Now that the excellent ESWC 2k8 finals is over, I wanted to speculate a little on who of the players that were showcased in the finals have the most potential to improve their game. As in, whose weaknesses is/are the most obvious. I guess you could put it this way, if cypher is 100/100, who other players need to do what to get from their 98/100 to cypher's arguably the best all-around level (yet not very consistent as we saw..)

disclaimer: I didn't watch enough povs from american players so can't really comment on them, except for Rapha who certainly does belong into the top4

I'll start myself.. in this order:

1. K1llsen always starts well and runs the items and maps flawlessly, but he isn't benefitting as much from control as he could. His problem is he can't keep it up for very long and isn't very good at fighting back the control and gaining up on opponent who is leading. In final ztn cypher fought his way back from a poor start and even though K1llsen was still running most items, he wasn't fragging.
- Learn read the game and opponent better, get tactical/ambushing lessons from your favourite top-dog.

2. If cooller learned that silly RA-jump on hub... if cooller wasn't always just trying to get "oohs".. if cooller had motivation.. if cooller tuned down his trademark selfconfidence just a little bit.. if his LG was what it used to be.. and finally if he learned his "ok so i can't win railfights 1v1, solution: I won't let you have a rail either"-strategy back

3 Jibo.. oh Jibo, once he used to be able to play aggressive for longer periods than just 1-2 frags, but it looks like back in the day those practices vs. ultra-aggressive cooller have left their mark on him, he certainly knows how to keep lead and when and how to strike that overtime BAM, but IMO he would benefit a lot from occasional change of tempo from sneaking around to czm-berserk(tm):

Prove me wrong or right or open my eyes, any serious arguments and observations are welcome!