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What I hate the most about QC is... (38 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 06:17 CDT, 26 August 2019 - iMsg
that it killed ESR

a distant 2nd is that it could have been a really great game and actually, it has some great features... but the super slow progress, the wrong directions and investing a huge amount of money while the game wasn't even close to a stable version, surely didn't help
9730 Hits
What is the state of QC (35 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 05:00 CDT, 16 May 2018 - iMsg
Haven't played in 2018.

are the champs balanced? Who is OP, useless or broken? Is the netcode and the performance improved? what about 2vs2 and instagib. is duel less random and does it require more map control and strategy? are the main weapons balanced?
Edited by InDepther at 05:02 CDT, 16 May 2018 - 13765 Hits
Regional Finals EU (what a draw) (24 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 03:39 CDT, 3 August 2017 - iMsg

It seems that one from Xron, Luminus, Brejk and Demon will pass from the winner bracket, with just 2 wins (this is a huge chance for all of them... u hear me Demon? :P). At the same time, only one from Cooller, evil, strenx and av3k (group of death extreme edition) will pass, without visiting the loser bracket... what a draw...
Edited by InDepther at 03:42 CDT, 3 August 2017 - 7313 Hits
QC server IPs (21 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 18:01 CDT, 21 June 2017 - iMsg
Does anyone know the EU server IPs. I have problem with ping that I am trying to solve it. Tried to find with netstat and resource manager the de IP and I came to few potential ones, which result in weird trace routes and thus, I am not sure they are the correct ones.

here is the trace route from one that I tried:

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms []
2 4 ms 6 ms 4 ms []
3 4 ms 4 ms 4 ms []
4 4 ms 7 ms 7 ms []
5 78 ms 78 ms 79 ms []
6 150 ms 94 ms 93 ms
7 79 ms 80 ms 79 ms
8 79 ms 79 ms 79 ms
9 * * * Request timed out.
10 * * * Request timed out.
.. it goes on until 30

any ideas? If I don't find anything, will have to switch ISP again and pay a heavy penalty, since my contract with current has still long way before it expires.
8330 Hits
QC preorder (No comments, locked)
Posted by InDepther @ 13:34 CST, 9 December 2016 - iMsg
Locked by Teen Queen at 14:08 CST, 9 December 2016 - 1529 Hits
wireless headsets (4 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 01:56 CDT, 25 April 2016 - iMsg
r the wireless headsets as good as the wired ones? any suggestions?
2873 Hits
Frequent freezes while in game (3 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 12:31 CST, 27 February 2016 - iMsg
I get random freezes when in game. Mostly, when there is action, or when I rail. The ones that u stop moving for a while and hear the sounds twice, the rail twice the announcers voice twice etc. Does anybody has experience this or know what could be the problem? I am not sure if it is the connection. I mean it spikes hard when it happens, but it seems more like a hardware or windows problem (windows 10). It even froze while I was zooming and got stack to fov 60 after. Any clues?
Edited by InDepther at 12:37 CST, 27 February 2016 - 3263 Hits
GitHub (8 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 13:57 CDT, 9 October 2014 - iMsg
Guys, do any of you have account on GitHub, codepen, or on similar sites? It would be good to know each other and support each others work and/or blogs.
3356 Hits
What is this? (3 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 11:51 CDT, 25 July 2012 - iMsg
1754 Hits
ZOTAC QL DUEL CUP #128 (35 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 05:43 CDT, 8 April 2012 - iMsg
The 128th ZOTAC QL cup is taking place this Sunday 8th of April. In the previous cup, France strenx won over Spain p0ni 3-0 in the final.

Links: Tournament page + Streams + Brackets, HOF
15574 Hits
ZOTAC QL DUEL CUP #127 (16 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 04:55 CDT, 1 April 2012 - iMsg
The 127th ZOTAC QL cup is taking place this Sunday 1st of April. In the previous cup, France strenx won over Belarus cypher 3-1 in the final.

