Hey guys.

Ever since I left my comfy but morally corrupting job at a multinational telecom, I am thinking about short-term move to an English speaking country withing my reach. Currently, the only viable option seem to be the UK.

I've never lived abroad for more than a week (visiting a country is nothing like living there, duh) but right now I am eager to try something new with my life. Just for a while, though, as I'd never abandon my long time girlfriend and lovely cat.

I have enough money to go there and just sit on my ass for quite some time. Needless to say I am not willing to do that and I'd prefer to spend my time there occupied with something productive - i.e. doing web front-end (HTML/CSS/JS) stuff.

Since I am from Bulgaria and we - along with Romanians - seem to be the current political boogieman, I am bit concerned. Got a few friends over there and they tell me Bulgarians are somewhat mistreated. Granted, my fellows are at the bottom of the food chain - doing construction and other low skill jobs - but I have no one else to ask. Got in contact with an HR lady and she's telling me contractor work is the best I can hope for, which would be fine considering my short term plans.

Enough with my boring life story. Time for some questions. Any honest and straight answers would be greatly appreciated.

1. Is it true Bulgarians are mistreated on general grounds or is it more of an individual thing? How does the general population (not the politicians) feel about residents of the poorest country in the EU going to the UK to "steal their jobs"?

2. The people I know over there live in London neighbourhoods, consisted of virtually identical small houses with crazy small rooms. They seem to pay £300-500 for just one ~5x5m (sometimes even smaller) room. Conditions seem terrible to me. Is this the norm for most young people over there?

3. Anything else you can think of? Again, any suggestion would be appreciated. Even stuff that some people might consider offensive.