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Compton (No comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 19:23 CDT, 4 June 2005 - iMsg
After walking around downtown for the day, we decided to hit up the subway and go to Hollywood. We had joked a lot about Compton, and how we both wanted to go there, during the day..with no valuables..just to see what it was like.

strangely enough, we ended up there, (or Watts) by mistake while trying to get to the airport to meet trito. Unfortunately we had ALL of our money with us and were there at dark, so we felt it was in our best interest not to be snapping photos while sightseeing there.
2764 Hits
Hangover hell (2 comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 19:21 CDT, 4 June 2005 - iMsg
As much as I love shoes, I wasn't feeling too good after apple vodka and about 3 hours sleep. Regardless, I still managed to crack a small grin for the photo ;)
3334 Hits
Liefje in heaven (12 comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 19:19 CDT, 4 June 2005 - iMsg
We hit up the fasion district (AKA the alleys)
3 pairs of shoes for $10, can't go wrong!
7468 Hits
Crenshaw (No comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 19:18 CDT, 4 June 2005 - iMsg
After locking ourselves in the room the night before and taking down some apple vodka, we decided to take a bus to downtown LA. I had to get a shot of Crenshaw..Menace 2 society? Hardly..Crenshaw was actually one of the better places I had seen at this point!
Edited by Ms.X at 23:52 GMT, 4th Jun 2005 - 2837 Hits
Creating a protection device... (4 comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 19:15 CDT, 4 June 2005 - iMsg
After taking a walk to the store and smelling the most disgusting, pungent smell ever - we made it back to our Inglewood residence. As I was sitting at the window there was a man waving for me to come down. I believe he followed us in his car, and after ignoring him he came right to the window and was shouting for me to give him our room number. I said uhh Liefje - there's some freak at the window!

So, after a bit of brainstorming I took my hairtie and got those bloody curtains closed finally, as the rod was broken. Though in the morning I thought it would be safe to open the curtains, I was wrong! There was a new random there beckoning us to come outside. Yikes :P
3886 Hits
Our luxury 5 star hotel (7 comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 19:12 CDT, 4 June 2005 - iMsg
After debating for some time at the airport where to stay, Liefje and I decided on the "Airport Park View" If the front lobby wasn't an impression enough, the chicken bones in the elevator definitely did the job...

Edited by Ms.X at 23:48 GMT, 4th Jun 2005 - 4402 Hits
Smoggy LA (9 comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 19:11 CDT, 4 June 2005 - iMsg
It's amazing what a beautiful place like LA looks like when you are looking down on it..
4281 Hits
Boarding a real plane (3 comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 19:10 CDT, 4 June 2005 - iMsg
I love these... ;)
3536 Hits
Arriving at London Heathrow (3 comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 18:44 CDT, 4 June 2005 - iMsg
I thought this was an interesting pic..lots of water..looks like ponds!
3766 Hits
Galleries... (6 comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 17:40 CST, 3 February 2005 - iMsg
Sorry guys, there will be a bit of a delay on the galleries I've promised because I've decided to go back home for a visit as sort of a last minute thing, instead of going to CPL Turkey. I'll get it sorted when I get back, but for now I need a few good wild and crazy weeks in Vancouver with my friends
(*.*) ciao!
4061 Hits
It's my birthday and (18 comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 09:58 CST, 29 January 2005 - iMsg
I'm depressed! Am I the only person that hates birthdays?
I have a fear of getting old and bday's is just a reminder that I'm one year closer to the inevitable. It's a Saturday night here and I will probably end up staying at home doing nothing as usual because I have no bloody friends here!
Ahh...I need a good pissup :(
5623 Hits
Catching up (11 comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 01:02 CST, 28 January 2005 - iMsg
Wow, it's been a while and it feels a bit strange to be back on esr! I hope everyone had a nice time over the holidays and are enjoying the New Year so far. I remember the site went down the day I was going to post up my Qcon 04 pics. A lot of catching up has to be done here, as my galleries are building up. I'll just write a quick blurb of what I've been up to, if anyone cares! :P

After Qcon, my clan got razer as a sponsor, and they sent us to WCG in San Francisco to play duels at their booth and demonstrate the mouse and pad. It was an amazing and out of control trip, we all had such a blast. I also have a lot of funny pics. Shortly after getting home from that, razer asia asked me if I wanted to go to Singapore and attend an electronics expo to do a Q3 shootout. (lol)
So off I went, and again had a great time. It was pretty hard work though, you wouldn't think it but playing 135 duels over a weekend did my head in a bit. I haven't played q3 since! I stayed away from games completely for a lil while, (except poker of course) then played a bit of PK on lan with goofer and now I'm playing Enemy Territory, can't get enough of it! When I get around to posting up all of the galleries I can give a more detailed description of the happenings at these events.

