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A goodbye. (63 comments)
Posted by sinoXy @ 10:44 CST, 17 December 2008 - iMsg
Hey guys. I just had to make a forum post to tell anyone who cares that i have to leave quake forever. Some very bad things are happening in real life right now and it can't be helped. There is 0% chance that i will be able to quake again. So i might as well rap it all up here and now.

I've played quake 1/2/3/ and even quake live. And these were some of the best times i've ever had.

Heres some aliases for you all.

Q1 clan arena/dm - c1nd3r

Q2 RA2 - Volvagia

Q3 OSP - Marshmallow / Dr1fter

Q3 CPMA - d1sciple / sinoxy / pete /

Quake Live - Century / JLJLJLJLJL / c1nd3r

My shout outs go to clan knightmare (icefist /oblivion911/ watcha/ xisangry / xzist / flame / klown / ryan)

Also my quake 3 buds marcus /walter /khalil / sandwich / hassan / doug
(sorry for fucking with you so much marcus)

Anyway its been the best . Quake forever!

P.S HIBRIA RULES and butcher sux a fat one
21202 Hits
Sound problems?? (7 comments)
Posted by sinoXy @ 23:22 CDT, 16 October 2008 - iMsg
Hey. I find my sound to be crap for quake 3 / quakelive.

Can someone tell me if my setup is correct?

I have Sennheiser hd 280s and an SB audigy 2 ZS

Control Panel ->
Sound and Audio Devices Properties->
Volume Tab ->
Advanced ->
Advanced Audio Properties ->
Speaker setup - >

[Stereo Headphones] <- is this right? Or put it on surround sound speakers or some other shit?

The plug is in the Green jack in the back and sounds ok for music, but in quake I can't hear shit.

Also in normal sound properties the WAVE thing is to TOP only volume is middle.
3785 Hits
Found 2 BETA INVITES! (65 comments)
Posted by sinoXy @ 03:31 CDT, 10 August 2008 - iMsg
Found the beta invites page on quakelive (they literally hid the damn page) Theres TWO invites LEFT FIRST TWO TO POST INFORMATION AND SHIT GETS IT ! GO!
Edited by sinoXy at 04:24 CDT, 10 August 2008 - 24966 Hits
FUCKING DELL AD (4 comments)
Posted by sinoXy @ 03:06 CDT, 28 July 2008 - iMsg

Edited by netrex at 03:13 CDT, 28 July 2008 - 2225 Hits
I officially <3 quakelive (169 comments)
Posted by sinoXy @ 09:26 CDT, 17 July 2008 - iMsg
Yea i love it. Theres a ton of bugs and a ton of customizations needed but its really good so far. Its basically CQ3 + OSP. Its very fun, even though some maps and the new weapons need to get tweaked, its great shit man. I can seriously see cpma being tossed out when quakelive is finished.
Edited by Nicky at 12:19 CDT, 1 August 2008 - 44987 Hits
Config troubles (14 comments)
Posted by sinoXy @ 05:32 CDT, 15 July 2008 - iMsg
I'm having a tough time deciding on a fov for playing quake 3, I need some input from you all. If i use fov 90 i can hit a lot more than fov 100 but i cant strafe fast at all and if i get jumped in game (someone behind me or dropping on me) i die really quickly. Fov 100 - i can move very quickly and spam better - and its very easy to run around and cap in ctf.

Which one is quicker and better -

use fov 90 and try to get my movement/awareness up

or use fov 100 and try to get my aim up?
2744 Hits
Quake live beta! (167 comments)
Posted by sinoXy @ 17:20 CDT, 10 July 2008 - iMsg
Hi, I just got quakelive beta, and i have 5 free invites you can give to friends so that they can play quakelive. Currently no one i know even plays it (or wants to play it)

The best 5 people that submit really funny jokes OR smart riddles and have high +s on the jokes/riddles will get the invites.

use a spoiler tag for the answers to the jokes/riddles


Edited by sinoXy at 20:39 CDT, 13 July 2008 - 48714 Hits
Which Q3 games are you going to spec? (26 comments)
Posted by sinoXy @ 07:57 CDT, 4 July 2008 - iMsg

I will spec with multiple q3s open,

Arrw Vs Griffen
CZM Vs zero4

Noctis vs Arrw
Av3k vs Rapha

Zero4 Vs k1llsen
RazerJ vs Griffen

Cypher vs fooki

CZM vs k1llsen
fox vs rapha
voo vs zero4
Edited by sinoXy at 09:40 CDT, 4 July 2008 - 6404 Hits
Sound problems (2 comments)
Posted by sinoXy @ 02:21 CDT, 29 June 2008 - iMsg
Hi. I recently started having sound troubles with my quake 3. They happen on pro-q3tourney4/normal and on any map with doors like that, ra3maps etc. When the doors open theres a 'crunch kind of noise' as if the sound is being ripped. Very loud and very very distracting. This never happened before and only happens now. Does anyone have any idea whats going on? All suggestions welcome. My soundcard is SB audigy 2 ZS, with updated drivers etc.
1267 Hits
sinoxy -vs- cosmo (8 comments)
Posted by sinoXy @ 22:36 CDT, 26 June 2008 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: N/A
Map: pro-q3dm6 - Campgrounds
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: sinoxy
How to play back Q3 demos

Hello. This is my first post to esreality. The demo i uploaded is for analysis. I want some feedback on how i play quake 3. I have been playing for about 8 months now. (i quit in 2003 and just have free time now to play some quake so i came back) And i need new input on what i do wrong in quake 3. This demo is my most recent 1v1 on my best map. I have also looked at other demos, zero4, cooller, czm are my favorite players,

I use fov 100/ enemy model keel/ no acceleration

I lose _a LOT_ in quake 3 and it drives me nuts. I hope to receive feedback that is constructive. I love quake 3, but i love winning in quake 3 even more.

I think i played solid in this demo but it was still hard to rack up the frags. (i didn't really feel like i dominated him)
4802 Hits
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