The first is just to set the camera where you would spawn if you clicked right now, instead of having it hover around your corpse. So if you see a stream of plasma flying into your screen you know to wait a few seconds to spawn. This should virtually eliminate instant spawn kills.

If you like, you can have the viewpoint stay on the corpse until the two second delay is up. That way you can see your opponent pummel it.

The second idea I'm reposting from another thread. As far as I know it's completely different from the current way of thinking about spawn systems, which is based on a non-centralized game where the system has to be 'one size fits all'.

"If id doesn't have access to data about death points, routes, etc I would be surprised at their negligence/stupidity. There's probably a mathematical way to solve this even if they can't alter spawns (I recall sync saying they can't on ztn due to copyright issues). In q3 you had to try to apply a general rule to maps that didn't exist yet, but QL is an enormous information gathering machine and that should be taken advantage of.

Here's my idea, off the top of my head. For each point, calculate the probability of survival for twenty seconds (or whatever) given the fragger's coordinates at the time of spawning. For example, let's pretend there are only four ztn spawn points: GL platform, LG, upper yellow, and shotty, and the enemy is at the back of the GL platform when you spawn. The made up odds for each point:

GL: 30%
LG: 88%
UY: 90%
SG: 60%

Then list the points according to the total percentage (here rounded) of survivals they contribute:

GL: 11%
LG: 32%
UY 33.5%
SG: 22.5%

And you have your odds of spawning at each point.

I'm not proposing this particular scheme be copy pasted, but the point is to demonstrate how id could use the information at their disposal for these kinds of decisions."

If they added a new map - hub for example - the spawn system could be set to full random until they've gathered sufficient data.

Just to reiterate

"I'm not proposing this particular scheme be copy pasted, but the point is to demonstrate how id could use the information at their disposal for these kinds of decisions."