,
what command can i use to change the record message size when i am recording

3302 Hits
No Windows mouse speed. (10 comments)
Posted by derok @ 01:56 CDT, 6 April 2009 - iMsg
i want to know if there's a command in quake 3 that "takes out" the windows mouse speed, so it will not matter if you go to control panel(windows xp)---mouse---pointer options, and then change the pointer speed to 1 or 10, because quake 3 will not recognize it.

is there a command that can do this?

3875 Hits
Fatal1ty best demos (30 comments)
Posted by derok @ 13:15 CDT, 30 March 2009 - iMsg
Hi, i was looking for a fatal1ty top 10 best demos from tournaments in quake 3.

Edited by derok at 13:15 CDT, 30 March 2009 - 6933 Hits
Variables resets itself (10 comments)
Posted by derok @ 21:26 CST, 5 February 2009 - iMsg
hi i'm using cpma version 1.46,

the problem is that i change some varibales in my config, like
com_maxfps or r_picmip with the game open.

and then i close the game and open it again and the variables are back to the default

what can i do in order so that the variables stay in the value that i change?

4418 Hits
Hosting problem (3 comments)
Posted by derok @ 20:31 CST, 23 January 2009 - iMsg
I'm using version 1.32, and mod cpma 1.46.
i'm creating my own server, so i go to main menu, play online, create, choose map, next, fight.
so i'm in the map, and i give my ip to a friend so he can join.
He enters the arena, but whenever i see him moving, running or jumping, his model its moving weird, like if its lagging.

how can i fix this?

1342 Hits
Quake 3 - 1.16 (76 comments)
Posted by derok @ 22:25 CST, 28 November 2008 - iMsg
I'm using the 1.16 quake 3 version, and everytime i try to create a game in multiplayer, it gives me the "enter cd key", and then, i enter my valid cd key, but it does not load the map, and does not let me create a game.
If i try to enter in singleplayer mode, the same thing happens,

i want to be able to fix this

what can i do to solve this?

28083 Hits
Without Vote (4 comments)
Posted by derok @ 22:55 CDT, 27 October 2008 - iMsg
i'm using the cpma mod version 1.46,

and im starting a game by:
play online....create...choose

So now i'm in the map, and i want to change some variables like: "timelimit" and "weaponrespawn". But i notice that you have to do this with voting.

Is there another way to do this, so that the changes on the variables stay, and i don't have to vote everytime i create a game to change them?

2086 Hits
Red Alert not working (4 comments)
Posted by derok @ 04:04 CDT, 16 October 2008 - iMsg
i saw this news here in esr:

and i downloaded the allied disc,
i installed it, and put the patch,
i'm using win xp sp3,
but when i run it, it shows a message:
"Application error: ra95.exe"
"an privileged instruction was executed at adress 005c7c14"
"click ok to terminate the application"

so, the game never runs.

what can i do in order so it can run properly?

1671 Hits
Weaponrespawn in tournaments (6 comments)
Posted by derok @ 00:51 CDT, 13 October 2008 - iMsg
what is the setting for the weaponrespawn in Quake 3, in the tournaments like eswc and eswc masters of athens that is coming up?

2091 Hits
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