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Christmas Spirit (35 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 16:54 CST, 5 December 2014 - iMsg
10847 Hits
Leaving the U.S.A (146 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 22:26 CST, 13 January 2014 - iMsg
I am looking into "permanently" leaving the usa. I want to immigrate or "naturalize" somewhere else in the world.

How do I do this? Where do I go? What are some resources to help me figure out the logistics of it? What skills will I need? How much money should I have before I leave?

Any help (and/or troll comments) is appreciated.
26733 Hits
unable to expand (4 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 16:02 CST, 24 November 2013 - iMsg

as the title states, I am unable to expand posts like this.
Is it chrome? Is it the ESR theme I'm using? halp plz
4897 Hits
hearthstone beta key (27 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 18:25 CDT, 18 October 2013 - iMsg
anyone have an extra one or one not in use? pm me
12585 Hits
anyone wanna buy a lol acct (20 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 22:19 CDT, 13 September 2013 - iMsg
na serv, reply here or pm for more infoz
5880 Hits
relatively unimportant small request (6 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 15:49 CDT, 7 September 2013 - iMsg
it would be pretty cool if you could change gun x/y/z values with cg_drawgun 0 enabled. making lg for example look like this:

2756 Hits
LMAO @ RAZER (49 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 19:11 CST, 7 November 2012 - iMsg

seems legit. drm on hardware seems pretty awesome!
7829 Hits
wat to pleh (35 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 00:20 CDT, 17 October 2012 - iMsg
what is there to play aside from quake nowadays?

im so bored :(
6576 Hits
ping spikes while streaming (4 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 19:16 CDT, 2 September 2012 - iMsg
hello. I've been trying to figure out what the hell is going on with this for the past month or so... so I figured it's time to see if anyone had some insight as to whats going on.

basically, I have the capacity to stream. my internet isn't total rubbish and neither is my computer.. however, no matter which broadcasting software/res/bitrate/fps/game I get periodic lag spikes every minute or so.

example here :

(don't mind the low res/bitrate, its just to demonstrate that it doesnt need to be super high quality for this to happen)

I've port forwarded, qos'd, tried a different router, even tried a different computer.. I still get this issue no matter what. also this ONLY happens when I stream, I do not have this issue even if I try to play while uploading to youtube/torrents..

2732 Hits
Black Mesa Source releasing! (62 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 02:05 CDT, 2 September 2012 - iMsg

It will be released 9/14/2012, at 8:47am (US Mountain Daylight Time) (sound familiar? c: )
14602 Hits
..odd request (41 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 01:34 CDT, 28 August 2012 - iMsg
.............. my name is rush and i am a cfg nerd. i mess with my shit way too often.. and it needs to stop. i will lose a situation ingame and think "oh maybe if i change this cvar it wont happen" etc...

so basically i'd like someone to just give a me a cfg (with my bindings and reasonable mouse settings) and ill set it to readonly and just get used to it

ranger/bright model doom/phobos teammodel any reasonable enemymodel
wmo 1.1a 500hz 400 dpi (between 25 - 45 cm/360, low or no accel)
set r_mode to -2
esdf movement m1 fire m2 jump space zoom A +speed shift +movedown
q weapon 1
3 weapon 2
4 weapon 3
5 weapon 4
w weapon 5
g weapon 6
r weapon 7
t weapon 8
6 weapon 9
0 weapon 10
1 weapon 11
7 weapon 12
1 weapon 13

thanks? :X
Edited by quake is dead at 01:35 CDT, 28 August 2012 - 6427 Hits
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 15:50 CDT, 17 August 2012 - iMsg

Edited by rush. at 04:21 CDT, 24 September 2012 - 4557 Hits
Tribes: Ascend now on steam! (12 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 16:51 CDT, 27 June 2012 - iMsg

