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merry xmas! (20 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 06:39 CST, 24 December 2007 - iMsg
I know what i want for xmas.. <3
10194 Hits
competitive wow? (70 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 19:20 CST, 1 December 2007 - iMsg
jesus.. .. .. world of walking.

i dont like this development..
10180 Hits
Posted by gF|sNii @ 09:38 CDT, 11 March 2007 - iMsg
7970 Hits
loljesus? (No comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 20:24 CDT, 9 September 2006 - iMsg
this is probably old but.. ehm.. lol
1556 Hits
What's up? (14 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 06:05 CDT, 3 September 2006 - iMsg
I've been in the military for about 4weeks now. And i have to admit I enjoy being fulltime stressedout for about 12hours a day.
I mean, wth.. What is it with all the retarded stuff we do?
- have about 1minute to run from our lines in front of our barracks and get our compass.
Sounds easy right? Yes ofcourse it is.. but we got these retards who doesnt have the ability to know where anything is, in their locker.
Another example; we have 2minutes to get our weapon and groundsheet. Still we have the same retards who doesnt line up in time infront of the fucking barracks.
And Because of these, mind calling them NEWBS, we have to stand in a pushup position for about 5 fucking minutes and later do a 30 of them.

- so i have to ask...wth do this "get your shit in 1minute" has to do with war? Yes okey, we need to get our gear together fast in a war situation. But why do the whole fucking troop has to suffer because of retards who doesnt know shit?

- well fuck it, i need to take the train now..
9 damn straight hours and my ipod is fucking broken.

my gaming life is over ;/
3637 Hits
damn you.. (4 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 19:10 CDT, 9 June 2006 - iMsg
i just wanted to say :
1929 Hits
something for you :D (1 comment)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 10:39 CDT, 27 May 2006 - iMsg
for a while ago i made a little ut04 movie from my own frags in the period 04/05.
I just want to share this little cute movie with you guys.. :D
this is actually my first "fragmovie" and i didnt put so much time in it, basicly just made a gathering of some old cute frags i'd frapsed for a while ago.. just for the memory.<3

1872 Hits
the reign of biomastery :D (21 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 13:19 CDT, 21 May 2006 - iMsg
(sp^cristal): JAG KLARAR INTE MER!!

(Divine|Harken): I hope I never have to meet any1 as good with you as the bio ever again.
(sni): hihi<3


(pos´jiy): Sorry about that 1on1.
(pos´jiy): was getting agretated :p
(pos´jiy): nice bio skills :)
(sni): well i am used to it..
(sni): so many ppl leaving.. blaming on luck with bio.
(pos´jiy): nah it wasnt luck
(pos´jiy): I noticed :)
(pos´jiy): nice anyways.. gg

I consider this as same as the famous varagh quote vs luxxxiz:

Anyone else wants to feel the greenbomb?
Edited by gF|sNii at 17:44 CST, 18 November 2008 - 9275 Hits
Posted by gF|sNii @ 09:27 CDT, 1 May 2006 - iMsg

- The days are passing by, been only living on beer and pussy.
kthx.And I havent met CPLains yet... lol. Whatever :D
Jesus.. i wonder how much of this hardcore partying my body can take. A dude at our bus has been awake for 3 days .. and only been on the bus.. this means he has only eating takeawayfood, beer.. more beer .. and then again teh pussy :D

føk :))

i love this

edit:img of teh pants is up!
Edited by jtm.s9 at 14:28 GMT, 1st May 2006 - 6664 Hits
GbyE ! for 2weeks. (16 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 12:38 CDT, 29 April 2006 - iMsg
Im at first foodstation, iow. back home.. gathering all my beer and shit.
Im fucking ready for the fuckingparty :D
btw. that's a random newbpic from some RUSS. :)

CPLains - are you a russ ?

[russ: something you are when passing 13years of school. A graduation tradition the norwegians have. We also tend to buy a bus, style it with a neat concept and wear either red(general studies),black (media and communications),green(plants and shit likethat.) or blue(economical studies) pans]
5703 Hits
Not every clown is a nice one :/ (26 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 11:58 CDT, 26 April 2006 - iMsg
8902 Hits
Hubba hubba <3 (128 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 09:56 CDT, 25 April 2006 - iMsg


Adriana Lima

Gisele Bundhcen

Which ones are your hubbahubba's ?
148205 Hits
Giev love! (16 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 09:23 CDT, 25 April 2006 - iMsg
Cause i really need it !
6867 Hits
Glad to be back.. (33 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 11:00 CDT, 21 April 2006 - iMsg
ESReality brings back so many cute memories.. <3
The ut03 times i've had with dD (dodraugane), all the discussion going on.. all the columns... I am fucking glad i threw away WoW. And I AM BACK baby!
Too bad people like Brutto and Prajm is jacking off with the nightelfs and shit like that :(
I dont like loosing those great playRs..

