A little bit harder than the 1st one i posted.

You have 5 pirates an a desert island, and 1000 fucking gold pieces.
They want to share these pieces, and as they're modern capitalist ones, they use the following democratic algorithm:
the oldest one (we suppose they all have a different age) proposes a share (let's say 1000,0,0,0,0 for instance) to the others. They vote, and if there is an absolute majority in favour, they do proceed with the share. Otherwise, the older is killed, and they proceed to another vote.

You have to note that:
Each pirate is only interesting in maximizing the number of pieces he'll get (he's a pirate after all).

Now the question is:
What share can propose the oldest pirate, which would allow him to maximize the pieces he'll get?

have fun
ps: sry for the poor english...

(NB: i was asked this enigma during an interview for a job, so it can be useful after all :-p )