Links: Tournament page + Streams + Brackets, HOF
10744 Hits
ZOTAC QL DUEL CUP #126 (43 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 04:26 CDT, 25 March 2012 - iMsg
The 126th ZOTAC QL cup is taking place this Sunday 25th of March. In the previous cup, Russia Evil managed to win 3-1 over Belarus Amai in the final (map1, map2, map3, map4).

Links: Tournament page + Streams + Brackets, HOF
Edited by InDepther at 07:17 CDT, 25 March 2012 - 24467 Hits
Android app development (29 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 10:28 CDT, 22 March 2012 - iMsg
I am thinking of developing few android apps. What are the best tools, resources, sites, books etc.?

Strangely enough, apart from mouse advising, ESR can be surprising useful in technical subjects as well.
12083 Hits
ZOTAC QL DUEL CUP #125 (33 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 04:49 CDT, 18 March 2012 - iMsg
The 125th ZOTAC QL cup is taking place this Sunday 18th of March. In the previous cup, France strenx managed to win 3-1 over Belarus Cypher in the final, taking revenge for cup #123 where he lost 3-0.

Links: Tournament page + Streams + Brackets, HOF
Edited by InDepther at 04:59 CDT, 18 March 2012 - 15158 Hits
Happy Ending (33 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 10:24 CST, 20 February 2012 - iMsg
Vedic is married to Jamerio
Leth4l lives together with zhu
Fudge911 wins roxolana over lorfa
port has 5 kids, each with his one PC and copy of militia. It’s the only game they are allowed to play.

Meanwhile, raythenoob is shitting happy and content surrounded by friends, in a mental institute, telling them stories about the great war against tier slamming that ended in 2011. How he leaded the hordes of noobs against incubus and the big devious mastermind called syncerror. He tells them about the fierce battles of copy paste he gave in an evil site called ESR and how he was given the title of “Robin Hood of the noobs”. He is happy. The nights, he likes to look outside his window and dream. Dream about the time he will get released, abduct incubus, train him in MMA for a month and make him fight an MMA veteran. Yes, he will be slaughtered. The veteran will tier slam him for good… He smiles. He loves his plan.
Edited by InDepther at 10:38 CST, 20 February 2012 - 8732 Hits
ZOTAC QL DUEL CUP #121 (59 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 05:48 CST, 19 February 2012 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 19 February 2012 to 11:30 CST, 19 February 2012
Schedule: Passed

The 121st ZOTAC QL cup is taking place this Sunday 19th of February. In the previous cup, Russia evil managed to win over France strenx in semis and proceed to final vs Belarus cypher where he lost.

Links: Tournament page + Streams + Brackets, HOF
Edited by xou at 06:52 CST, 19 February 2012 - 17817 Hits
About timing (50 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 10:59 CST, 2 January 2012 - iMsg
Simple put, you don’t need to time in order to play duel and duel isn’t timing. If you happen to hear and read about timing again and again, come across guides like this and you worry, then DON’T. There is nothing to worry about. The only thing you have to understand and worry about, which many CA players complete miss, is that in duel most of the time you can’t take fights with your initial health. You need to have minimum 100-100 and the proper weapons. You need to always care and keep trying to get armours and mega. You need to not get excited immediately after you manage to pick one and rush like mad for a fight. Yes you did well, but your opponent might still be above 150-150 and you still have to pick a good location and moment for the fight and you still need to dodge and aim well. These are the primary reasons of failure and not timing. As a matter of fact the vast majority of ppl who play duel don’t time.

Even at the very top level there are ppl that don’t always time or don’t time well. tox, k1llsen and cypher are few examples of such players (cypher though stepped up his timing lately to a very good level). Spart1e is imo the most phenomenal millisecond timer, which comes in contrast with his lifestyle. Rapha claims to time 4 items, which I personally find it too much and redundant (not to mention hard to believe). I’ve heard of nobody claiming 5, which was suggested in this funny thread.