Anyways.. I would like to raise my hand to Carmac for making the movie: FIREBREATH.. god how i love the soundtrack!!!
Anyone knows the name of the song ? <3

My shout outs goes to:
lains,lepow,rubberduck,tewic,therogue,tbone,primax,larvi,netrex,sampo,pinball,vinkie,astz and lots more! I wub yeh all.
And even the flamers.. haha ESR cant get enuff of them ^^

cheers from:
Jonathan aka: dDkh,sni,s9,senate9,ins,inzs,jtm. Mathisen..
10852 Hits
q4. (11 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 19:44 CDT, 21 October 2005 - iMsg
<3 though my baby needs some adjustments..
5533 Hits
yawn (43 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 13:57 CDT, 17 April 2005 - iMsg
10992 Hits
Someone just has to be stupid ! haha FU (1 comment)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 18:35 CDT, 7 April 2005 - iMsg
iMessage sent @ 19:01, 7 Apr 2005 - LaxOr is online (idle mins: 8)
From Norway LaxOr
du er en fitte

iMessage sent @ 19:01, 7 Apr 2005 - LaxOr is online (idle mins: 8)
From Norway LaxOr

iMessage sent @ 19:01, 7 Apr 2005 - LaxOr is online (idle mins: 8)
From Norway LaxOr
det er du

You are a pussy
you are

Well my good ol friend alex, wth is your problem. Just because you have a tragic life and team3wd is totally fucked... it doesnt mean you have to call barely-past-minor-aged-members shit.

Edited by iNs_ at 23:36 GMT, 7th Apr 2005 - 2167 Hits
Musical Questionary! (15 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 08:28 CDT, 6 April 2005 - iMsg
Do you know what kinda song and who it is ?



lets start!
7313 Hits
this question goes to you all ! (2 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 17:53 CDT, 5 April 2005 - iMsg
anyone who is familiar with the band Company flow ?

and their project .. or album ? whatever it is..
plz help me out <3


Ill give you guys a soundsample from an old Radiorecorded cassett i got back here... with two songs which is so raw and extraordinary <3 !!

TTYL - reply if you know anything about this song..
2201 Hits
El Caco :D (5 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 15:44 CST, 25 March 2005 - iMsg
No.. this is no meal from Spain. This is actually a Norwegian band - placed in a genre between Turbonegro and motorhead and twisted towards the metal scene. Well i dig it. It's not that "hard" but catchy and neat :)

Listen to this:
Someone new.mp3
This is the only soundtrack their site provides.
I highly support the fact that you should figure out a way to get some samples or even their cd's, if so - these are their best songs by my opinion :))))

Blue Zone
The Small Hours
Space Station

Happy eastern :)
Edited by sNital1ty at 21:44 GMT, 25th Mar 2005 - 3657 Hits
nothink special about spain :)))) (40 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 13:04 CST, 16 March 2005 - iMsg
and im convinced that we scandinavians got the prettiest girls in the world.. <3

and i did just read that the supermodelworld consists of 1/3 Brazilians :O

got to have ze pix!
Lotta - Cristal's neighbour.
*I prefer them swedes <3*
Edited by sNital1ty at 13:41 GMT, 17th Mar 2005 - 17678 Hits
Posted by gF|sNii @ 13:41 CST, 3 March 2005 - iMsg
Barcelona.. byebye Norway!
major your ass \o/
too bad i'll miss the 1on1 IT-Palasset compo ://
Edited by sNital1ty at 17:32 GMT, 4th Mar 2005 - 4065 Hits
hirr :D (12 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 12:49 CST, 2 March 2005 - iMsg
I have:
The Empire
Full metal edges


which other movies do you recommend ?

10016 Hits
Clann Zú (7 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 10:06 CST, 27 February 2005 - iMsg
4127 Hits
Goodnight-Goodfight (45 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 17:41 CST, 26 February 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 6.4 (27 votes)
This is a neat UT2004 frag collection from Sweden j52.TeveT, filled with some great hitscan action, pumping beats and Swedish taunting!

Be sure to download a movie from one of Sweden's top ten TDM players and a jolly good fellow as well!
Edited by netrex at 12:23 GMT, 9th Mar 2005 - 40480 Hits
An update for my recent JOURNAL! (No comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 16:01 CST, 25 February 2005 - iMsg
1789 Hits
Short Circuit (34 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 15:50 CST, 25 February 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 6.3 (38 votes)
"Short Circuit" is a decent Unreal Tournament 2004 movie made by Finland Electry featuring TDM and pickup frags from various Scandinavian players.

The things that make this work enjoyable are the well-synced frags and tasteful editing. Although this isn't a new "Unskilled 3", it's definitely a neat movie that will receive it's review. Whether this is a good or a bad fragmovie is up to you.

(I personally loved the ending. <3)

Now go support the Finnish community at on QuakeNet.
Edited by netrex at 12:23 GMT, 9th Mar 2005 - 34584 Hits
w00t :D (27 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 21:05 CST, 21 February 2005 - iMsg
Haha i did it!!!

