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Cyberfrags '69 - new superfast FPS (10 comments)
Posted by lmx @ 05:30 CST, 12 January 2022 - iMsg
Cyberfrags is a super-fast arena/movement shooter, with loads of guns and lots of ways to move REALLY fast. Since the CF community is still small there aren't many servers floating around, so feel free to hop into the discord and we'll double-jump into a game with you!

Movement-wise its a mix between Quake & Titanfall, but faster. ( including Walljumps.)

Steam page:


Thanks for taking a look!
4903 Hits
Cyberfrags '69 - new superfast FPS (4 comments)
Posted by lmx @ 05:21 CST, 12 January 2022 - iMsg
Commrads, check: Cyberfrags '69

Its new, fun & super-fast FPS, including CTF, FFA, TDM, and others.
Movement-wise its a mix between Quake & Titanfall, but faster. ( including Walljumps and stuff.)

Steam page:


Hop in and frag it out! Cyberfrags is a super-fast arena/movement shooter, with loads of guns and lots of ways to move REALLY fast. Since the CF community is still small there aren't many servers floating around, so feel free to hop into the discord and we'll double-jump into a game with you!

Community is small, but alive.

Thanks for taking a look!
3062 Hits
New Weapon/Tools against CHEATERS for sy (75 comments)
Posted by lmx @ 07:00 CDT, 12 April 2014 - iMsg
Here i present three easy to implement "tools" against cheatin in QL.

As we know it is really too easy to get new account.

1. Add a Button for new accounts. This button is on their Ql-Profile. This button only persist for one week. If u click this button you can directly msg to [email protected]. If 5 (or 7) people click this button within one week: auto-ban.

2. Add real E-Mail validation! People are lazy. So cheaters need to create for every banned account a new e-mail-account. Really add those transaction-cost. Currently it is really too easy for them

3. Why not have a databse with QL-configs that were banned? Lets say Daddy were banned yesterday. he comes back with new account. The ql-config he uses will be the same. ID tracks suspicious configs. Ofc you dont track things like sensitivity. But everything else.

In my modell cheaters need to do alot more work to cheat consequently.
I think this 5-click-autoban-button is a good idea.
In my model this button only persist one week. If you think 5 people that report are too few. Sure we can dicuss about 7-click-auto-ban Button on proflie for one week.

If some pro with 48LG wants to use Fake-Account. No Problem. He might simply e-mail ID. For example: "Hi this is serious/strenx/vium/whatever. I want to use a fake account because.... Could you please Delete this one-week-autoban-button for my new fake-account. ty"

Please implement this. Discuss.
Edited by lmx at 07:04 CDT, 12 April 2014 - 17020 Hits
Zowie AM - Not detected - AMD 770 (4 comments)
Posted by lmx @ 03:48 CDT, 14 March 2014 - iMsg
bought a Zowie Am. Mouse cant be detected under Win 7 32 Bit.
Mainboard MSI C45 770.

If i plug in the mouse: Unknown Device. Tried all different USB settings in Bios. (USB Legitmacy)

Any suggestion how to get the Zowie Am going? Found one report on german sites thats reports problems with Amd770+ AMD Sb 710,
but there are no solutions mentioned. (but in this report the mouse gets recognized...mine doesnt even get recognized.)

Any suggestions?

2189 Hits
QL Hardware Ban? Syncerror (29 comments)
Posted by lmx @ 01:45 CST, 30 November 2012 - iMsg
Out of Curiosity:

Why dont they impelment Hardware Ban @QL?

The last 2 Nights Syncerror came to our Server and had to ban a cheater "manually". (2on2 thunder)

5 Min later he came back...

so: Out of Curiosity:

Why is there no Hardware ban (MAc) in Quake live?
6852 Hits
Sound issue: Bottom - Mid - Top (78 comments)
Posted by lmx @ 21:33 CDT, 25 August 2012 - iMsg

Are there any commands to improve sound?

And seriously is QL sound that much fucked up that it cant hear
ENEMY from bottom - mid - or Top?

Only left right? True?

Are there commands to enable horizontal-axis sound?
8428 Hits
Who is Relapse313? (14 comments)
Posted by lmx @ 21:35 CDT, 17 September 2011 - iMsg
Who is Relapse313?

owning ztn,dm13,dm6. sucks at t7

Russian Rank:4
Current overall Rank: 20
Edited by lmx at 21:50 CDT, 17 September 2011 - 3740 Hits
da railwhore Thread (101 comments)
Posted by lmx @ 11:29 CDT, 15 July 2011 - iMsg
I am looking for guys that slittly oveuse their rail and hit crazy amounts of shots.
Basicly: Which quakers are railwhores? Who has the best rail?

First guys that pop up in my had are:

k1llsen for (duel) 53% / 33% use
jones for (ctf) 57% /and crazy 41% rail use
silencep for (tdm)53% / 33%use

Besides those three draven,vor and zsx are meant to be railwhores.

I am rather look for the dark unknown railwhores in ctf, tdm and ca.
(as we know most pro Duelers have a fanatstic rail like stermy or strenx)

So who are known railwhores in your mod?(ctf,tdm,ca)

As a example: i am looking for guys like plus.ulbe.
His rail really impressed me. (50% /38% use)

Check out ulbes move:
30727 Hits
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