Okay, I've got an issue because I'm stupid.

I want to zoom with the same key (r), I use rail with.

When I select rail, I simply press the key again in order to zoom in and when I press it again, it will zoom out.

Now comes the problem:

When I stay in zoom and switch to another weapon the fov changes (like it should as I got fovs bound on each weapon via vstr). BUT when I switch back to rail I'm still in zoom again which is totally annoying.

How can I fix that? :x ALSO: I have to press rail twice so it zooms but thats probably because I bound vstr rail on zoom so that the rail does not get unbound. I'm confused. >D I'm not a cfg nerd so pls cut me some slack >D

Here the code:

set rail "weapon 7;cg_drawgun 0;cg_crosshairsize 33;cg_drawcrosshair 7; cg_forceenemymodel keel/bright;cg_gunZ 0; cg_gunY 0; cg_gunX 0;cg_fov 102; cg_zoomfov 60; vstr lgglreset; cg_crosshairhitstyle 0; sensitivity 3.65; bind r vstr zoomin"

set plasma "weapon 8; cg_drawgun 0;cg_crosshairsize 50;cg_drawcrosshair 2; cg_forceenemymodel keel/bright;cg_gunZ 0; cg_gunY 0; cg_gunX 0;cg_fov 102;cg_zoomfov 102; vstr lgglreset; cg_crosshairhitstyle 1; sensitivity 3.65; vstr zoomout"

set zoomin "+zoom;bind r vstr zoomout; bind r vstr rail"
set zoomout "-zoom;bind r vstr zoomin; bind r vstr rail"