Event: QC16

Thursday August 4, 2016 (Quake Live Duel)
Friday August 5, 2016 (Quake World TDM 2v2)
Saturday August 6, 2016 (Finals)
The Intel QUAKE LIVE Duel Masters Championship on QuakeCon LAN just started at 09:00 CST! Login to see your timezone. Tune in now for a long QL evening! Thanks for the games - Zenimax, id Software, QC team, Intel, and all the specific sponsors of the players. Shoutcast gets provided from FaceIT with our beloved

Attending duel players are

On Stream 1 with shoutcast was shown: rapha vs spart1e, evil vs spart1e, rapha vs evil, griffin vs Zero4, k1llsen vs Fraze, zar vs psygib, rapha vs spart1e, evil vs Fraze. I counted a highpeak of estimated 5.500 viewers on both streams.
Solo VODs are up, but theres also our VOD link site.
Schedule: quakecon-duel
Brackets: toornament, quakecon-duel
Live Streams:

Links: Quakecon Home, Quakecon Tournament Info and Brackets, Coverage sites & VODS
Edited by Badb0y at 13:18 CDT, 6 August 2016 - 106839 Hits