it seems like i will admin for the upcoming hoq tdm league, so i am looking to gather some feedback on the system we should use. everyone is encourage to post their thoughts but i am mostly looking for what the actual teams/players want and what the ctf teams think of the system used so far.

speaking of ctf, the hoq ctf league is doing very well so i will start explaining their current system:
- during a season each team plays every other team from their division, there are no playoffs
- a match consists of 2 maps, teams get a point for winning a map. a walkover gives the winner 2 points and the loser -1.
- scheduling is very flexible, the teams have periods of two weeks to schedule two matches and can also play a match whenever they want as long as it is before their match period ends.
the benefits of the season system without playoffs are that every teams gets to play a lot of matches and that there is no long downtime between the seasons. its designed for the players, for keeping an active community. i like it and its most likely going to stay that way. (we will still have the cb ec/oc anyway)

now the flexible scheduling seems to work well in regards of not having a lot of default wins in the end (stats, no team with less than 10 matches played, wow) but it takes a lot of effort from the players/teams to arrange and lot of rescheduling is bound to be happening. also the admins have a to be quite active in the process of finding a fair solution etc...
still i really dont like it, but i also dont think that the current cb system is working out too great so here is my alternative:

there will be a default match date (lets say wednesday 21 cest, but please give feedback on your prefered time) and matches are supposed to be played then. while it would be allowed to schedule a match before, if both teams agree, there will be no delays allowed whatsoever. this means that you probably should not sign up if you cant play on the default date, but it also means that all participants will have it really simple. wed evening is quake time, thats all the time you need. great for streaming aswell btw

the hoq tdm signups will open soon so please share your thought on the subject and tell us what you prefer as player.