As far as online concerns, from my own experience I can tell that at least 60% don’t time at all. From the remaining 40% no more than a quarter (10%) time more than 1 item and no more than half (20%) time well. These numbers are a very generous estimate. In reality the number of ppl that time must be much less. Also, someone that times OK will have much harder time winning vs someone that times well, than someone that doesn’t time at all.

Anyway, this thread is a respond to timing guides. IMO timing is a nice addition and skill to the game. It helps, but is not a necessity. What is a necessity is to constantly care about your and your opponent’s stack. Even that can sometimes be bypassed in maps like ztn with some “good” +back and camping (good aim is a must for that though).

You don’t time, no worries. You only like the fighting aspect of ql and you don’t care about competition, then you would enjoy better some other mode.
Edited by InDepther at 11:10 CST, 2 January 2012 - 15290 Hits
cheaters out of control (97 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 19:43 CST, 26 December 2011 - iMsg
I was one of the ppl that couldn’t care less about cheaters and denying there is a problem. Well, that has changed a lot the last few days. It is like everybody got an aimbot and/or wh as a Christmas gift.

Just lost to this guy:

qlranks profile:
ql profile:!profile/summary/pqo
the game:!profile/matches/pq...d90/duel/1

see also his next game and his previous

He said that he was just lucky and happened to play a good game (with perfect prediction, 37lg etc)

I will probably post later some others from the last few days
Edited by InDepther at 19:47 CST, 26 December 2011 - 26823 Hits
Zotac (20 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 06:44 CST, 11 December 2011 - iMsg
where is the zotac post?
5798 Hits
File recovery tool (13 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 11:49 CDT, 6 October 2011 - iMsg
any suggestions?

I prefer it free, but I don’t mind paying either. It has to have the option to check what it can recover before u buy it though.
3425 Hits
ui queries (7 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 07:45 CDT, 4 August 2011 - iMsg
Is it possible to change through the the position of the text for cg_drawItemPickups? How you know which items you can reposition and which not? Can you restrict the cg_drawItemPickups to mega and armors only?

Thnks [+]
5439 Hits
mouse problem (5 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 15:16 CDT, 15 June 2011 - iMsg
Pld yesterday ql after 2 months. I had a weird sound problem, but somehow fixed it. Today though, every time I join the game, my mouse cursor doesn’t follow me. I mean it doesn’t join the game. It stays as a cursor and I can only use the arrows. Anybody else had this? I didn’t change anything in the cfg after the update, but yesterday that I pld first time mouse and sense was fine.

Things like these were the main reason that I stopped playing. Didn’t like ql’s randomness and the fact that you can never rely on it. The one day is fine, the other day the site is down, the next you get unplayable ping, the other it disconnects you every other game etc (I know most ppl don’t have network issues, but I had).

Anyway, enough whine, any help would be much appreciated[+].
Edited by InDepther at 15:18 CDT, 15 June 2011 - 2227 Hits
Cool puzzle games like portal 2 (24 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 09:06 CDT, 25 May 2011 - iMsg
are there any?
8203 Hits
id: How did all started (12 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 06:41 CDT, 22 March 2011 - iMsg
Edited by xou at 20:06 CDT, 22 March 2011 - 3206 Hits
ffs update the latest news (9 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 06:45 CST, 30 December 2010 - iMsg
can't stand for one more day the "full tilt poker challenge"
2979 Hits
2 monitor setup (12 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 09:17 CST, 28 December 2010 - iMsg
Is there a way to run ql in the second monitor and not the primary?

I have ql open on ff on the 2nd monitor, but when I join a game it switches to the primary.
2946 Hits
I think we've got a winner (7 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 08:56 CST, 23 November 2010 - iMsg
For the ql forum thread awards

How to learn a map quickly in minutes!
2164 Hits
Jamerio (34 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 14:43 CDT, 22 September 2010 - iMsg
Ok now that i got ur attention with the title, I am hereby initiating the Jamerio Plus Week or JPW for short.

