Anyone saw Schumachers attempt of cheating yesterday? What a fool :(, he's supposed to be the front face of F1 and does a retarded thing like that. In the end, since he really was the fastest guy in the race that stunt might have cost him a podium finish. This guy is one of the best f1 drivers ever, but still, the way he keeps showing very unfair sportsmanship over and over (its not the first time he's tried to cheat. And sometimes he's even gotten away with it. Oh well, at least alonso won, jolly good!

Some more cheerful news then, sweden winning the floorball world cup, finals is cool! I think this was the best floorball game i've ever seen (which isnt too many though) by far! I also heard that sweden has never lost a game since they started playing world cups like 10 years ago or so, pretty impressive!