"czm: nice"
3130 Hits
someone pls (12 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 17:35 CDT, 3 June 2012 - iMsg
have fox upload his latest cfg to his website

ty ^^
3208 Hits
cpma hud question (7 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 03:09 CDT, 29 April 2012 - iMsg
is it possible to have hud elements drawn/disabled via command? i.e. how you can have a "zoom hud" in quake live

yes/no/flaming replies appreciated
4187 Hits
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 01:17 CST, 23 February 2012 - iMsg
my best friend irl "LoL takes more skill than Quake"

do I have to murder him, or what?
12527 Hits
Custom xhair request (40 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 14:34 CST, 16 February 2012 - iMsg
Hihi, I was wondering if any kind gent could replicate this crosshair from q3 to ql at the 800x600 resolution? Many lucrative [+]'s may come your way! ^-^

(bonus + to whomever knows the map! (my personal fav))


11469 Hits
Blacklight Retribution Beta (19 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 07:01 CST, 25 December 2011 - iMsg
TL;DR : you're all dense cunts
Edited by rushhh at 14:54 CST, 27 December 2011 - 5911 Hits
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 03:12 CST, 13 November 2011 - iMsg
Error: Max of 50 ignores allowed!

WHY?! D:
2979 Hits
10448 Hits
Re: DHW 2011: Quake Live TDM announcemen (No comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 14:20 CDT, 20 October 2011 - iMsg
ew wasd ;x
1127 Hits
now rush is the master (35 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 22:14 CDT, 24 September 2011 - iMsg

9549 Hits
frankenmouse idea: possible? (6 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 23:19 CDT, 20 July 2011 - iMsg
mx300 shell w/ either wmo or abyssus sensor.

possible? the mx300 sensor burnt out, and I have 2 wmo's, and a non-jittery abyssus which i no longer use (stupid slanted sides).

how much modification would be needed? how much work?

thanks to whomever answers these clearly
3083 Hits
200th + (23 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 23:34 CDT, 7 July 2011 - iMsg
who will give me mine? :O

winner receives one of mine in return ;DD

Congratulations to Venim! winrar chicken dinrar
Edited by rushhh at 02:56 CDT, 8 July 2011 - 4837 Hits
raged like a pole (42 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 22:07 CDT, 18 June 2011 - iMsg

moved up north to my moms (yea yea yea) for work all summer and school during fall
anyways we've got this shit net and quake is unplayable. ping bouncing around everywhere, even if im wired in (wireless since after doing a bunch of tests it seems to not matter at all).

tl;dr i cant quake w/o massive lag on my end and i'm not a dick who'd join a server while knowing that i'd warp.

BASICALLY anyone have any suggestions for fix, or any games that really arent ping reliant that i could enjoy in my spare time? multiplayer games, that is.
6722 Hits
oh snap (55 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 16:33 CDT, 1 June 2011 - iMsg

Found it on craigslist for $5 usd. Sup?

8180 Hits
info on logitech M-BD58 (2 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 17:04 CDT, 12 May 2011 - iMsg
anyone have any? it looks like a mx300/g1 except i've found a few for hella cheap.
2469 Hits
I'm a joke. (13 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 02:25 CDT, 10 May 2011 - iMsg
3724 Hits
ql sens bug (176 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 18:01 CDT, 31 March 2011 - iMsg
what the hell do i do?!?!?!

i noticed a huge detriment in my lg and rail accs over the past week... did some /devmap studies and found that my sens is really inconsistent on most maps (oddly, it seems all the "tourney maps" ie: t4/t6/t7 seem to make it really jumpy.) and simply unplayable.

i remember reading somewhere about uninstall/new account but i'd like some specific directions because this is extremely irritating.

wmo/500hz/windows7x64/icemat/markc mousefix/in_mouse 2/ no accel ingame



After some trial and error, I think I got at least a temporary fix.

I cleared my config (after backing it up) by using the reset to defaults in the website interface. From there, I deleted the qz and rep configs out of the baseql folder. Then, I uninstalled the quake live plugin from firefox. Downloaded prism, and set up prism to make the ql site an application. I proceeded to download and reinstall the plugin from prism, and then loaded up my backed up config from practice mode.