From now until the 29th(or hopefully longer), we will be plussing every single post by Jamerio.
5716 Hits
Brilliant (8 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 11:24 CDT, 16 September 2010 - iMsg

I just watched it on break and wanted to share with everybody apart from Dird.
4437 Hits
Laptop suggestions (9 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 09:16 CDT, 29 August 2010 - iMsg
I need some sugestions for buying a new laptop and a projector. I always use work laptops, companies lent to me, and avoid buying one of my own, because like a geek I am blown away by the variety and find it impossible to choose one.

Laptop must be under 1000euro and the same for the projector. Both must support HDMI. The laptop 14-15 and the projector the smallest the better. I move around a lot and want to be able to take them with me easily. Anything in particular that I should pay attention to? Also is there any kind of sound system that is supper small and portable?

I will read some online reviews now.

much appreciated (+ included)
4452 Hits
RA plasma jump (25 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 10:55 CDT, 25 August 2010 - iMsg
Who was the 1st to use the plasma jump on RA on ztn in competition? I am sure nobody was doing it in the first tourneys.
7146 Hits
2283 Hits
2824 Hits
Post some demos (1 comment)
Posted by InDepther @ 08:44 CST, 10 November 2009 - iMsg
come on, do it ... so many tournaments so many games and nobody is posting demos
1683 Hits
Negative accel (No comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 07:36 CDT, 20 October 2009 - iMsg
I just bought a rocat kone and it has negative accel, especially at 1000hz polling rate.

I find it hard to believe it. Supposed to be a good mouse. Am I doing something wrong (apart from buying the wrong mouse)?
Edited by Nicky at 01:16 CDT, 22 October 2009 - 1662 Hits
GTV (25 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 05:09 CDT, 9 October 2009 - iMsg
GTV before Dubai pls
Edited by Nicky at 01:42 CDT, 31 October 2009 - 4603 Hits
callvote demos (1 comment)
Posted by InDepther @ 10:52 CDT, 14 August 2009 - iMsg
Someone find and upload them. He will become a legend with that shity coverage.
1691 Hits
qlive sounds (23 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 12:10 CDT, 6 August 2009 - iMsg
Is it qlive's sound that bad, or it would make a difference if I buy some good headphones? I totally can't understand from where a sound is coming. I could easily in Q3.

Other than that, I think it is an awesome game and concept. I really like its site as well.
7026 Hits
Javascripts errors (13 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 06:06 CDT, 13 October 2008 - iMsg
Lately, every time I open a page in ESR, I get javascript errors. Today on the lunch break wanted to read ESR with my food as usual and I gave them a look. The one that says: “seconds” is undefined, is straight forward. Just define seconds outside the if clause, or simple get outside the line “seconds = Math.floor(((((timeleft%31556926)%2629744)%86400)%3600)%60);”. I get another one saying: “ord” is undefined, but didn’t see anything obvious about that (just gave them a glance though).

It would be nice, if someone could correct them
11883 Hits
ESWC Finals (3 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 03:55 CDT, 14 July 2008 - iMsg

I can't find them in the Scheduled Listings, which I find weird
2045 Hits
101-95 (26 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 04:35 CDT, 1 September 2006 - iMsg
Just wanted to say that
Edited by tom at 04:37 CDT, 1 September 2006 - 6907 Hits
Hot as Q4 (29 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 06:02 CDT, 26 August 2005 - iMsg
very hot
9869 Hits
CS should be banned ... (32 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 04:48 CDT, 3 August 2005 - iMsg
because is based on terrorism. Someone should inform Bush and Blair about the existence of this noob-friendly, terrorism-training game.
10853 Hits
Quake ownage (8 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 14:12 CDT, 4 May 2005 - iMsg
Check the right side of the image to see the games that are based to a quake engine