I just won a Ut2004 and Q3 competitions, and those skills you have from fastmoving FPS-games really helps you when you try a new game!
Now i've been praccin alot to beat these local l33tassquakers and finaly i pulled it through <333

and after this lan.. with a new 200gigger, a box candy, two tshirts and some sex.. - im fucking ready to go snowboarding. My gaming quota is made up!

time for ze mountains <3

piece out .
9053 Hits
Cunninlynguists .. :O (10 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 08:06 CST, 18 February 2005 - iMsg
I did just noticed the band Cunninlynguists, and i might share the fact that these can offer some real quality hip-hop.
This is a band for you if you like other hippedihopps like:
Souls of mischief, Jedi Mind Tricks,Non phixion, Dilated Peoples and Deltron 3030. Though im not the expert on underground hiphop i notice a decent band when i listen to them.

My opinion of their two albums:

If you dont like hippedihop there is no need for your opinion :)

Barrington Levy - Here I Come
hahahahha .. :D
4356 Hits
nostalgia<3 (2 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 13:51 CST, 16 February 2005 - iMsg
booom selectah !
Anyone remember this movie ? "Gen got Binged"

... aww those cute-good-ol'times<3

The soundtrack needs the biggest subwoofer in the world.. turn that shit on !



Edited by iT|iNs_ at 19:52 GMT, 16th Feb 2005 - 2117 Hits
Adriana Lima (28 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 05:34 CST, 13 February 2005 - iMsg
Edited by AaronJ at 20:11 GMT, 13th Feb 2005 - 14743 Hits
She's gonna be allright.. (6 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 13:18 CST, 12 February 2005 - iMsg
"...and it dont mean i dont luuuuve you,when i put a gun to your face. It just means i want to get rough with you..
Babys gonna be allright
she's gonna be
babys gonna be allright.."

Adam Green - Babys gonna die tonight


Just a week untill we have wintervacation in Norway :)
3071 Hits
Obliterate by Riner (28 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 13:43 CST, 7 February 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.8 (21 votes)
This is a very nice collection of amazing frags, brought to you by StyleProductions.

StyleP presents: Obliterate - Q3 Movie

We are really proud to present our first official Quake III Arena movie, Obliterate. Starts off with the Style-Productions promo movie followed by an good original intro on the bridge. In the main part we see some amazing frags synched lovely to the music from the well known Command & Conquer series, Hell March.

The name and map layout is cool and dont interfere with the action on the screen which will blast you away, until it goes over to the dm6tour. Highspeeded minutes taking you through the map Q3DM6 is what waits you now. The music flows good with the pace while you fly around and experience frags the way they are supposed to be shown. From right to left, up and down, you are everywhere having rockets flying by and people being railed over there. It is great. Another unique idea from the creator. Then it is over, and the credits starts to come while showing some of the sickest lightning frags, along with a good quad run. A really good movie so turn your sound up and ride away!
Edited by netrex at 20:54 GMT, 7th Feb 2005 - 33490 Hits
Who's the hottest Girlgamer? (68 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 08:34 CST, 4 February 2005 - iMsg
Those hotties are sure hard to find.

One of my friends from canada showed me a picture of a model who played ut1 (this was all back in 2002). And it wasnt Asia Carrera, for the ones who remember her skins and contribution to the unreal tournament community. - But this honey was indeed very nice.. then ..
- my question is.. where/who is the hottest.. most sexy girlgamer?
19649 Hits
yippej!!! (45 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 01:55 CST, 1 February 2005 - iMsg
The UT04 european scene is growing faster than ever :D
And scandinavia is following 'em up!

good ol' ESR is back.. even those flamers 8F
8955 Hits
When you game... (29 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 12:41 CDT, 26 August 2004 - iMsg
There is no time for journals...

* Taake - [1998]Nattestid Ser Porten Vid - part I *
13181 Hits
HELLO EsR'ppl :D (15 comments)
Posted by gF|sNii @ 14:01 CDT, 21 May 2004 - iMsg
How do you all do?
Still working good on that flaming part huh? :D

Well Ut2004 is my primary game, with my friends in doDraugane. - And we just got the nice news about dD is signed for CPL this year ^^.
Woohoo *victory dance*

When it comes to my gaming these days I must say I have improved :D - and not so much immature fniZ-shit as opposed to my lame young age.

We beat Reign yesterday, GG guys we gave you the fNiZ0rz in your face whaha..
And poor Reign|Vapz who really felt meh BioWhoring ^^
He probably love getting those exciting facials XD

But now again back to the CPL news - Our team will be Athster.dD,Rmzs.dD and Dokosten.dD + one of drakir or maybe Forseti - I dont know yet.
Me and amk.dD cant go to lameUSA, because we are only 16 T_T - now that's just TIT! - and that little twelve year old japanese who qualified for WCG :O .

Well me and aMk.dD; wish the best for our teammates and hopefully we can join the CPL competition next year!

fNiz ^^

4900 Hits
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