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Updated my CPMA HUD for 1.44 (22 comments)
Posted by injx @ 17:26 CDT, 29 October 2007 - iMsg
Made a couple of changes, it supports the new sansman font, and has the speedo on since i've been using it recently.


NTF Image

HUD Config

if you don't like the speedo you can # comment it out from the end of the hudcfg, or use the 1.44 command:

/hud_hide playerspeed

oh and its backwards compatible with 1.43.
Edited by injx at 14:20 CST, 2 December 2010 - 11211 Hits
ETQW Config Template (13 comments)
Posted by injx @ 11:49 CDT, 25 June 2007 - iMsg
Here is a default client config template I made. Although most of the stuff you need is in the GUI, call me old-fashioned but I like to have my settings in a config file.

It contains all the menu settings, including the various presets (eg. 'CPU Detail Level') in terms of the actual cvars that they represent, plus some of the other useful cvars.

There are no cheat protected vars here, but some aren't archived by default, hence some have 'seta'.
Edited by injx at 10:42 CDT, 6 July 2007 - 13335 Hits
High Accel, Low Accel and Real Accel (309 comments)
Posted by injx @ 16:25 CDT, 14 April 2007 - iMsg
I was chatting to ix the other day about mouse movement and this post and I realised something that had been staring me in the face but I'd never given it any thought.

We all know the reasons why when specifying sens it should be in real terms of cm/360, and not just the q3 sensitivity value, which is meaningless on its own. However the same applies to accel. As you can see in the equation, the accel term (circled) is affected by not only cl_mouseaccel, but by many other variables, including mouse dpi and windows sens.

This is best illustrated by example.

Take 2 players, X and Y. Player X has 'low' accel (0.1) and player Y has 'high' accel (1.0). Also lets say that player X has a 1600dpi mouse and player Y has a 400dpi mouse. So ok, you probably think that player Y has 10 times more accel than player X, right? Actually, it turns out that player X has the higher acceleration: 60% more accel than player Y.

So, if those with fancy hi-res mice appear to be using 'low' accel, it is not necessarily low in reality.

This presents a problem though, the equivalent sens problem is solved quite easily by specifying in cm/360 terms, but there is no easy way to specify the real accel. So, why not invent one.

If we call the real measure of accel 'J' (i'm running out of letters), and our real measure of sens 'I' (measured with accel off of course). Note that by turning the accel off in the equation above, we get

I := 360/(kSMRB).

Define J to be the full accel term from the equation above (everything multiplying the mouse speed, E), this gives

J := M (kSR)^2 A / 1000.

However, we may not know what k is (if our driver is doing some unknown scaling), or we may not know R accurately. In this case, we can measure 'I' the old-fashioned way and then use the value of I to calculate J:

J = Real accel
I = Real sens (cm/360)
B = sensitivity
A = cl_mouseaccel
M = m_yaw

The interpretation of real accel can be thought of as the extra sensitivity given per speed of mouse movement. Units of J depend on whether you use cm or inches for 'I', but for consistency make sure cm are used. J is the number of extra degrees per cm gained by moving the mouse at 1 cm/s. It has units of (deg/cm)/(cm/s) = deg.s/cm^2.

I get a J value of 0.48, so I'm wondering what values others get.


Note that this is not compatible with quakelive's style 1 accel, only use with style 0.
Edited by injx at 09:07 CDT, 10 July 2010 - 194592 Hits
New ASE Filters for Q3 (23 comments)
Posted by injx @ 13:14 CST, 3 January 2007 - iMsg
If, like me, you can't stop using the All-Seeing Eye as your server browser, despite the sorry state that Yahoo has left it in, then this may be useful to you.

I have updated the ASE filters for Q3.


Download and extract filters.txt to your ASE folder. (Backup current one first):

Or for those of you who know what you're doing and have made other customisations to your filters.txt already, you can get the Q3 section here and integrate it into your filters.txt however you like:

hf :)

EDIT 2007/01/04 01:30 GMT
I had to update the file, since the Yahoo servers don't like me renaming some of the existing mods/gametypes, so I put the original names back.
Edited by injx at 12:33 CDT, 31 July 2008 - 11571 Hits
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