Quake43 (PC Gaming World)

quake2 engine: hl, cs (+other)
quake3 engine: call of duty, metal of honor (+other)

Except for the unreal series that I respect (and are based to their own angine), for the other popular FPS games have to say this: "Quake literally owns you"
Edited by InDepther at 19:13 GMT, 4th May 2005 - 4294 Hits
ESR becomes noob friendly (45 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 20:36 CDT, 27 April 2005 - iMsg
Noticed lately lots of CS posts ... !! ESR shame on you :p
Edited by InDepther at 12:23 GMT, 28th Apr 2005 - 9134 Hits
ESWC site (4 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 15:01 CST, 13 March 2005 - iMsg
Really liked the ESWC site. Very easy to navigate and looks cool. Well done to whoever did it!!
Edited by InDepther at 21:02 GMT, 13th Mar 2005 - 2816 Hits
ISPs & ping (33 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 10:04 CST, 9 February 2005 - iMsg
The main reason behind writing this is because I have problems with my ping. I am also curious and believe it would be helpful to know what others ppl ISPs are and how they perform (gaming related).

I live in UK (Manchester) and using the onetel’s adsl 512 broadband. Initially, the first 2 months, pinged about 33 in the UK servers, but the last month my ping had risen up to almost 50. Is it my perception, or it really is a very bad ping for a 512 adsl? I even believe that my initial 33 ping wasn’t good as well.

Does anyone have an idea about the reason of my ping reaching 50 lately and most importantly what someone can do to considerable decrease his ping and make sure he has a ping-healthy connection?

It would be a helpful feedback, if replying stating:
- location (country, town)
- avg ping in servers in ur country and abroad
- u believe adsl or cable is better?
7045 Hits
dm17 ppl (14 comments)
Posted by InDepther @ 11:51 CST, 5 February 2005 - iMsg
From time to time had some chats with ppl that play almost only dm17. This post is an answer to some of their ideas and states how the things really are. I have also played the map many times and I like it, but I play other maps as well and definitely it's not my favorite (nowadays I never play it).

According to them, when u play dm17, u should not use rg, u should not use sg ... u should not play well, u r obliged to fall into space, u r not allowed to win!! If u ask them, why not to use rg, they will reply because it is too easy ... lol. They actually mean to say, it is too easy for u (that u know quake3). Because if they meant it is too easy for them as well, then I cannot understand why they lose so easily, when we actually both use the rg. It doesn't seem to be too easy for them, but exactly the opposite. Hence, next time someone likes to play dm17 as it is, using all the available weapons, don't say to him "it is lame to use rail", but instead speak the truth and say "Please don't use rail, because I don't stand a chance to win if u use it".

dm17 ppl will tell u that dm17 is all aim. I partially agree with that, but to state it better, will say that dm17 is ONLY aim. It is not reflexes, definitely it is not strafe, it is not strategy and outsmarting ur opponent, it is not aiming with rg, sg, plasma, lg and gl (not 5 weapons out of 8, bfg is not counted), it is not predicting ur opponents moves, as u always see ur opponent and know what he is doing, it is not timing (u can time ra, but it is not so important or complex) and it is not using the appropriate weapon at the right time and place, as u have to select only between 2 of them.

Knowing dm17 doesn't mean u know quake3, most of the times (95%) means the opposite. U know quake3 if u play all the maps and be able to effectively use all weapons and r able to address all game's aspects, like for example strafe. If u r good in shooting penalties, doesn't mean that u r good in football. U r not good in quake3, u r good in playing the map dm17. See the facts, accept and live with them.

... and dm17 has never being played to any serious tournament!! Have seen some demos of pro players (makaveli, fatal1ty) playing dm17 (in lan and net) and all were using rg. Actually, in one demo with makaveli that had seen many years ago, the player that makaveli was playing whined about rg, but he was the one to whine (the lame whining noob), not makaveli.
Edited by Yeltsin at 20:25 GMT, 5th Feb 2005 - 5682 Hits
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