Winner:SK Gaming, Odds: 77% (1.2:1)
Bets placed: E$22257, betting open: 03:00 CDT 4 Sep 2007 to 10:00 CDT 4 Sep 2007

Loser:Mouseports, Odds: 22% (4.3:1)
Bets placed: E$3704, betting open: 03:00 CDT 4 Sep 2007 to 10:00 CDT 4 Sep 2007

SK Gaming has to face up mousesports in the ESL WC3L. According to several sources, mouseports isn't really doing that good this season. They have some painfully loses against several teams.

Also it's the first time we will see ReMiND and Lyn in action for SK Gaming.

The match starts tonight at 17:00 CET so get bring your money today fast. As since the bookymaster wants to see you losing.