I set the sens at 10, no accel (almost exactly 12 cm/360) and devmapped a ton of maps. I moved the mouse far enough for a 360 and it was consistent every time for me. I did the same in a few abandoned servers (multiple gametypes) and not once did my sens "slip" on me.

After setting back to my sens, it continued to not slip during testing. (didnt go whole 360 tho, just was checking for the usual wavering sens issues) So, I think I've got my issue solved for the time being.

If this doesn't work for you, try the suggestion jamalz posted in another thread (and I reposted below here.).

Hopefully I don't have to revive this thread later on due to more issues... But for now, I can play quake live and be able to only blame myself again for missing shots (yay).
Edited by rushhh at 22:19 CDT, 31 March 2011 - 26622 Hits
[nVc] another "how to fix ql" journal (21 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 14:06 CDT, 25 March 2011 - iMsg
1. redo spawn system, ie: RANDOM NOT FORCED (or, better yet, random except you cant spawn in the same spot back to back)
2. fix plasma so the weapon is viable again (do not touch dmg or speed, just let people with ping over 20 be able to use it)
3. slow rockets, reduce splash to 1-80~85, reduce splash radius
4. increase rail reload time by 100~200ms
5. increase rail dmg to 90
6. disable spawn protection
7. set cylinder scale to 1.05 or 1.075 (1 was too small, 1.1 feels _just_ a little too big)
8. 10 second weapon respawns in duel (alternately, 15 sec with 15 timelimit)/osp ammo system
9. add nomip

Edited by rushhh at 14:08 CDT, 25 March 2011 - 7289 Hits
Not your typical mousepad question (12 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 01:10 CST, 2 March 2011 - iMsg
What, in any of your experiences, is the softest mousepad you have ever used?

I use an icemat and will never change that.. However I want a mousepad to go under my mousepad for a consistent wrist rest. The stupid little ones that you buy in stores move too much and feel too inconsistent for me.

Obviously the mousepad has to be bigger than the ss experience i-2.

Thanks in advance.
2568 Hits
the state of the uscpm scene (37 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 19:36 CST, 7 January 2011 - iMsg
[19:36] <+rushhh> !lastgame
[19:36] -echbotcpm- 115hours 52mins 40secs ago


13002 Hits
Best mouse/mousepad combo evar? (37 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 10:20 CST, 19 December 2010 - iMsg

Edited by rez` at 10:20 CST, 19 December 2010 - 15320 Hits
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 15:32 CST, 17 December 2010 - iMsg
event is over
Edited by rez` at 16:11 CST, 20 December 2010 - 2700 Hits
Diamond Pro 2040u (1 comment)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 14:19 CDT, 9 September 2010 - iMsg
nvm got it fucking BEAST
Edited by rush_ at 21:01 CDT, 9 September 2010 - 1843 Hits
The big "what if?" (12 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 23:24 CDT, 14 August 2010 - iMsg
What if Battleforged wasn't in the map pool?
4037 Hits
mousepad?! (39 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 23:31 CDT, 28 July 2010 - iMsg
qck+ or icemat for mx518

Edited by rush_ at 23:31 CDT, 28 July 2010 - 13942 Hits
Cake, A Quake Live Fragmovie (7 comments)
Posted by 0x5f3759df @ 21:13 CDT, 23 July 2010 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 5.8 (10 votes)
Posting because my friend is ESR illiterate.

Stream: own3D <- Click.

No download yet, I'm awful close to my monthly upload limit (already) so sorry! :<

From the author, tool_: Simple Quake Live fragmovie starring: loveless, mau5, tool, and a lot of ctf9 frags. All of the players, former members of the now dead clan velox#. "Cake" started as a frag vid for promoting the clan. After the clan's collapse, I decided to take another, more flashy route with it, and try out using AfterEffects as well as changing the soundtrack to something a little more "frag movie-esque" in comparison to a promotional video. Having these demos of somewhat decent content, I decided I'd try out AfterEffects for the first time, and this is the result. Finally, a big thank you to mau5_ (a.k.a. #rush.) for rendering and uploading this for me, as my computer is a steaming pile of crap.

<3, tool_
4481 Hits
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