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03:31 CDT - 1352 users online
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User Poll Choice
cerno Frag-o-Matic 17.1 gametypes Team Deathmatch
cerno Quakelive, Steam and VAC Don't care
cerno Which player model do you prefer in CPMA Ranger
cerno When were you introduced to quake? 2006-2010
cerno Which Quake has your favourite movement Quake 3 CPM
cerno DreamHack Summer 2012 winner Rapha
cerno DreamHack Winter 2011 TDM winner colwn
cerno DreamHack Winter 2011 Duel winner rapha
cerno DreamHack Winter 2011 Gametype(s)? Capture The Flag
cerno QL subscription renewal Renew subscription
cerno Would you pay a subscription for QL? Yes
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