Next on the list is E3, we've been asked to attend that to do the same setup as in SF. I've always wanted to go to E3 and as far as I know tickets are pretty pricey to get in so it's a great opportunity for us. I will get a lot of good pics done, as I got a new digicam while in Singapore. (Yes boys, I will be sure to get shots of some booth babes!)

Well that's about it for now, but I will try and get those galleries up ASAP. I might be going to Turkey for the first world tour stop, not to play just to spec and be a tourist :)
sooo lotsa pics!
Edited by alanalime at 07:08 GMT, 28th Jan 2005 - 3753 Hits
Thursday - Group pic (20 comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 15:26 CDT, 14 April 2004 - iMsg
Well I arrived to the lan late Thursday afternoon, so there was only a few people there at the time.(Lan didn't start until Friday) Here we have L-R: redemz, tim, HellSpaWN, czm, yrim, cl0ck, viju, reef, and sizah.
13419 Hits
iCE cLIMBERS -vs- Quad Peoples Org (29 comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 15:33 CST, 14 December 2003 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: pro-q3dm6 - Campgrounds
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: ic-GOPHER
Version info: 1.32 / osp 1.03
How to play back Q3 demos

1st map played in Clanbase Eurocup final

Update: Unfortunately this file is no longer available on ESR.
Edited by netrex at 02:26 GMT, 15th Dec 2003 - 12679 Hits
Bävern (48 comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 19:59 CST, 10 December 2003 - iMsg
ahh, what can I say about this. Some of you may already know..well ok. Somewhere in this mob of 5,000 or so people there was a young boy by the name of bävern. He decided to throw up some porn on his computer and masterbate under his jacket or something. Little did he know he was being filmed by the guys in the next row. They waited until he was finished to present the goods to him, and next thing you know the entire event was yelling and chanting..bävern! bävern! After some time the dreamhack staff gave in and played this videotape of young bävern on the bigscreen and played the song "Oh me so horny"
I tried to take a pic and it was too dark..unfortunate, but it was damn funny at the time.
Hope you enjoyed the pics, it was a great time. Ciao!
26126 Hits
Sleepless in Seattle (64 comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 05:09 CDT, 16 September 2003 - iMsg
Went to Seattle for the night with some friends, got a hotel room and went clubbing. The drinks = wow
They were so strong..
anyways, in result my friend and I took a nice spill down a flight of concrete stairs, now I'm in some pain. :(

My knee is pretty banged up and swollen, among other places, doh!
Edited by Ms.X at 10:15 GMT, 16th Sep 2003 - 18821 Hits
_g0d_Ms.X -vs- ic-GOPHER (75 comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 16:30 CDT, 25 August 2003 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: pro-q3tourney4 - Vertical Vengeance
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: _g0d_Ms.X
Version info: 1.32 / osp 1.03
How to play back Q3 demos

Drunken Q3 at played for fun in the BYOC, while drinking cognac from the bottle at about 6am, the night before MsQcon finals. (thx to josh for sneaking it in!)
As you can see I walk into walls and such, funny game though =)

Update: Unfortunately this file is no longer available on ESR.
Edited by Ms.X at 23:30 GMT, 25th Aug 2003 - 32882 Hits
Day 3 - Got Badges? (7 comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 21:17 CDT, 19 August 2003 - iMsg
Edited by Ms.X at 23:15 GMT, 1st Sep 2003 - 5300 Hits
Day 1 - :)) (22 comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 21:04 CDT, 19 August 2003 - iMsg
what in the...
26261 Hits
Qcon Photos by Ms.X (No comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 04:22 CDT, 14 August 2003 - iMsg
Sorry about the delay but I an finally going to up the photos I have taken so far. Expect many more to come, and enjoy ;)
1832 Hits
so sad (36 comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 02:17 CDT, 21 June 2003 - iMsg
I can't seem to get over the scene in North America
Out of everything I've played, nothing has done it for me quite like Threewave CCTF. It never really was a popular mod, and now it's totally dead. there isn't even servers available these days. I tried playing on some UK server the other day, but it's pretty hard to grapple around effectively with a 200+ ping.(Somehow I managed to cap the flag having 9 health during the whole run there and back though, lol)
I also found that when CCTF was somewhat happening around here, the dumb newbiess would always choose ctfs in the voting portal (no offense to newbs, I just _really_ hate ctfs)

Anyways, just wondering if anyone else out there feels some love for imo the best mod for q3 and most fun thing to play :x

I even have a threewave t-shirt!! (the blue/hammer one)

Well, R.I.P CCTF I guess ;(
Edited by Ms.X at 07:24 GMT, 21st Jun 2003 - 5313 Hits
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