my second abyssus started jittering a lot, so I'm using the WMO+qck heavy combo again.

Thing is, I can't get used to it. Did the math to go from 450dpi to 400dpi, but it feels too fast and if I leave it as it is then it's too slow.

It has nothing to do with the mouse or mousepad itself, since I've been using them for years and mouserate.exe shows a dead on 499hz rate without any spikes.

here are my settings (which coincidentally are exact same that shadowmaster uses):
- sens 4.25 (new sens should be 4.78125)
- m_pitch 0.018
- m_yaw 0.018
- cl_mouseaccel 0.1
- cl_mouseacceloffset 0 (old default)
- 800x600 (if it matters)
- everything else default, including mouseaccelstyle 0 and m_filter 0.

can anyone post the current mouse settings of rapha, cooller, toxjq (especially him) and other known WMO users?
I'm thinking of using a bit higher accel; about 0.12 or .13.

Also, I thought about getting other mouse feet so the transition from an abyssus becomes easier.
Here I can only get the ones made by steelseries or puretrack's perfect glides.
Anyone has experience with those? Would that be plain unnecessary to get?
